It's been a while, how are everyone's pooches doing throughout what seems like a long, hot summer?
An update on Toby - he had his annual physical exam last week, everything is still normal for an ageing dog. He just needed his allergy and updated rabies and distemper shots. Also, with age he's getting more and more sensitive to the touch, I couldn't even bathe him or cut his hair properly because he would throw a fit and squeal at the first sound of clippers. So I asked the vet for a sedative, he gave me some trazodone and gabapentin, they worked like a charm. In addition to getting his hair cut today I also found a nasty overgrown nail on Toby's bum leg I was able to trim, no way would he have let me do that without the sedation.
So, all in all Toby is doing okay, it was funny seeing him stoned for the very first time.
His future baths and haircuts should be much calmer for the both of us courtesy of sedatives.
And now a word from Toby:
My stupid owner got me all stoned and gave me a haircut, I didn't think I smelled that bad. I am glad somebody had
finally discovered that overgrown nail that was starting to dig into my paw though (not even the vet saw it because I would barely let him touch me), if I could talk I would have told them about it ages ago.
Anyhoo, another haircut survived by yours truly, hope all you are well, paw-fives,
The Tobes