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The mother of all apology speeches

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hrotha said:
Hahahaha, that was awkward. "Yes. You better applaud, mother****ers, or I'll make your lives a living hell".

well, at least before he fades into obscurity, he can use 'the look' for a few more useful things:

- inspiring awkward applause
- getting restaurant staff to apologize when his order isn't right
- making someone feel bad when they do that thing when you're walking towards someone, try to move out of the way, but then move back the other way just as they do as well
Jun 15, 2009
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Ok guys. I am without a working loudspeaker on my computer since i don´t remember when. What i remember is, i spoiled it before the USADA decision of stripping LA off his TdF wins came out one and a half month ago.
In short i am "deaf" since the good party started. I couldn´t watch a a single video or listen to all the great audio links :eek:, only could read the articles (thanks @ all who posted the links, i feel very updated in that case).

So can someone please give a short summary what he said today?

Thanks so much in advance. :)

P.S.: @ "Big Daddy" or someone who knows: Did LA attend that football game? I base my decision on coming back to football or not on this event/non-event.
skidmark said:
well, at least before he fades into obscurity, he can use 'the look' for a few more useful things:

- inspiring awkward applause
- getting restaurant staff to apologize when his order isn't right
- making someone feel bad when they do that thing when you're walking towards someone, try to move out of the way, but then move back the other way just as they do as well

Well said.

Train wreck, he definitely left a skidmark.

This was the mother of all concession speeches.

Was it me, or did he look like a defeated prune?

the champion has left the building.

~ Sir Lancelost cause
FoxxyBrown1111 said:
Ok guys. I am without a working loudspeaker on my computer since i don´t remember when. What i remember is, i spoiled it before the USADA decision of stripping LA off his TdF wins came out one and a half month ago.
In short i am "deaf" since the good party started. I couldn´t watch a a single video or listen to all the great audio links :eek:, only could read the articles (thanks @ all who posted the links, i feel very updated in that case).

So can someone please give a short summary what he said today?

Thanks so much in advance. :)

P.S.: @ "Big Daddy" or someone who knows: Did LA attend that football game? I base my decision on coming back to football or not on this event/non-event.

A large quantity of smarmy drivel and he had the audacity to quote MLK! ...?

Unreceptive audience with lots of coughs and chair scrapes, a smattering of self conscious clapping.

I hear from one ear only and even then had to abandon it after about 20 seconds... it was so sleezy and uncomfortable.

Apologies for the lack of a transcript, but believe me - it isn't worth your time.
Jun 14, 2012
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Should be pretty close to a transcript:

"..28 Million people around the world living with this disease.
Martin Luther King said once… he said we must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope… (pause… smattering of applause)
yes… this team behind me on this stage has infinite hope. The people in this room have infinite hope.
and the people that we serve… literally whoever needs to be served, whoever we can serve… need infinite hope.
The mission absolutely must go on.
Thank you so much for your support.
It means the world to me.
To all of us.
Uh.. We will not be deterred.
We will move forward and we will continue to serve the 28 million people around the world that need us the most.
I just got one last request, can everybody say yes before I ask it?
(yes.) lets have a helluva good time tonight. Thank You. (stronger applause)"
Jun 15, 2009
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Omg, he compared himself to this man? :eek:
What a sick man. I did compare him to AH. I know i was over the line with that, but i was much closer than him it looks in a hindsight...
FoxxyBrown1111 said:
Thanks for your reply

So he didn´t adress the USADA report, and of course no confession? Did he attend that football game?

P.S.: Who is MLK??

Martin Luther King... Give me a minute... :

"We must accept finite disappointment. But never give up infinite hope."

It went over like an awkward lead balloon.

A shamestrong exploitation of a brilliant statement.

A sociopath invoking and comparing himself to a global treasure?

which he muffed because the actual quote is:

“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.”

He also used "we" a lot, when he was clearly all alone. He never recovered. as in "all hope is gone."

Hook, line and stinker.

~ DeadStrong
Thank you JR for the transcript....

awful...just awful..no other words.
I lol'd at the 'uh'. :D

and his grammar...ffs...he should know better..."I just got one last request"
instead of "I just have" or "I have just got"....oh well, my peeve..

reminds me of his "old lady " comment when referring to Frankie's wife Betsy during his deposition:mad:
Jun 15, 2009
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... and on monday Heini let McQuaid tell the world that UCI will appeal. Heini & LA destroyed pro cycling and they don´t give a ...
Anyway, the war goes on, no give in by the psychos.
My hope is that more sponsors drop out until these two guys are gone forever. The pressure must get more intense until they learn their lesson.
Jul 7, 2009
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mewmewmew13 said:
Thank you JR for the transcript....

awful...just awful..no other words.
I lol'd at the 'uh'. :D

and his grammar...ffs...he should know better..."I just got one last request"
instead of "I just have" or "I have just got"....oh well, my peeve..

reminds me of his "old lady " comment when referring to Frankie's wife Betsy during his deposition:mad:

You can take the boy out of the stationary mobile home park, but you can't take the stationary mobile home park out of the boy.
mewmewmew13 said:
Thank you JR for the transcript....

awful...just awful..no other words.
I lol'd at the 'uh'. :D

and his grammar...ffs...he should know better..."I just got one last request"
instead of "I just have" or "I have just got"....oh well, my peeve..

reminds me of his "old lady " comment when referring to Frankie's wife Betsy during his deposition:mad:

He never graduated high school.
mewmewmew13 said:
To be clear, I don't look down my nose at those not fortunate enough to be able to get an education, but for an insincere as$h@le like Armstrong who is so belittling of everyone else and crass , he simply comes off like a common criminal.

As an educator I couldn't agree more - I understated my belief that he turned his back on hard work for the immediate gratification of crime.
Microchip said:
This is where he lived as a child / young boy?

Hyperbole and metaphor for broken home and single mom.

He was born Gunderson and hates his deadbeat dad, speculation... but his entire life played out like a 10 year old trying to make up for past wrongs.

Most people get over it or learn how to cope.

He never did... multiple blonds, consistent rage...


once a loser... isn't a crime, but he made it one.

(Other choices were available - but he chose to falsely rule the world and ruin anyone who got in his way)

~ Sir Retribution

{I will never forgive him for using his ill-gotten influence to taint Lemond}
Mamma Mia. Wrong about this one. It's the Pete Rose Express to Jokesville for Armstrong. In the future I forsee lots of butt chugging, donkey shagging, and searching for the real dopers.

Eventually he will have to confess. His ego won't be able to take being a national butt of jokes.