Teams, or riders?
When you ask "Teams", do you mean entire teams with no one doping. I have to say I would find this to be highly unlikely. At least on a PT level. Continental, maybe you'll find a few. I'd venture to guess Ouch is clean. Pretty poor performances from three top riders (one really) who you'd think would be riding much better (Landis, Sutherland, Evans).
If you're asking about teams that are outwardly against doping, and do not have a systematic doping program, and probably have some (several? most?) clean riders on them, I'd say your chances are possible of finding a few, sure.
I'd like to name some riders, but would be guessing. Mostly the ones who don't have great performances, and speak out against doping with vigor...probably. But I don't know. I'd like to believe more than that, but it's hard these days.
Some people may bark at this, but I don't think the women's side is clean either. Too many stunning performances there in recent years that can almost only be explained by juice.
I hate saying this, but even with the anti-doping program, I have a hard time trusting Riis, and not because of his past (everyone was doped back then. I think he might mean well with his words over the last few years, but after Jorg Jaschke testified that Riis had to have known riders on his team were doping and willfully turned a blind eye, he lost me.
I trust The Hog less than Riis. He's about as trustworthy as Manolo Saiz, only more wisely covert.
I no longer trust programs overseen by Dr. Damsgaard. He's become the fox guarding the hen house at this point.
Of course I don't trust the UCI either. Less than Damsgaard. Pack of foxes guarding the hen house.
I wouldn't call BigBoat a "troll". He's too knowledgeable and informed with good solutions on truly getting the sport cleaned up. What he is however, is negative. More than any fan I know.