Wout hasn’t had a single week under 400km since October and that’s all the further back we can see. He manages to be one of the highest volume riders while also being one of the biggest and still keeps the intensity and explosiveness as if he’s fresh. Wouldn’t be a surprise if MVDP somehow manages to one up him in the coming races but I really think this is Wout’s year to clean up on big wins, if there ever will be.
The last few weeks I've seen several articles saying WVA needs to win PR or RVV this year as if this is going to be his last year at top level. I feel like people are exaggerating, both WVA and MVDP still have more than 5 years to win big races. Even if they were to lose some explosiveness in the later stages of their careers, they would still be able to win big races just like Cancellara or Boonen. Both have exceptional engines and that isn't going to change untill they decide to retire.