Update #39: CQ gods decree this competition shalgo down to the wire
With one monument and a one-week WT race left to go along with a handful of smaller races (must avoid commenting on the sadness that Paris-Tours is now just one of a 'handful of smaller races' at the end of the season), this one is almost done. But it's still within striking distance for at least the top two, with a few outside chances.
This Week's Top Scorers
The weekly win goes to shalgo with a healthy 461 points, thanks especially to 140 from a pre-injury Hodeg, but also a hefty haul from the likes of Gaviria, Van Asbroeck, Gaudu, Kump and Bernal. Second goes to adamski101 who was one of the two lucky teams this week with Piet Allegaert (176 points), as well as one of the 7 with Senechal (84 points). yoyokt rounds out the lowercase top 3, clearing 400 with a similar top end to shalgo.
This Week's High Movers
More of a logjam here, with adamski's good week earning their team a double digit jump in the standings. It's hard to move much in a week by the time October rolls around, and four other teams split second spot on this ranking.
Green Jersey Competition
These standings are still fairly tight, with 9 teams within a weekly win (45 points) of tobydawq's top spot, and a few more just outside that range. The top teams don't score, but team skidmark jumps up a few spots to 6th with 9 points on the week and yoyokt's 30 points help them enter the picture at 190 total and 8th place.
Top 10 Overall
At the top, fauniera gains 61 points on Tigerion to get some breathing room of 120 points. Having two actively posting participants at the top is very enjoyable, not least because they keep a running track of who their remaining racers are, but basically the biggest hopes are Bernal for fauniera and Trentin for Tigerion.
Below those two, it would take some doing for another team to win, but third place is wide open, with karaev clawing the spot back by 3 points from tobydawq, and ruvu not far behind. shalgo's weekly win takes them into the top 10, displacing Kryvo.
spreadsheet at dropbox