The good UCI protour and continental riders like to take 800cc
refills of their own packed red cells (blood) right before races after blood controls. It only takes 20 minute to put in 3 units (250cc per unit). This gives perhaps a hematocrit (crit) boost of 9 points. You could go to 59% if you had a naturally high crit excuse like Ricco did.
They hemodilute on normal saline for controls, and they use human albumin There are other plasma expanders out there that they use... The Bio passport looks at the amount of hemoglobin per sample and that is very adjustible with hemodilution and training off of blood (say 2 units or 500ml.) They can dump it by draining blood from a 16 or 17 guage needle into a Pepsi can or some other container and dumping it down the sink... Or into a blood bag with preserving solution and into the fridge at 4 degrees to be infused later in the race. The body immediately replaces blood loss with plasma volume so your crit will drop and a good doctor can time a riders "natural" blood levels to happen right for the controls. They are able to now preserve blood (whole or packed red cells) that retain their original values (rectics). So they cannot be busted on dead cells which is looked at in blood samples.
The riders IV dose human identical epo (Dynepo) to stimulate rectics. This cant be tested for! Yet riders are still so careless that recently one was busted for regular old epo (Kolom)...
HGH, or IGF-1 boost recovery and cant be tested for. Insulin too! There are all sorts of 02 carrying boosters like the old hemopure/ oxyglobin the riders used back in 2002. Its a joke to say riders in the Tour de France are clean. A JOKE! The tour doctors constantly used to spout that riders show no signs of doping and everybody's clean! They must really have a laugh producing that dribble to the media.
Have a nice day.