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TT performance

Jul 29, 2009
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Last year was my first on a bike, and I wasn't riding competitively. I'm not looking to race this year either, but have been trying to set myself a series of improvement targets (and a few century rides). Given my size, strength, and endurance in relation to climbing, etc. it seems as though TT is something I could do rather well. (mid-thirties, 190lbs, muscular build).

I am curious to know what kinds of targets I might realistically set myself for the end of this summer by way of time improvement for 15k and 40k TTs? On a reasonably hilly course, I managed a modest 28.5 minutes on the former and likely could have done a bit better with a better sense of the distance and my own endurance (I wasn't gassed at the end). I don't expect to be able to invest in better bike technology (wheels, TT bike, bars, skinsuit, helmet), but what kind of improvement should I be shooting for in terms of strengthening the engine. Is there a time I should be shooting for? 25 minutes for 15k? And what about the 40k, which I've not tried before? What would be a successful marker for a second season?