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Who is the best Colombian Cyclist of all times?

Mar 31, 2010
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hfer07 said:
how come Fabio Parra is so underrated? he's the only Colombian ever to get on the podium of the Tour!!!!-not denying at all that Lucho is the Legend but Fabio was parallel to him in his success....

because fabio parra always choose europe over colombia. herrera always rode in colombia and won a lot. he also did the tour and vuelta but was never his ultimate goal. parra had less talent but choose more wisely from european mind. also to go to european team

to me best colombian rider of all time is martin cochise
Ryo Hazuki said:
because fabio parra always choose europe over colombia. herrera always rode in colombia and won a lot. he also did the tour and vuelta but was never his ultimate goal. parra had less talent but choose more wisely from european mind. also to go to european team

to me best colombian rider of all time is martin cochise

Well-I'm just bothered by the fact that Parra was "superiorly better rider" than Botero-both rode for foreigner teams-yet is Santiago's name that stands tall despite all the known clinic issues he's linked to- I don't quite get the "on going" love for him at all......

Cochise to me was a "Pioneer"-the one who took Colombian cycling off the map to European crowd-well all-rounded rider-but cannot see hem as important as Herrera
Mar 31, 2010
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botero man he's is a younger rider and he's been acquitted of all doping anyway, even by uci. besides nobody in colombia cares for that. he's a hero and rightfully so. their first world champion too in roadcycling (timetrial)
Jul 16, 2010
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Ryo Hazuki said:
botero man he's is a younger rider and he's been acquitted of all doping anyway, even by uci. besides nobody in colombia cares for that. he's a hero and rightfully so. their first world champion too in roadcycling (timetrial)

What more proof does someone need? :cool:

Anyway: Herrera.
Mar 31, 2010
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contador had nothing to do with fuentes I guess. botero I'm not so sure but he was at least acquitted like allan davis and some others. botero's high testosterone level is natural though he has always had that. same with duarte and hoogerlabd too. also got uci attest for it
Jul 16, 2010
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I do agree Botero is a good cyclist though. He was a welcome breeze of fresh air compared to the more typical Colombian cyclists we see these days.

But as for being clean, does it matter? Who in his era(when he was still riding in Europe) was riding clean?Moncoutié? :eek:
Mar 31, 2010
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El Pistolero said:
I do agree Botero is a good cyclist though. He was a welcome fresh air of the more typical Colombian cyclists we see these days.

But as for being clean, does it matter? Who in his era was riding clean?Moncoutié? :eek:

he was a rare breed. 175 and 75 kg. but in europe also strong climber and terrific downhiller. aggressive and in his top days the best timetrialist in the world. he beat lance armstrong and ullrich multiple times. I'm sure if all were clean he would've had an even better and longer career in europe. 2006 was his best year but he was thrown out before the tour by phonak because of fuentes rumors. now he's a great director of antioquia team and did a great job with henao, although you can see boteor's hand in all their riders. they are very muscled/big and ride heavy gears. henao too

these days you actually se emuch more less typical colombian riders. the 80s were bad downhillers, small, light etc. botero started a chance. the thing is there's always bene big and heavy riders in colombia, only they never went to europe because often they didn't excell in colombia. same for botero, who only did well in track. with guys like botero and also duque and pena that changed a bit.

right now antioquia have a young rider called kevin rios. he is an hors category talent. he smahed urans prusuit record as a junior and won vuelta colobmia for juniors last year winning 3/5 stages. he is 187 and 75 kg. he is mostly a trackrider and I think and hope antioquia team management keep him for that until next olympics. but then he will be a big factor in road cycling
Feb 24, 2011
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A lot of people wonder how Fabio Parra is so low in the ranking compared to Santiago Botero. The explanation is quite straightforward, thought. Since Herrera and Parra were from the same generation, most people would vote for Lucho instead. On the other hand, Santiago Botero has several advantages. First, he is from a more recent era, so more people know him better. Additionally, Santiago Botero is from Antioquia, the most populated state in Colombia, and people there use to be very regionalist (there was a time, not so far ago, when they even wanted to seceed from Colombia) and that means more people are more inclined to vote for him. Finally, believe it or not, most people in Colombia don't think Botero ever doped. For the majority, he was unfairly treated because of being a foreigner in Europe.

That being said, for me it is a difficult call. I'd say Herrera was the best, but Parra probably had more overall talent (great climber and not so bad time trialist) that could have led him to a better palmares in different conditions.
Feb 24, 2011
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Ryo Hazuki said:
contador had nothing to do with fuentes I guess. botero I'm not so sure but he was at least acquitted like allan davis and some others. botero's high testosterone level is natural though he has always had that. same with duarte and hoogerlabd too. also got uci attest for it

You never cease to amaze me. Botero tested more than 20 times the normal testosterone levels in a healthy man his age (2700ng/L against 120ng/L, standard deviation 28). To naturally have 4 times the normal level is already extremely rare -so rare that I've seen a study in which the sample from an athlete was discarded because it was 3,2 times the average, so it was considered contamination-. To have more than 92 times the standard deviation over the average in a normal population is so unlikely than even using 32 digits math it is indiscernible from 0%.
He never went back to Europe because he didn't want to get harassed due to the PUERTO Involvement, plus he knew he was risking incarceration if criminal charges were brought- so please don't try to come up with fairy tales on his unfairly treatment & fore most the "natural testosterone levels BS"-Everybody knows that riders from that era-Specially from Kelme- were on heavy juice regiment:mad: no wonder why Babyface & Mancebo seeked exile outside Spain too....
Mar 31, 2010
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Ildabaoth said:
You never cease to amaze me. Botero tested more than 20 times the normal testosterone levels in a healthy man his age (2700ng/L against 120ng/L, standard deviation 28). To naturally have 4 times the normal level is already extremely rare -so rare that I've seen a study in which the sample from an athlete was discarded because it was 3,2 times the average, so it was considered contamination-. To have more than 92 times the standard deviation over the average in a normal population is so unlikely than even using 32 digits math it is indiscernible from 0%.

he never had 92 times more the standard. you are mistakign with kessler or something

btw, what are you excuses for coldeportes and comcel still being around this time? :rolleyes:
Mar 31, 2010
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hfer07 said:
He never went back to Europe because he didn't want to get harassed due to the PUERTO Involvement, plus he knew he was risking incarceration if criminal charges were brought- so please don't try to come up with fairy tales on his unfairly treatment & fore most the "natural testosterone levels BS"-Everybody knows that riders from that era-Specially from Kelme- were on heavy juice regiment:mad: no wonder why Babyface & Mancebo seeked exile outside Spain too....

the reason they never went back to europe is because teams didn';t want them anymore. however boteor finished 6th in the beijing olympics race in which he rode very strong in 2008 and unlike rebellin he wasn't caught. he was a huge talent and always has been. if all were clean he and all other colombians would've dominated cycling in the 90s and 2000s, like is starting to happen now, that everything is so much cleaner. before epo entered the peloton in early 90s you could see the new generation how much more complete and improved they were. mejia, rincon for instance
Feb 24, 2011
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Ryo Hazuki said:
he never had 92 times more the standard. you are mistakign with kessler or something

btw, what are you excuses for coldeportes and comcel still being around this time? :rolleyes:

I didn't say 92 times more the standard. I said the mean plus 92 times the standard deviation: botero's level= x_mean+92*std. It is better to state that this way instead of botero's level=20*x_mean, since this last equation doesn't take in account if the std is high, which could lead to extreme low or high levels being normal. The values I used are generous, from scientific studies of testosterone levels in average men and athletes. And Botero's tests were 4 in total, with 1700, 2100, 2700 and 2900 ng/L, which excludes the possibility of a wrong test or contaminated samples.

About the Coldeportes and Comcel thing, I have no clue what are you talking about and it doesn't have any relationship with the discussion. Actually, Botero's testosterone levels aren't the thread topic either, so I will drop this too.

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