The title "Lance will dodge this bullet" reminded me of a scene from an old James Garner Western, either Support Your Local Sheriff, or Support Your Local Gunfighter. The town mayor handed him a Sheriff's badge that had a dent from a bullet. Garner said the badge sure must have saved the life of the man wearing it. The mayor said it sure would have, if it weren't for all the other bullets coming in from everywhere.
Te possibility of not just doping, but fraud, trafficking, racketeering, and all the rest, plus an investigation that allows wiretaps, access to financial records, subpoena power, a lawsuit won with lies. The bullets are flying.
As for the future of the sport, the ESPN article with Ashenden and Catlin showing what they learned from Landis about circumventing the passport is huge. I think the Tour de France will be a better place because of it. The WADA is already planning to watch the UCI testing process like a hawk. Let the AFLD to additional targeted testing in conjunction with info from OCLAESP & Interpol, and have law enforcement keeo an eye on the comings and goings. It's going to be a really interesting race. And guys who get busted this summer will probably open up like Kohl and Frei did, in exchange for leniency.