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The mother of all apology speeches

It's coming. Probably this weekend at the Livestrong anniversary party.

I think it will go like this:

1) He had no choice but to dope as a cyclist.
2) He could not admit because the people with cancer were counting on him.
3) He will now devote his remaining life to fighting cancer.

The interesting information will come in interviews afterward. I cannot see Armstrong not passing the blame around.
Oct 25, 2010
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BroDeal said:
It's coming. Probably this weekend at the Livestrong anniversary party.

I think it will go like this:

1) He had no choice but to dope as a cyclist.
2) He could not admit because the people with cancer were counting on him.
3) He will now devote his remain life to fighting cancer.

The interesting information will come in interviews afterward. I cannot see Armstrong no passing the blame around.

I think that is fairly spot on...he might also give some jive that after surviving cancer he just HAD to show the world cancer survivors could be winners ect...so his doping was like a cancer crusade...but it got outta hand and he is really sorry...
May 20, 2010
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You are so right. Now lance is feeling the hate, it's time for him to become a martyr and get everyone back on his side.

If he just came across as sincere and contrite, I might even forgive...he's just such a stubborn a-hole I don't think he will ever admit wrongdoing.

Like a politician he's gonna spin it just like you wrote.
blackcat said:
what about saying sorry to Betsy?

Confessions always include saying sorry to all those who they have hurt in the process. Even more sympathy if there are words to the effect that he would "understand" if Betsy, Emma & Co, chose never to forgive him; then everyone would turn enquiringly around to them as if to say, "Well ... you heard him ... now go hug him." Lance just has to google "apology" from religious leaders who've stolen the collection money, politicians, sportsmen and put together something. The biggest effort would be trying to trim down all those teary, emotional phrases into a five-minute monologue.
I can see Lance saying all that stuff while getting misty eyed and sentimental. He's can be pretty slick, so he might just pull it off, getting most folks to gush over him. I can just hear the fat ladies chorus, "We still love you Lance!"
Aug 5, 2012
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Wouldn't be surprised if he did a mea culpa, said it was all for cancer survivors and then ran for office at some point, seriously.
Oct 13, 2012
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I guess we'll see if Lance is a sociopath or not. A sociopath would apologize, ask for forgiveness and reinvent himself as someone on a higher ground than the rest of us.
May 20, 2010
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Bosco10 said:
I'd love to be a fly on the wall in his "war room" right now. Can you imagine him in strategy talks with his PR team? Not a pretty sight.

Good point...I wonder if his PR guys believe he's full of **** but keep doing their job because it makes for an interesting problem to solve....or maybe his lawyer and team are just like the Iraqi minister of defense - delusional?..obv the latter
Aug 27, 2012
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Why he will come out.

"Armstrong's problem going forward? Credibility.

David Carter, a Los Angeles-based sports marketing consultant, suggests any attempt to salvage Armstrong's image with advertisers needs to start with an apology and admission of some wrongdoing. "Until he comes clean, it will be difficult for anybody to use him. ... If he can't be the face of his own organization, how can he be the face of anybody else's?"


"Armstrong's image, according to the Davie Brown Index, which uses a pool of 4.5 million consumers to evaluate celebrity marketability, had already taken a huge dive even before Nike's move.

As of Oct. 12, says the index, Armstrong had 98% national name awareness. But among the 3,000 celebrities ranked, his appeal to consumers had fallen to No. 2,064 on that list.

At present, says the survey, Armstrong's ranking as someone consumers aspire to be like is on a level with Ivanka Trump; his trustworthiness is on par with Hugh Grant; his endorsement potential is comparable to Fred Willard; and his influence is at about the same level as Khloe Kardashian."
May 9, 2009
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Microchip said:
Confessions always include saying sorry to all those who they have hurt in the process. Even more sympathy if there are words to the effect that he would "understand" if Betsy, Emma & Co, chose never to forgive him; then everyone would turn enquiringly around to them as if to say, "Well ... you heard him ... now go hug him." Lance just has to google "apology" from religious leaders who've stolen the collection money, politicians, sportsmen and put together something. The biggest effort would be trying to trim down all those teary, emotional phrases into a five-minute monologue.

Agreed. At this point, admitting to using drugs would make me yawn. The real apology needs to be how he treated certain people so poorly. And personal apologies to Betsy, Simeoni, Lemond, and everyone else he personally wronged.
May 20, 2010
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Tinman said:
Why he will come out.

"Armstrong's problem going forward? Credibility.

David Carter, a Los Angeles-based sports marketing consultant, suggests any attempt to salvage Armstrong's image with advertisers needs to start with an apology and admission of some wrongdoing. "Until he comes clean, it will be difficult for anybody to use him. ... If he can't be the face of his own organization, how can he be the face of anybody else's?"


"Armstrong's image, according to the Davie Brown Index, which uses a pool of 4.5 million consumers to evaluate celebrity marketability, had already taken a huge dive even before Nike's move.

As of Oct. 12, says the index, Armstrong had 98% national name awareness. But among the 3,000 celebrities ranked, his appeal to consumers had fallen to No. 2,064 on that list.

At present, says the survey, Armstrong's ranking as someone consumers aspire to be like is on a level with Ivanka Trump; his trustworthiness is on par with Hugh Grant; his endorsement potential is comparable to Fred Willard; and his influence is at about the same level as Khloe Kardashian."

Lol...wish he would go on celebrity apprentice so he could show the world his true colors
Jun 27, 2009
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Tinman said:
Agree with all. Turn cycling doper into Canonized Cancer Jesus. Halelujah.

Still hope for that movie deal... all the more compelling now, except Matt Damon wouldn't touch the role with a barge pole.... maybe if Robin Williams shaved and lost a few kilos.....:D
its too late. he has missed the boat. doesn't matter what he says now, he is done.

If he does admit, he needs to be deposed under oath. Publicly. Forced to name every single name, right back to 16 years old. Break the entire filthy scene open like a rotten cantaloupe.

Then he needs to be sent to jail for perjury like Marion Jones.