BikeCentric said:
I don't agree with this take although I'm in the camp that thinks that pretty much every rider (i.e. 90%+) are on the juice.
We do have a different philosophical take on the issue.
BikeCentric said:
Think about it, drugs are basically just the frosting on the cake that is pro cycling. I'm not condoning them at all mind you, I'd prefer that the sport be 100% clean but this is impossible and thus a fantasy.
Not a fantasy at all. It's possible to make the cheats the exception, not the rule but for that to happen a large cultural shift would have to occur.
BikeCentric said:
But the fact that drugs are used in the sport does not take away from all the training necessary to get to that level regardless of genetic potential,
I disagree. The drugs are a huge asset enabling massive training volumes. People like LeMond and Seb Coe have emphasized quality over quantity to an unbelievable degree. Normal (un doped) humans simply cannot tolerate such stresses. Coe was susceptible to respiratory viruses. LeMond has spoken a great deal about cortisol levels.
BikeCentric said:
they do not take away from the extremely disciplined diet and lifestyle required to succeed at this level,
Maybe this extreme lifestyle isn't an admirable thing and this "success" isn't success at all. Without PED's, I don't believe such extreme discipline is desirable or necessary. It' kind of more about either having it or not.
BikeCentric said:
and they do not take away from the suffering and courage required to win on race day.
Having intimately known elite athletes, I don't attribute their success to either suffering or courage. First of all, if they did not quite
love what they were doing, they did
need it. Secondly, when they weren't in the "arena," their lives were much more complex and difficult. Ever wonder why boxers can't retire? Answer: they're kind of nutty people who are only comfortable/powerful inside the ring.
BikeCentric said:
Granted drugs certainly do distort the spectacle that is pro cycling, but I cannot agree that they turn it into a complete fraud.
I have some athletic ability and a crazy strong constitution, and I've taken some stuff and know that it changes you in profound ways. It's just not even worth talking about degrees of fraud. Now I'm not saying that cheating cyclists are personally complete frauds but in the arena where they are enhancing their performance, those performances are fraudulent. Seeing it any other way is almost a psychopathology. A justification for sporting fraud is usually classified that way.