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Wiggins' Discusses Lance and Landis

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Oct 25, 2010
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Wiggo =

May 20, 2010
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TheComeBackKid said:

difference is that armstrong claimed all his were drug free and it was all done with shorter left hand cranks and higher cadences whilst dining on the power of beating cancer, which no one knew existed at the time of his 7 tdf victories.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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andy1234 said:
Sheila deserves eveything she gets.
Mail Wiggins and let him see the example you are setting :)

BTW the sales analogy wasn't mine.


As you are the one that appears to know a lot about British Cycling (to the point of putting your mortgage on the line for them*) if you can get me his email I will happily contact him - I may also include some other outstanding questions for him.

*I wish there was a bookmark facility here as we might need that post again.
Dr. Maserati said:

As you are the one that appears to know a lot about British Cycling (to the point of putting your mortgage on the line for them*) if you can get me his email I will happily contact him - I may also include some other outstanding questions for him.

*I wish there was a bookmark facility here as we might need that post again.

My mortgage was on the line against a doping programme within the BCF in the mid 90s. Bookmark that if you like.

I tell you what, PM me your email address and I will pass it on to Wiggins. If he wants to converse with you, he will be in touch.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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andy1234 said:
My mortgage was on the line against a doping programme within the BCF in the mid 90s. Bookmark that if you like.

I tell you what, PM me your email address and I will pass it on to Wiggins. If he wants to converse with you, he will be in touch.

Damn, I prefered your old quote - but I can see why you might want to change the terms and conditions. ;)

andy1234 said:
You would have been involved with the BCF in the mid 90s, not BC.
Completely different organisation as you well know.

A few part time coaches and an old boys network was a far cry from the professional setup of BC today.

I would bet my mortgage that there is no programme within BC today and I can guarantee there wasnt one in the mid 90s.(though the results of the time are probably proof enough)
Dr. Maserati said:

Damn, I prefered your old quote - but I can see why you might want to change the terms and conditions. ;)

Damn you got me there :)
I should only bet on things I can personally guarantee.
I will bet my mortgage that there was no programme up to 2004, after that Im just relying on my instinct rather than fact.
I cannot believe Wiggins has said this today. No balls whatsoever. Easy to pick on Moreni but no conviction when it counts. So Bradley on the very off chance you are reading these threads - you have no courage or moral conviction whatsoever. You are a coward and you have sold out. You know exactly what goes on and what he did. Yet you hang the guy telling the truth out to dry. You told lies about him being tested more often than others. You befriended him either because you are doping yourself or because you are afraid of him. You said I am not like Kohl, but if you are keeping the Omerta intact, you are no better. You are a hypocrite of the highest order.
Jun 16, 2009
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Boeing said:
so you don't respect people who have a different opinion than you? or who don't like what you like?


You are wrong. It wasn't about having a difference of opinion. It was how much of a hypocrite he was. He comes up with the "most tested athlete" rubbish and then goes after floyd. You judge people by their actions and their words. By that being the case he hasn't really got my respect. He got a little bit more respect after the 1st part but didnt have any afterwards when I read about his comments on Floyd and Lance.
MacRoadie said:
You mean THIS Bradley Wiggins?

Bradley Wiggins reveals descent into drink and depression following Athens Olympics

For a guy who's fought a few demons of his own, he seems remarkably short on empathy but is quite long on hypocriticism...

I know Brad well. It comes down to his Dad. He likes Lance because they share the 'Dad' issue.

Truth be told he hates Floyd be because Landis had come to terms with his demons. Wiggins hates that. Floyd stood up like Brad never could. Sad.
Jun 16, 2009
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thehog said:
I know Brad well. It comes down to his Dad. He likes Lance because they share the 'Dad' issue.

Truth be told he hates Floyd be because Landis had come to terms with his demons. Wiggins hates that. Floyd stood up like Brad never could. Sad.

So you are now a psychologist?:D
thehog said:
I know Brad well. It comes down to his Dad. He likes Lance because they share the 'Dad' issue.

Truth be told he hates Floyd be because Landis had come to terms with his demons. Wiggins hates that. Floyd stood up like Brad never could. Sad.


F**k that, I have the 'Dad' issue and I didn't become a sociopath. It's too easy an excuse. There's something called Personal Responsibility.
I think omerta in the peloton is a "plato o plomo" type situation.

You take the silver or you take the lead.

You say Lance never tested positive and you get accepted, you get connections, you can compete. You get the Plato. the silver

You say you doubt lance, you say everyone was doping, you say doping tests are easy to pass, you get shunned, law suits up the ***, asked for evidence, not invited to races. You get the Plomo. The Lead.

Generally most people take the silver. Wiggins isnt any different.
Looks like Mick 'Omerta' Rogers and Disco David Millar have been giving Wiggins his media training.

Is this the same Wiggins who wanted to punch Moreni for testing positive?

Just remind us Brad - how did you become such a good climber again?
Dec 7, 2010
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There are so many things wrong with Wiggins' statement. Is this really the same guy? He's reaching word-for-word out of LA's playbook.

"There isn’t an athlete or a cyclist out there that isn’t more tested than he is, certainly since his comeback, he’s probably been the most tested cyclist in the pro peloton and you take that on face value and that he’s never failed a drugs test and until he does he’s clean."
Wiggy knows damn well that "never failing a test" doesn't mean a damn thing.

"He’s probably been the most tested athlete and never failed a drugs test.”
Lance? Is that you?

“I think you have to question Landis’ credibility because he lied under oath before and the stories that you hear about him drinking and things like that and you know, [making] telephone calls to people I know, threatening them with things, you just think that the guy appears to not all be there."
Ah yes, the most recent assaults on Floyd's character. Very good, Bradley. The Lance & Johan Seal of Approval.

But what about the "stories we hear about" Lance doping? WTF, Brad? You need "proof" for LA, but "stories about" are good enough to use against Floyd?

And to reiterate what I've already posted on a different thread:
Paul Kimmage traveled and stayed with the Garmin team in their first season. Even he was shocked by what he heard about USPS and Lance's methods. You don't think Wiggy picked up those same stories...and then some?!

Really, for the life of me, I can't understand why any of this ridiculousness has gone past the I.M. between Frankie and J.V.
When Frankie referred to LA as a "liar and a cheat" just what-in-the-hell does any half-way intelligent, semi-functional adult think he was refering to in the midst of a private conversation with another former teammate of LA's.?
Someone care to explain that to me? :mad:

Get a grip on reality and use the slightest bit of common sense. Anything less is a complete and total state of denial of the painfully obvious truth.

God forbid some people should use their brains for just a bit of independent thought.