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The UCI takes action?

May 26, 2009
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I'm starting a guessing game: Which riders are going to get named?

Horner, Astana
Di Luca, LPR
LL Sanchez, Caisse

One of those, or all of them :)
RdBiker said:
I'm starting a guessing game: Which riders are going to get named?

Horner, Astana
Di Luca, LPR
LL Sanchez, Caisse

One of those, or all of them :)

For me, I'm thinking it has to be names big enough for people to think the UCI is doing something without taking out any of the Tour de France favorites.
RdBiker said:
I'm starting a guessing game: Which riders are going to get named?

Horner, Astana
Di Luca, LPR
LL Sanchez, Caisse

One of those, or all of them :)

We have to keep in mind that this is the UCI. No riders will actually be sanctioned. Their teams will be notified. The UCI's shadowy blacklisting of riders will then come into effect.
Apr 9, 2009
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RdBiker said:
I'm starting a guessing game: Which riders are going to get named?

Horner, Astana
Di Luca, LPR
LL Sanchez, Caisse

One of those, or all of them :)

Horner? That would not be in Armstrong's or Bruynee's interests. Won't happen.

How about Valverde? After all, there wouldn't really be anything to lose since he's already been tagged by CONI, and they've already said he isn't welcome at the Tour.


Kennf1 said:
Horner? That would not be in Armstrong's or Bruynee's interests. Won't happen.

Sure it would. They would pay him back for his sh!t talking AND they could make him the scapegoat and really go overboard in condemning his behavior as being completely contrary to their desire for a clean sport. Win win.
BroDeal said:
What are the chances that any of the riders will belong to one of the teams that is suspected of being under the UCI's protection? Maybe McQuaid, Verbruggen, and Armstrong can get rid of Contador to pace the way for Armstrong as team leader.

The CN story: http://www.cyclingnews.com/news.php?id=news/2009/jun09/jun10news2

The UCI must be afraid of what Walsh will reveal with his new book. The Kohl affair is not helping either.

*Contador cannot be touched-- If he goes down- so the whole team- just won't happen.
*Valverde is already out of the tour
Riis will make sure his top guys won't get touched.
They might f*ck somebody from Cervelo Team.

But, hey-- The UCI has been threatening the entire peloton since the f*ck*ng Bio Hazardous (sorry-Biological) Passport was in the making and really nothing has happened since its announce...

once more: U C I IS F*CK*NG THE SPORT
Mar 19, 2009
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Silly season takes on a new meaning these days. Now it's the who-should-we-find-positive-and-ban lottery just before the TDF.

It's too bad the UCI is so self destructive.


Mellow Velo said:
The UCI are also meeting tomorrow, to finally pull the plug on the Astana licence, unless wages for the remainder of the season are not forthcoming, by this time.
Wages bills are only up to date, as far as May 31st.

erm.. well.. the UCI are having a meeting tommoro about other things, but if astana have not put some money in the bank by then then as its a licensing meeting they could be in trouble.. the meeting is not solely to discuss pulling astanas licence.. lol..

if the money wasnt there JB wouldnt have approved the shirts going back to normal instead of team fade... he aint stupid..

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