CoachFergie said:
Frankie, did I say otherwise, have I ever said otherwise, have I not unleashed the fury of caps lock even to say that a PM has no influence on outcomes?
Then, what was the purpose or implication of the earlier response in this thread on pedaling technique?
Yes was reading an interview with Taylor Phinney and his coach just raved about the SRM data and using TrainingPeaks to monitor the training process.
Yes and when you take a decent sample of riders using one technique and compare them with a group using the current recommendations you can draw meaningful conclusions.
I am going to make a bold claim and say the three riders you name above achieved success because of a huge number of variables and based on the research available, that pedalling technique and your cranks had zero percent influence on their performance no matter what they may blog about it!
Perhaps you could show me where this decent sample of riders using one technique being compared to another group using another technique can be found? I have been looking and have yet to find same.
My what a bold prediction. LOL. Of course there are a huge number of variables involved in any improvement and performance. However, your
truly bold claim is your insistence that pedaling technique could have zero influence on performance despite the insistence by many who have taken the time to learn a different technique from the predominant mashing style that it does and despite the lack of a single good study in this area. Here is what Sam said in an
interview on SlowTwitch in 2011
What has happened since 2009 that you improve that much? Going 40 minutes faster is not that impressive when the previous race was in the 13-hour range, but going from 9:29 to 8:50 is quite another story.
Sam: Well, I changed my coach in April of 2009 and that really made a huge difference. We started with a long term plan and this seems to work out pretty well. The focus was merely on the run because I already was a solid cyclist. What really gave me a boost this year is the use of powercranks. Since January I am doing all my bike training with powercranks and that made me a lot stronger in the run and I also gained some watts extra power on the bike.
If we are back to busting out sad anecdotes then I would point to the far greater numbers that improved their performance using normal cranks, conventional training, achieve aero positions using 165-180mm cranks and follow evidence based training methods.
Improving is not the same as having exceptional performances. And, who says that those who experiment with crank length or pedaling technique cannot follow evidence based training methods? The number of riders who train with PowerCranks is miniscule compared to the general population but their presence at the highest level is not miniscule. What could possibly account for this mismatch? Did we just get lucky or is it possible PowerCranks actually helped these riders improve beyond what can be done without them? That is the general perception of those who actually use the product yet you claim this couldn't be possible because, well, just because. It is a laughable position for anyone who claims to be the least bit scientific.
This in itself is pretty meaningless. It is the measurement over time that matters.
Oh phoeey! This was an exceptional performance by a 38 yo amateur. Especially after swimming 2.4 miles and before an anticipated 3 hour marathon. This is a cycling site. How many people here that think they are pretty good could produce a similar power profile or a sub 4.5hr 112 mile time trial? Or, how many women could you find that could do a sub 4:50 112 mile time-trial (amateur or pro?) like Stefanie Adam? Don't you find it a bit strange that both of these individuals train on PowerCranks pretty much exclusively and have done so for years? No, probably not. Just outliers they are.
I'm sure that is what Taylor Phinney is doing to try and assess what change he made this year that led to him going from 6sec behind Tony Martin at Worlds in 2012 to over 2mins behind
LOL. Your implication? LOL