UpTheRoad said:
Ninety5rpm said:
Bob Sanders said:
It was AC's move, not Menchov or Sanchez, they were just following AC. The acceleration of AC happened after he saw that AS was having trouble and was nearly stopped in the middle of the road. He saw the problem and then attacked, claiming otherwise is a complete lie, not even a misunderstanding, a lie.
Incorrect. You can clearly see at :04
in this clip that Schleck has no problem yet and AC is already attacking. At this point he had moved from the back of the group (where he was when AS initiated his attack) to the front of the group. AS is still standing. AC is at the far left of the image. At :06 you can see AC is out in front of this group, separated from AS only by Vino. Schleck's gears slip 3 second later, at :09. Can't see AC at that moment, but undoubtedly he had already closed significantly on AS. At :12 Vino blows by AS and AC's wheel enters the frame from the right. At :13, a mere 4 seconds after AS's gear slipped, AC passes him.
To say that
The acceleration of AC happened after he saw that AS was having trouble and was nearly stopped in the middle of the road is a lie.
This is what I see as well. In addition, Contador goes around a bend in the road and AS moves out of view very soon thereafter. Contador looks around a lot, so I cannot tell what he saw, but the first time I see that he looks back is when Andy S is not in view.
Also note this: In the first frame of that clip you can see AS in the first few moments of his attack, already gapping the group. A few frames later, still at 0:00, you can see Vino reacting while AC is behind Vino and others messing with something in his jersey back pockets since he's riding hands free. At :02 Vino is making progress, while AC is still "no hands".
At :09, you can also see Vino look back, presumably to make sure AC is okay and following, before AS slows and looks down at his gears. At this point Vino is about three bike lengths behind AS. Apparently satisfied by whatever he sees behind, Vino continues with his acceleration and passes the now-slowing AS at :12.
So, here is what we have:
:00 AS is attacking
:00 Vino reacting; AC is "busy" messing with something in his pockets
:02 Vino accelerating to catch AS; AC still busy
:04 AC is done messing around and commences his acceleration.
:06 AC is making quick progress, separated from AS only by Vino
:09 Vino looks back
:09 AS suddenly slows and looks down, presumably when his chain slips off
:12 Vino blows by AS on AS's right and AC has already nearly caught them as his wheel enters the frame.
:13 AC passes AS on AS's left