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The Gianni Moscon Bandwagon Jumping Thread

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Not like that, but physical violence happens, often with really bad consequences.

I'm not excusing Moscon at all; I called for his expulsion at the time and my opinion hasn't changed.
But if you look the level of violence and the danger of what he did outside of context, then it wasn't as bad as some other things that happen in cycling.

I would just describe what he did more as unsportsmanlike than as assault, which I don't consider trivialization.
Like, I would say it's more offensive to spit in somebody's face than to push him away, although the former isn't immediately dangerous.

It's also discouraging that he seemed to have learned nothing.
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Nirvana said:
King Boonen said:
mosh1992 said:
I can't believe people still defend this awful human being, for me any racist incident should result in lifetime ban if he does not show any intention of changing, which he hasn't.
Which is your opinion and you’re welcome to it, but it doesn’t. He served his “punishment” and he should be treated the same as any other rider. In this incident, I don’t think he was.
If you have an "history" of various incident that should be taken in account when you are punished, just like the regular justice work, and not admitting your previous wrongdoing aggravates the situation.
If next year he'll have another issue he should be suspended for months even if the actual fact doesn't require such a harsh punishment otherwise he'll never understand.

Anyway what makes me wonder is that he continuously states that the team fully support him when he should have fired him immediately as they said last spring after Reza racial abuse. Well, also Cassani seems to underrate the problem considering the he could even end up leading Italy in both TT and RR in Insbruck.

I think we're talking about two different things. You're talking about how he should be punished if found guilty, I'm talking about whether he should have been found guilty in the first place. In terms of punishments he has no history of violence in the peloton, the case against him was dropped.Other incidents should not be taken into account when finding a rider guilty of breaking a rule and only similar incidents should be taken into account when handing out punishments.

In this specific case I think Gianni was unfairly treated.
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King Boonen said:
Nirvana said:
King Boonen said:
mosh1992 said:
I can't believe people still defend this awful human being, for me any racist incident should result in lifetime ban if he does not show any intention of changing, which he hasn't.
Which is your opinion and you’re welcome to it, but it doesn’t. He served his “punishment” and he should be treated the same as any other rider. In this incident, I don’t think he was.
If you have an "history" of various incident that should be taken in account when you are punished, just like the regular justice work, and not admitting your previous wrongdoing aggravates the situation.
If next year he'll have another issue he should be suspended for months even if the actual fact doesn't require such a harsh punishment otherwise he'll never understand.

Anyway what makes me wonder is that he continuously states that the team fully support him when he should have fired him immediately as they said last spring after Reza racial abuse. Well, also Cassani seems to underrate the problem considering the he could even end up leading Italy in both TT and RR in Insbruck.

I think we're talking about two different things. You're talking about how he should be punished if found guilty, I'm talking about whether he should have been found guilty in the first place. In terms of punishments he has no history of violence in the peloton, the case against him was dropped.Other incidents should not be taken into account when finding a rider guilty of breaking a rule and only similar incidents should be taken into account when handing out punishments.

In this specific case I think Gianni was unfairly treated.
Well the case of Reichembach was dropped only because both took at the auction witnesses that defended them so was impossible to prove what he has done without a video evidence, but even Fondriest that is one very close to Moscon, when interviewed at "Sui pedali magazine", said that even if Moscon denied was hard to believe because other riders with whom he talked told to him a different story about that incident.

Anyway in the case of the Tour even if didn't hit Gesbert (it's difficult to understand from the footage) the intention of hitting him was clear and was very dangerous in this exact moment, just imagine if he hit him and caused a crash in the front of the peloton launched at full speed.

I don't say that should be banned for life like the other user but a suspension was needed, Sky should have fired him and Cassani should have excluded him from WC squad. In this way, supported by both his team and national federation, it's clear that he didn't understand his mistakes.
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Nirvana said:
Well the case of Reichembach was dropped only because both took at the auction witnesses that defended them so was impossible to prove what he has done without a video evidence, but even Fondriest that is one very close to Moscon, when interviewed at "Sui pedali magazine", said that even if Moscon denied was hard to believe because other riders with whom he talked told to him a different story about that incident.

Anyway in the case of the Tour even if didn't hit Gesbert (it's difficult to understand from the footage) the intention of hitting him was clear and was very dangerous in this exact moment, just imagine if he hit him and caused a crash in the front of the peloton launched at full speed.

I don't say that should be banned for life like the other user but a suspension was needed, Sky should have fired him and Cassani should have excluded him from WC squad. In this way, supported by both his team and national federation, it's clear that he didn't understand his mistakes.

But it was dropped and that means it can't be used as a reason to give him harsher punishments, that's just the way the system has to work.

It's your opinion that the intention was clear, and that it clearly the prevailing opinion. I don't think it was and I'm also of the opinion that it's likely that sort of thing happens many times in a single stage. I think the expulsion was harsh, but I could be brought round to thinking that it's fair, but suggestions of additional punishments are definitely harsh in my opinion. Had he caused a crash it would have been different, but in this case people are assuming they know the intention and that's not a good way to decide anything.
Aug 18, 2017
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SafeBet said:
I think he'll have a free role in Innsbruck, considering Nibali's struggles. Perhaps the route is too hard for him, but you never know.
Well, if anybody should know the roads in Innsbruck it should be Gianni, seeing that's where he lives.
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Red Rick said:
Pippo_San said:
Seeing him in the rainbow jersey is slowly becoming my wet dream :D
If 'wet' means 'makes me want to sink to the bottom of the ocean' then yes.

I hope he does not win. not that I don´t like him as an athlete. but twitter and the forum would become totally unbearable every time he appears. if you thought the staring at stems jokes and bad style accusation towards froome were a bit tiring, well, just hope Moscon doesnt win the Worlds.

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