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versus vs. Universalsports

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Mar 11, 2009
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A hearty "well done" to Versus for their Dauphine time trial coverage yesterday. They positioned their opaque logo to almost completely obscure the finishing times in the lower right corner of the screen.

I was still able to see the first digit ("1"), however, so there is still room for improvement next time.
May 13, 2009
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Yeah, I saw that, too. Bunch of morons. At least the ranking was still visible, and, of course, the leading '1'. So at least we learned that the arrival time was somewhere between 10 and 19 minutes. Thanks for that. Hey versus, why don't you take your logo and shove it.
Mar 10, 2009
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Escarabajo said:
Cons Universal:
- Stupid, very stupid comentator
I've caught Phil many times issuing inane, or just wrong, commentary. Paul's cliches, while endearing (and good for drinking games on the evening re-broadcast) get tiresome on a three week tour. Craig Hemmer was horrible - just as stupid as the universal lads, but with a voice that really grated. (I've always liked Bob Roll, but I'm biased, I lived in Durango for a number of years.)
- Broadcast from computer, not best resolution or best seat to watch
But the best seat if you work on a computer - especially if you have a multiple-monitor setup - and need to work in the a.m. when the race is live.
Mar 10, 2009
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At this point its not about the announcers anymore, crappy coverage is crappy coverage no matter who's announcing. I'm surprised supposed great announcers would even put up with the crappy coverage Versus puts out and the crappy scheduling. To me it seems Versus pays for the coverage coming from the drunk cameraman on a motorbike that is barely running and spewing out more smoke than carbon monoxide.

I've seen France 2 and 3 coverage and its way out of sight, with pre/post stage shows and who knows what else (since its in French) where they cover every single bump in the road then get the riders to give their review of the stage pre and post race. Versus we're stuck looking at those mugs who no longer ride or know what is going on 60% of the time. I'd rather watch the France 2 or 3 coverage in French anytime! (for the Tour anyway) Same for RAI and whoever is doing the Vuelta coverage, its like comparing Oranges with prunes (Versus).
May 13, 2009
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Free Digital TV

I get Universal Sports over the air for free. It is piggy backed onto the local NBC station. My local NBC station is 11, or now 11.1 on the new system. 11.2 shows weather. 11.3 shows Universal Sports. Check your local listings and you may get it for free if you have a digital converter built into your TV, or got a free converter with the coupon.
Yes, RAI for the Giro and France 2 for the Tour de France, but I have to say I liked the subdued nature of the Universal coverage Schlenger (watch the spelling of that one) and "Go-Go offered up. The hyperbole and over-the-top cliches (my fav? "...riding like a man possessed!!!!!!!!!") were NOT there and I was really happy to see less of the commentators and logos and more of the race. Now, full credit to Phil and Paul; they are employees of Versus and I am going to guess the producers pack them tight behind those desks before and after the races for a really good reason. Can't figure what it is off hand...

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