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will sponsors drop lance, when ?

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May 26, 2010
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Colm.Murphy said:
Nike will drop Lance as soon as he is indicted.

Any other sponsor with whom Lance has some % of ownership, Trek, SRAM, FRS, etc., will stand by him till he goes to the big house.

Oakley will stick by him no matter, and will roll-out a campaign targeting the inmate population: Optics for the joint.

as a slight tangent to the thread how many of his sponsors is he part owner of??, obviously not nike, nissan, radioschmuck, but others like the above mentioned?


Mar 11, 2009
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Lance's mega dollar sponsorship deals decreased after his first retirement.
Only to shoot WAY back up with his "Comeback". Heck, maybe that was one of the reasons for the comeback? Just kidding.

Anyway, I would expect Lance's mega-dollar sponsorships deals to decrease again with retirement 2.0....it is only natural.

But I do not think we should feel sorry for him, lol, he really has done rather well on the sponsorship front.

Although the livestrong.org group suffered after his first retirement too.
And rebounded with the comeback.

Unfortunately, Livestrong.org may suffer with retirement 2.0:(
Jun 28, 2009
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Lance will be dropped by his sponsors when he stops being valuable. Let's not fool ourselves, sponsorship is all about money. Unless he has some ownership and has a say, he don't have no say! Friends one day, someone from the past the next. Hell, we'll just have to see how it all turns out and then we'll have all the answers. Speculation, speculation, speculation. You gotta love it! :D
Squares said:
Sponsors will stick by him as long as they make money off him.

Can you demonstrate that Trek has not sold more bikes because of LA?

Can you demonstrate that Nike has not sold more cycling gear because of LA?

Can you demonstrate that USPS didn't raise their name recognition in europe when he was winning the Tour?

This is a pet peeve of mine.

Any growth on Trek's part is due to their channel marketing not Pharmstrong. The vast majority of their units sold are on the bottom end where the faces on the poster just aren't relevant. I'm willing to concede that some small amount of sales of above $300 bikes came from people doing 'cause rides.' Not Lance's using cancer rides per se. There are lots of causes and lots of rides.

If Armstrong's image was meaningful to the bike industry, you would have seen more bike brand churn, more shop changes. Bike industry is about the same before/during/after.

I don't know about Nike, but what I know about athletics markets their cycling gear is a tiny segment in a tiny market. Lance is 'nike' branded not 'nike cycling.'

It's been posted elsewhere in this forum that the USPS sponsorship was an epic fail in cold, hard, sales growth.
May 11, 2009
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Colm.Murphy said:
Nike will drop Lance as soon as he is indicted.

Do you mean "indicted" or "convicted"?

Indicted means that a prosecutor raised enough suspician to warrant a trial.
Sep 25, 2009
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avanti said:
Do you mean "indicted" or "convicted"?

Indicted means that a prosecutor raised enough suspician to warrant a trial.
judging by his previous posts, i think colm. knows what 'indicted' means. it's also a question in my thread-starter.

an indictment may snowball into a sponsor exodus but i dont think it will start with nike.

i look at the indictment as failing an 'a' sample in the antidoping test.

your team will normally suspend you followed by firing in several months because the probability of a negative 'b' sample is very small...just like the indictment in california leads to convictions in 90% of cases.
Public opinion in the US can be hard to predict. In LA's case, even if he was found to have cheated, the comeback from cancer is still a remarkable story and one worth remembering. Even with doping, there are still a lot of positives about the LA story. Plus, considering most of his competition (Zule, Ullrich, Beloki, Basso, and others like Pantani and Virenque) were linked to doping in one form or another at some point in their careers leads one to believe LA may have been competing on a fairly level playing field. [that statement could spawn a lot of rabbit trails]... However, he has so vehemently denied doping that if it was proven he did dope, then he is no different than Floyd Landis. [don't want to go down that rabbit trail either] Who knows how the general public would react to that. BUT if he was that big a liar, then I'd say his next career could be... POLITICS.
Jun 19, 2009
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Public opinion or not there's a bunch of cheaper heroes. Look to the Flying Tomato, Travis Pastrana and some skateboarder you haven't heard of to take all of this sponsor money. Cycling's on the back burner. Thanks, Tex.
Jan 27, 2010
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hard to predict what might happen - but Lance's occupation now is running a cancer charity, isn't it? i imagine that whatever happens, the sponsors will want to change emphasis onto the "livestrong" brand rather than the "TdF champion" brand. this kit is obviously still selling well - i have seen a lot of livestrong t-shirts being worn.
with really good PR (which Lance has usually had), even a conviction could potentially be spun away as a conspiracy/miscarriage of justice or possibly as "everyone was doing it" - not sure that will affect sponsorships too much. it might result in the return of some sponsorship dollars from the past though.
Oct 26, 2009
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galaxy1 said:
hard to predict what might happen - but Lance's occupation now is running a cancer charity, isn't it? i imagine that whatever happens, the sponsors will want to change emphasis onto the "livestrong" brand rather than the "TdF champion" brand. this kit is obviously still selling well - i have seen a lot of livestrong t-shirts being worn.
with really good PR (which Lance has usually had), even a conviction could potentially be spun away as a conspiracy/miscarriage of justice or possibly as "everyone was doing it" - not sure that will affect sponsorships too much. it might result in the return of some sponsorship dollars from the past though.

Unfortunately, we will be creating and reading threads on LA doping for months and months before we learn if the US has real evidence that shows that LA doped. Wish this would be over this month...


Sep 24, 2009
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Who really gives a $hit?

David Suro said:
It was recently reported that Lindsay Lohan has a book deal, or exclusive story deal, worth over $1,000,000 upon her release from jail. She has nowhere near the celebrity status of Lance.

In the USA, being a criminal with some charisma has become a marketable asset. It's a shame, really.

As long as the crime isn't murder or something involving cruelty to animals and the celebrity has a good PR machine, crimes can be turned into dollars.

There is a law that exists that prevents criminals from turning a profit from their story while they are still incarcerated. This came to be because convicted serial killers were signing book deals from death row.

Americans have a fascination with the bizarre.

I hope Lance doesn't go this route.
I doubt he will. He has enough money and enough future earning potential from his investements to do as he claims he will and live a private life. For the sake of his family, I hope he does.

David Suro said:
Interesting point.

If Lance sticks to his story and is found to be innocent of whatever charges are brought against him, then his legend will be solidified in the mind of America.
If Lance is found to be guilty of fraud or perjury, then his public relation's team has their work cut out for them.

Given what others have achieved post-conviction in the USA, he is probably going to be just fine either way.

For the sake of his family?

Yeah, the guy is a huge family man!

He'll be fine?

Why do you care?

All of his huge income is ill gotten gains. I have very little sympathy for him.
The guy is a scumbag and I'm hoping he does some prison time.
Jun 19, 2009
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buckwheat said:
For the sake of his family?

Yeah, the guy is a huge family man!

He'll be fine?

Why do you care?

All of his huge income is ill gotten gains. I have very little sympathy for him.
The guy is a scumbag and I'm hoping he does some prison time.

I think many hope he goes quietly and leaves his "family" alone. He's already become the father he despises and his kids don't deserve it.
May 25, 2009
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Nissan sticking with Lance

Nissan is playing clueless (or maybe they actually are) and says they are sticking with Lance but "monitoring the situation closely" The blog has quotes from the company:

"This is something we'll continue to monitor, but the claims are all unsubstantiated up to this point. He's iconic, and he's almost the epitome of innovation when you think about athleticism"


PS - check out some of the comments
oldschoolnik said:
Nissan is playing clueless (or maybe they actually are) and says they are sticking with Lance but "monitoring the situation closely" The blog has quotes from the company:

"This is something we'll continue to monitor, but the claims are all unsubstantiated up to this point. He's iconic, and he's almost the epitome of innovation when you think about athleticism"


PS - check out some of the comments

The irony is that the sponsorship is for the new Nissan Leaf which is the new "clean" car. Good idea to get the dirtiest guy in sports as the face of the "clean" car.
May 25, 2009
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That's funny - I didn't even notice the irony. Maybe they could change the campaign to make the most of their investment. How about: "Dirty rider, clean car"
oldschoolnik said:
That's funny - I didn't even notice the irony. Maybe they could change the campaign to make the most of their investment. How about: "Dirty rider, clean car"
"Hello, I'm Lance Armstrong, four-time winner of the Tour de France. When you're as dirty as me, you need to compensate somehow."
May 23, 2010
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oldschoolnik said:
Nissan is playing clueless (or maybe they actually are) and says they are sticking with Lance but "monitoring the situation closely" The blog has quotes from the company:

"This is something we'll continue to monitor, but the claims are all unsubstantiated up to this point. He's iconic, and he's almost the epitome of innovation when you think about athleticism"


PS - check out some of the comments

Nissan's position & the blog comments are probably a good reflection of the public opinion out there at the moment. Out of 12 comments, 8 in support of Armstrong, 2 against, 2 unclear. Nissan is saying the allegations remain unproven. The supporters are repeating the same old lines - "never failed a test", "most tested athlete", "French don't want an American to win", "Landis is a serial lier".

As they say in politics and marketing, keep your message simple and keep repeating it. Most people don't pay much attention, yet most people will buy your simple message if you say it often enough. Armstrong has done years of staying on message. It will take some time to turn it around - as clear as the real story may seem to most of us here.

The earliest turning point will be a (possible) indictment.
Jul 6, 2010
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David Suro said:
If lance is revealed to be a doper, there is the possibility that he will beocme a spokesman for the companies that sold him the products. Imagine the possibility of a man with one testicle telling how he had elevated testosterone levels and was able to be one of the greatest champions in sport as a result of medical science.

I believe he's already got Pharma (Bristol-Myers-Squbb) as a personal sponsor. He's looking like a pretty good spokesman already... Anyone know what they're paying him?
Jul 6, 2010
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I may be wrong on the company... not sure if my brain's recalling things properly at the moment. Some of the bike nerds out there must be able to help me out...
Jul 29, 2010
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oldschoolnik said:
Nissan: "He's iconic, and he's almost the epitome of innovation when you think about athleticism"

Wow, that's about as ironic as it gets.

I mean, how do you "innovate" athleticism? Athleticism is a god-given set of traits that are pretty much defined by your gene pool and DNA.

The only real way to "innovate" your athleticism would be to CIRCUMNAVIGATE around your god-given physical limitations, say for example, by using designer drugs to create a "whole-new you" -- ala Dr. Frankenstein.

For Nissan to call their trophy spokesman the "epitome" of this "innovation" is ironic as hell. The fact that they meant it as a compliment is even more humorous.. :D
Jul 29, 2010
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JMBeaushrimp said:
I believe he's already got Pharma (Bristol-Myers-Squbb) as a personal sponsor. He's looking like a pretty good spokesman already... Anyone know what they're paying him?

I remember hearing at one point after his early TdF wins, ('99/00) BMSquibb was a big backer and his TOTAL endorsements were at $15M/yr. Don't know what the BMSquibb portion of that was.

I do remember the commercial though. It was Lancer and the woman who gave Floyd the EPO (Mrs. Armstrong). Family, health, hope. Very touchy-feely.
Jan 27, 2010
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oldschoolnik said:
Update: Nissan Leaf replaces Lance Armstrong with bear

"Perhaps Armstrong doesn't quite tug at the tear ducts like a polar bear. Or perhaps a polar bear will never be accused of doing naughty things at the Tour de France"


Ah, another form of reproach against the Dope machine himself. Beautiful post. I guess the poll listed above saying that of 12 - 8 support Lance was WAY off. Bye bye Lance.

Mar 8, 2010
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"He brings an irreverent, sarcastic, and sometimes ironic voice..."

I am not really surprised that some haters like these few irrelevant bits out of the depth of the internet and that they will take it as proof that Nissan really dropped Lance. :D
Jul 28, 2009
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The outcome will set a legal precedent.

Squares argued the sponsors got what they paid for from LA (exposure,sales, awareness etc).

The ruling will decide if sponsor payments will evermore be within the proviso of "ethical" competition. (Yeah US corporations and the word ethical in the same sentence is pretty funny but suspend disbelief temporarily).

This is a time the use of the word ethical is convenient, because they may be able to recoup their sponsorship money paid out (despite benefitting from exposure LA gave them during his TDF wins). Having your cake and eating it.

As corporations are legally bound (literally, they are legally bound) to maximise short term profits, they are institutionally bound to persuing this course of recouping "their" money regardless of any peripheral damage it might do.