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Aug 18, 2012
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I see him as the brain of the operation and if this is the best he can come up with then I can't wait to hear what Pat says.

Looking forward to mainstream media picking up on this guy although headlines with his name in it won't generate as much interest as those with Lance's.
Apr 9, 2009
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Jack (6 ch) said:
Jaksche's affidavit (paras 41/42) rather undermines the UCI position.

Yes, although Verbruggen seems positively giddy that there isn't more dirt on UCI cover-ups in the report.

His statement "I never said Armstrong never doped" is comedy gold.
Aug 18, 2012
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Lance has got to be ****ed right now seeing all his former team mates throw him under the bus and say they were clean from 2006 when I really think he knows that isn't the case, now Hein is playing dumb.

He has to crack at some point everyone is hanging him out to dry.
Looking back, he has to be considered one of the worst commissioners in the history of sports, if not the very worst. He resided over the most infamous time in probably any sport's history, one riddled with doping of the highest order, cheating, lying and near constant illegal activity by the participants.
May 26, 2010
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Alpe d'Huez said:
Looking back, he has to be considered one of the worst commissioners in the history of sports, if not the very worst. He resided over the most infamous time in probably any sport's history, one riddled with doping of the highest order, cheating, lying and near constant illegal activity by the participants.

Why are you looking back? Look at it now.

Who was McQuaid hanging out with all summer during the TdF and Olympics and praising to the high heavens? Team Sky and Team GB.

Who was the most successful team this year in cycling? TeamGB/Sky. Wonder how much he got paid?
Benotti69 said:
Why are you looking back? Look at it now.

Who was McQuaid hanging out with all summer during the TdF and Olympics and praising to the high heavens? Team Sky and Team GB.

Who was the most successful team this year in cycling? TeamGB/Sky. Wonder how much he got paid?

I agree with Alpe-Duez.....what happened then was indefensible...what is happening now is debatable.

Cycling has moved on from the Lance Armstrong days: so much the better!
Mar 19, 2009
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There's Emile Vrijman's report....Was Verbruggen working with the UCI then? I dont remember. I though he was with the olympic committee for a while. But he's untouchable on that comment because he "never said Lacne Armstrong didn't dope." He did not say that he didn't encourage a paid investigation to determine Lance didn't dope.
When I think of Verbruggen and how much of a tool he is, I like to think of this. It puts me in a happy place:

From: Hein Verbruggen
Sent: Wednesday, June 2, 2010
To: Floyd Landis
Subject: The Associated Press: Victims of Landis' deceit celebrate confession

Dear Mr. Landis,

I did not want to accept the risk that you would miss this article.

After reading you might, together with me, conclude that if being a nuisance to (many) other people would be the main objective of your life, you succeed so well that you should still get a yellow jersey (this time WELL DESERVED!!).


H. Verbruggen

Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2010 6:16 PM

Thank you.

I did see it and I do get satisfaction from seeing others made happy. My life could have been focused on that had you done your job (honestly) before I ever had the opportunity to wear a yellow jersey.

Now if you'll also tell the truth along with Mr. Armstrong, I'm sure you'll make them celebrate a second time. I assure you that I'll forward all news links to you when that happens.

Have a great day.
Floyd Landis

Sent: Thursday, Jun 3, 2010, at 10:01 AM

Thank you Mr. Landis.

Having lived for 69 years now, I sure have made mistakes but never the one that you made : being fundamentally dishonest with other people.

As to my activities in sport, I dedicated 30 years to sport as an administrator of which the last 15 on a full time basis. I never took any money, presents or other remunerations. I declared under oath in a French court that I have never put a doping case under the table nor any other breach of the rules. And I take oaths very serious. Also, after a thorough investigation, that court concluded that under my presidency the UCI has done everything (!) against doping it possibly could have done. That is the truth you are asking for and nothing else than the truth. Nobody, absolutely nobody, will ever be able to come up with a proof of me having been dishonest.

Now here comes a person like you (and with your records!) who tells me I am dishonest and even repeats this in public (spare me the argument that it was "someone else" who told you). What mentality one must have to do things like that to other persons? Just give it a thought that I indeed speak the truth and then judge yourself, judge your mentality! All this because you need to see other victims around you now you are one yourself. Because it becomes clear that you still do not see yourself as someone responsible for his own deeds and mistakes; no you see yourself as a victim of what other people did. But you are an adult person and you should accept that whoever influenced your decisions (your parents positively no doubt and others perhaps negatively), it is you and no one else than you who took the decision to use drugs and you should take that responsibility as a man. That is the mentality you should show. That is also the best way to restore self respect and to face the future. By making innocent people (and yes, I am innocent on what you said about me!), you show that you still have not accepted yourself as a responsible person. I'm sorry for you; really sorry.


Hein Verbruggen

Sent: Fri Jun 04 12:05:44 2010

Mr. Verbruggen,

You certainly have lived longer and seen much more corruption than I, so I'll take what you say with that in mind. I'd also like to congratulate you on being the first person ever to have lived 69 years without ever having told a lie (being fundamentally dishonest with other people). For that you deserve a yellow jersey for honesty and I'd like to be the one to present it to you. I'll be glad to do so when you present yourself here, in the United States of America, to testify in front of the grand jury that is assembled to determine if you've ever lied.

Regarding my decisions to dope and to lie. I made bad choices and cannot change them but I learned one thing a few weeks ago that my parents have always tried to teach me: the truth shall set you free. I think that even applies after 69 years of lies, maybe you can confirm that for me.

Thanks again Floyd Landis Yellow Jersey Wearer: Nuisance Category

Sent: June 4, 2010 9:15:23 AM PDT

Mr. Landis, you're not worth any further word or attention except perhaps from psychiatrists. HV
So is Verbruggen accusing the Dutch newsagency of misreporting him on the "never, never" quote, or playing with semantics?

From the Google translation surely 99.999% of reasonable people would conclude if the original Dutch quote was reported accurately, then he absolutely did say it, and that he is therefore questioning the credibility of the newsagency.

That should be be fun if they have a recording.
kenjude said:
So is Verbruggen accusing the Dutch newsagency of misreporting him on the "never, never" quote, or playing with semantics?

From the Google translation surely 99.999% of reasonable people would conclude if the original Dutch quote was reported accurately, then he absolutely did say it, and that he is therefore questioning the credibility of the newsagency.

That should be be fun if they have a recording.

Of course there is a recording. And why translate it to English? It means the same in Dutch as English.
He'll just state that he was given false information, and had not reason to doubt it.

On the subject of why Lance owns Hein, could Lance's ex g/f Danielle Overgaag be a part of it? She's IMO the most pretty of his exes google her), and perhaps the only one that dumped HIM. We now know that there are more reasons to dump a guy like that other than him going broke on med bills.
Hein also being Dutch, and Danielle having been a pro cyclist, errrr, there could be a connection, something indiscrete. Make up your own mind, as I doubt proof will ever surface. Danielle is now a TV personality and married to a former soap opera actor (a bad one), now a succesful TV producer and way richer than Lance. Great dad also, good for her. I used to be in love with her from way too long a distance. She's from my 'hood, but I never got to find her by the side of a road with a flat tire, unfortunately.
I did here a fun anecdote on her once from a former semi-pro rider. She was not a shy girl. Most racer girls when presented with just one lockerroom occupied with men, go freshen up besides a car or something. She just jumped in with the men (true Eve's costume), causing most to scramble for a towel to hide their greeting. That would have been one reason to do more roadie stuff. But I did MTB, there these things are more rare, or the girls to do that sort of thing were underage, ugh.
Aug 18, 2012
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BigBoat said:
There's Emile Vrijman's report....Was Verbruggen working with the UCI then? I dont remember. I though he was with the olympic committee for a while. But he's untouchable on that comment because he "never said Lacne Armstrong didn't dope." He did not say that he didn't encourage a paid investigation to determine Lance didn't dope.

I really hope we haven't heard the last of the Vrijman report.

@Cloxxki are you suggesting Lance pimped out his girlfriend to give Hein sexual favours?
Briant_Gumble said:
BigBoat said:
There's Emile Vrijman's report....Was Verbruggen working with the UCI then? I dont remember. I though he was with the olympic committee for a while. But he's untouchable on that comment because he "never said Lacne Armstrong didn't dope." He did not say that he didn't encourage a paid investigation to determine Lance didn't dope.

I really hope we haven't heard the last of the Vrijman report.

@Cloxxki are you suggesting Lance pimped out his girlfriend to give Hein sexual favours?

Vergruggen was President of the UCI from 1991-2005. A timeline that overlaps well with the entirety of blood vector doping and fully overlaps with all seven TdFs that were defrauded by Lance Armstrong.

The L'Equipe article was published on 23 August of 2005.

On 14 September 2005, Richard Pound sent a letter to Verbruggen stating that:

"...All of your investigative efforts, based on what we have seen,
appear to be directed at finding someone to blame for the disclosure of information that you seem to regard as confidential and the statements attributed to you in the media (assuming that you have been correctly quoted) are to the same effect..."

On 20 September 2005, UCI/Verbruggen denied being the source of the doping control forms - later proven completely false.

23 September 2005, 42 members vote 31-11 to appoint Pat McQuaid as President of the UCI.

6 October 2005, UCI announces appointment of Emile Vrijman

Aug 27, 2012
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Sounds like Hein has just read the May 2011 article in "Algemeen Dagblad" with the "LA never never never doped" quote.


CN ran a story on it last week.


Hein now claims he "never never never said it". He must have caught up with last years' paper.
Actually the "Telegraaf" ran a story on it also yesterday.

So Telegraaf now about to post the sms mesages confirming the original communication from Hein.

Great news is: Media is going to town on this story as we speak.

Hein says sincethere is no positive test so there is no evidence against Armstrong


And then


I vehemently protest against the article in De Telegraaf of Thursday morning," he said

From the telegraaf:

Raymond Kerckhoffs ‏@raykerckhoffs
SMS verkeer dat collega Hans Ruggenberg met Hein Verbruggen had, zal spoedig op de site van Telesport verschijnen.

so they are going to print his sms.

here is the sms bwteen hein and telegraaf


Hein Verbruggen: Wie is dit? Hein
Hans Ruggenberg: Hoi Hein. Hans Ruggenberg van de Telegraaf. Belde je met het oog op de laatste ontwikkelingen.
Hein Verbruggen: Hallo Hans, gegeven de gekte en nonsens heb ik besloten om geen interviews of verklaringen te geven voordat eea wat rustiger is. Wil je echter een off the record info dann kun je bellen. Ik zit in China. H
Hans Ruggenberg: Oké Hein begrijpelijk. Wilde inderdaad een reactie voor de krant. Off the record info is lastig in deze zaak, zoals je begrijpt. Laat maar weten als je een verklaring wilt geven...succes. Hans
Hein Verbruggen: Enige wat ik kan zeggen is dat er heel, heel veel verhalen en verdachtmakingen zijn, maar geen spoor van BEWIJS. Is er ook niet. LA werd nooit positief bevonden; ook niet door USADA. En wie de kontroleprocedures kent weet ook dat er niks te regelen valt, enz enz. Maar ik ben het "moe"stadium al beetje voorbij. Mooie nacht! Hein
Hans Ruggenberg: Jammer dat de krant voor morgen al weg is. Zal het voor de dag erna meenemen. Nogmaals succes met alles en dank voor je reactie. Groeten Hans
Hein Verbruggen: Mooi. H
Hein Verbruggen: Who is this? Hein
Hans Ruggenberg: Hi Hein. Hans Ruggenberg of the Telegraph. Called you with a view to the latest developments.
Hein Verbruggen: Hello Hans, given the madness and nonsense, I decided not to give interviews or statements before eea is quieter. But if you want an off the record dann info please call. I'm in China. H
Hans Ruggenberg: Okay Hein understandable. Wild indeed a response to the newspaper. Off the record information is difficult in this case, as you can imagine. Let me know if you want to give a statement ... success. Hans
Hein Verbruggen: All I can say is that there are many, many stories and suspicions, but no trace of PROOF. There is not. LA was never tested positive, even by USADA. And who knows the control procedures also know that there is nothing to arrange, etc etc. But I am "tired" stage already slightly over. Beautiful night! Hein
Hans Ruggenberg: Pity the newspaper tomorrow is already gone. Will be for the next day along. Again luck with everything and thanks for your comment. Greetings Hans
Hein Verbruggen: Beautiful. H
Oct 4, 2011
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His apparent response is it was out of context and a reply based on the K Le Monde case and the cover up money, being no positive test attached. That does make sense as a reply, up to the paper now to tell all.

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