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Tyler's Book

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This looks so big that it would be EPIC FAIL if only LA will be "put down".
I hope that every one who gained his fame, money or current job because of doping (no matter how many years ago) in the past will be discredited and put out of this "sport". :mad:
No secnond chances anymore.
Otherwise, they simply should legalize doping and earn they money and fame further and we can happily keep watching 40+ kmph mountain grand tours :D
Bavarianrider said:
If i had one wish it would be Livingston to write a similar book.
Kevin was at both US Postal as well as Telekom. It would be sooooooooo intersting to hear his story.
At this point the US Postal bits would be almost redundant. I mean, sure, it's always nice to get the story from a different point of view, and all further corroboration is good, but Tyler's book sounds like it's going to more or less confirm what we already knew about US Postal and add some flavour to it. I'm more interested in what he has to say about the UCI, CSC and Phonak, because that's almost uncharted territory.
edit: just preordered it. Yay.
hrotha said:
At this point the US Postal bits would be almost redundant. I mean, sure, it's always nice to get the story from a different point of view, and all further corroboration is good, but Tyler's book sounds like it's going to more or less confirm what we already knew about US Postal and add some flavour to it. I'm more interested in what he has to say about the UCI, CSC and Phonak, because that's almost uncharted territory.
edit: just preordered it. Yay.

As an Ullrich fan boy, the comparison Postal vs Telekom would be so interesting for me!
Feb 16, 2011
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ManInFull said:
The three outsideonline.com articles are pretty compelling. Be sure to send all three to all of your "true believer" friends. The tide will slowly turn...

"Armstrong: Case Closed": http://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/media/books/Lance-Armstrong-Case-Closed.html

"The Secret is Out": http://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/media/books/Keyes-hamilton-the-secret-race.html

"My Life with Lance": http://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/biking/road-biking/My-Life-With-Lance-Armstrong.html

Ah, so Tyler names names...including the 'incredible gas' of one JV.

In another leaf from the Lance playbook of being first to the punch, JV conveniently gives a mea culpa a few weeks back to cushion the fall out.

Never trust an upwardly-mobile hipster.

Nice work, Outside...finally doing your bit.
"Jeff" said:
Well not good advertising of course, but honestly this was several years before he admitted doping abuse. It would be more shocking if he introduced Hamilton to Fuentes after his confession.

I think the before/after watersheds are different.

Most clearly there's the 2006 setup of the internal testing programme. That was a clear statement to combat doping - anything done after that is the worst you could consider.

However, you can put up a far earlier watershed as well. In his book Riis details (or claims, you might want to phrase it) that after Festina he dropped doping himself (IIRC) and he also describes the Hamburger EPO positive (one of the first riders to be caught by the test) clearly telling the story that Riis was unaware of the doping and how he couldn't accept it. Basically this means that Riis claims he's not been involved in any doping while a DS. If he assisted any rider while a DS, then that's contrary to his story in his biography...
Mar 8, 2010
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Bavarianrider said:
As an Ullrich fan boy, the comparison Postal vs Telekom would be so interesting for me!

There's so much information there, even for many years now, you wouldn't need Kevin to do that.

Too young or just forgotten everything ? :D


Jul 13, 2012
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Tyler's book is really well written and reads great. Very convincing.

It may do little to alter public opinion, at least in the short term, but it will become a cycling classic in the struggle against doping and cheating.

I don't see McQuaid surviving the storm.
Aug 2, 2010
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Robert21 said:
Secondly, McQuaid seems to be strongly motivated by a xenophobic dislike of 'the French' in particular. Like Armstrong himself, McQuaid has often gone out of his way to pander to the anti-French prejudices of a sizable sector of cycling fans, especially those in the USA. For example, he helped to feed the fantasies of those loonies who thought that barring Astana from the Tour was all part of a 'French plot' to stop 'another American' (Leipheimer) from winning the race, saying that the refusal of the ASO to invite Astana to the Tour was "a decision made in France by a French organisation purely for the French public".


Then there was this classic from the Irish Independent on 28 February 2010

"The French?" McQuaid muses, carefully choosing his words. "They're an unusual race let's say.


Though the weight of circumstantial evidence against the seven-time Tour winner is considerable and controversy stalks the Texan rider every step of his career, McQuaid believes in him and the value he brings to the sport.

"The only papers that were negative were the French," he said of Armstrong's return to race riding last year, "because they don't like him anyway."


There are numerous similar examples out there from McQuaid.

Great stuff. Might give ASO an extra motivation to strip LA's titles.

Apologize if this has been asked and answered elsewhere. Must ASO wait for UCI's approval, or can ASO directly strip LA's 7 titles?


Jul 13, 2012
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Page Mill Masochist said:
Great stuff. . . . . Must ASO wait for UCI's approval, or can ASO directly strip LA's 7 titles?

No. But likely ASO will allow UCI to save some face and wait for the UCI to publicly announce it agrees with the USADA decision.

The FFC press release foreshadows best how events will play out.
Aug 13, 2009
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Funny line from Tyler's book

Haven used to say

Lance is like Donald Trump. He might own all of Manhattan, but if there is one tiny corner grocery store without his name on it, it drives him crazy

Aug 13, 2009
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ToreBear said:

Any mention of Steffen Kjærgaard in the book? He was at postal 2000-2003. He said he never had any reason to think Lance Doped in an interview a few days ago.:D

Yes, a slight mention of him doping. I think they talked about their Hct levels
May 18, 2009
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Race Radio said:
Funny line from Tyler's book

Haven used to say

Lance is like Donald Trump. He might own all of Manhattan, but if there is one tiny corner grocery store without his name on it, it drives him crazy


She outta know. :cool:
Jul 29, 2012
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Futuroscope said:
They need to go after the UCI mafia. Verbruggen and the other pigs.

No, not yet. Hopefully this is the part of film where the bad guys start shooting each other. That's why everybody is going hush! Popcorn anyone?
Aug 13, 2009
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Finished the book. (300 pages).

Very impressed. It was an excellent read, mandatory for anyone who wants to better understand that era. I cannot think of a book that better captures the complex dynamics of the sport
Have a question that is slightly off topic, but reading some of Tylers book about the bad blood brought it up.
The year Levi was one of favorites for TdF, he was doing great until the disastrous ITT. He claimed it was diareah, maybe it was. But could the cause be bad blood?
Aug 27, 2012
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I remember seeing an interview on Contador's first reaction after he was told of his doping result. He said he was confused about why this had happened as he was the "chosen one"... Remember thinking at the time what an odd reaction this was.

Tried to YouTube the interview to no avail.
veganrob said:
The year Levi was one of favorites for TdF, he was doing great until the disastrous ITT. He claimed it was diareah, maybe it was. But could the cause be bad blood?

was that 2006? hincapie was also mentioned as a favorite after his mtf win the year before.

i always thought that was due to the increased scrutiny due to puerto. the disco boys started off very strong but did not get a refill clearly as they totally bombed the first itt and thereafter. hog said it was because they weren't "motivated" without armstrong. fascinating explanation. riders finally able to ride for themselves being less motivated than for their god-like leader...
Dec 9, 2011
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Race Radio said:
Finished the book. (300 pages).

Very impressed. It was an excellent read, mandatory for anyone who wants to better understand that era. I cannot think of a book that better captures the complex dynamics of the sport

That's great. Cant wait to read it. In what way can you put it to the 'crazys' that this is a valid story? What I'm getting at the minute is that they wouldn't care if their was a full admission from Lance himself in the book. These people have a mental block towards the truth
Aug 13, 2009
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AcademyCC said:
That's great. Cant wait to read it. In what way can you put it to the 'crazys' that this is a valid story? What I'm getting at the minute is that they wouldn't care if their was a full admission from Lance himself in the book. These people have a mental block towards the truth

The level of detail is overwhelming. It is filled with footnotes and references. I can't image a ration person not believing it


It isn't just
"a game changer for the Lance Armstrong myth. It’s the game ender."