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What a glorious day; Lance Armstrong stripped of titles

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Benotti69 said:
If the World Anti Doping Agency are convinced of his doping. That is good enough.

If Pat McQuaid is trying to cover it up that is also evidence that he doped.:D
The last few days I've been successful arguing about why LA is guilty elsewhere, and I think people have found my arguments convincing, but now the debate seems to have shifted to why I hate him so much. So that's a victory, right? :D
Aug 13, 2009
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Looks like Wikipedia has already change the results of the 2005 Tour

Jul 20, 2010
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What's the difference any way. Any one who watched knows who won seven times, so it really doesn't matter any more. It's just those who think Lance cheated are happy, and those who don't still recognize him as the winner. It might matter 100 years from now when people look back on this, but by that time, past winners are irrelevant any way.

I think the solution to this is strip titles from Lance, and reward Menchov the seven titles for those years. That would make everyone happy :p

SilentAssassin said:
What's the difference any way. Any one who watched knows who won seven times, so it really doesn't matter any more. It's just those who think Lance cheated are happy, and those who don't still recognize him as the winner. It might matter 100 years from now when people look back on this, but by that time, past winners are irrelevant any way.

I think the solution to this is strip titles from Lance, and reward Menchov the seven titles for those years. That would make everyone happy :p

still confused? lance has cheated.............fact! it is important that he lost those wins

what happens to the victories is a complication but not the priority

cheats and liars in sport must be unmasked
Jun 19, 2009
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SilentAssassin said:
What's the difference any way. Any one who watched knows who won seven times, so it really doesn't matter any more. It's just those who think Lance cheated are happy, and those who don't still recognize him as the winner. It might matter 100 years from now when people look back on this, but by that time, past winners are irrelevant any way.

I think the solution to this is strip titles from Lance, and reward Menchov the seven titles for those years. That would make everyone happy :p

Here's "who" won seven titles: a fully organized doped squad of riders.
Even Lance isn't arrogant enough to think his nose faced the wind day in and day out and that's a key charge the fans don't want to acknowledge or are too ignorant to understand. One rider has never won the Tour without at least several strong teammates. Period.
Having UCI doping control pre-warnings, a full program and your opponents at that kind of disadvantage is not even a sporting event. IT'S A FRAUD.
Oldman said:
One rider has never won the Tour without at least several strong teammates. Period.

i 100% agree with your post.

however, if ever there was a rider who did it without a team, it was lemond in 1989.

just another way armstrong fails miserably in measuring up to the only american winner of the tour. i imagine he and his chamois-lickers must be developing quite an inferiority complex...

oh! wait! he had developed that already back in the early 90s when -- riding next to lemond -- he realized that it actually took natural talent to win a tour clean.
Jun 19, 2009
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Big Doopie said:
i 100% agree with your post.

however, if ever there was a rider who did it without a team, it was lemond in 1989.

just another way armstrong fails miserably in measuring up to the only american winner of the tour. i imagine he and his chamois-lickers must be developing quite an inferiority complex...

oh! wait! he had developed that already back in the early 90s when -- riding next to lemond -- he realized that it actually took natural talent to win a tour clean.

He didn't ride next to Lemond for long. To be fair, Lemond had Lammerts and others providing help. Also, Fignon and later, Chiappucci didn't have massively talented support either; at least not like the dedicated efforts that characterized USPS, Discovery...
Put nine guys on the best program and you could probably pick your winner out of three of them. If Lance had crashed out on any of those Tours I think those teams could have had another ace to play unless an accident occurred very late. Landis was very close his last year, for sure.
Jul 18, 2011
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Dopestrong plays the victim so well. It must have been a massive conspiracy to get him back in 2006 with only the UCI to defend him:

**** Pound, WADA, the French laboratory, the French Ministry of Sport, L’Equipe, and the Tour de France organizers (ASO) have been out to discredit and target me without any basis and falsely accused me of taking performance enhancing drugs in 1999.

His first tour win and he tested positive for EPO. Pound was railroaded by the Armstrong media machine. History finally vindicates Pound, but after he had been run through the mud, like all the others that stood up for the truth.

Here's WADA's reaction to that EPO "independent" review.