Thanks for your wishes. He is actually doing quite well at the moment.
But I would question the statement
“……. most of the claims directed toward Lance are exactly that (some hiding beneath the shroud of science).”
The great thing about science, is it is not a “shroud” at all, but in fact the very opposite. The scientific method was designed to rely on observable, empirical, & measurable evidence with methodologies that are re-creatable so as to be scrutinized by others (as opposed to, things such as subjective feelings, for example). There is no shroud there….
None of this, in my case at least, arose as a result of any frustration with the persona of LA. One of my first posts on this forum ever was saying that Lance should be “cut a little slack” for being a jerk because of the fact that even racing at my low level, there are plenty of jerks. I didn’t begrudge him of that, not then.
I also totally get the “not having found the straw yet” thing. I found “the straw” for me, way latter than many others have on this forum or elsewhere. Some people might never get to that point, others might get there relatively quickly.
I also think you are quite correct that this whole “divide’ is bad for cycling. As an aside, a parallel exists in mountain biking where trail-use conflicts emerge with hikers. There are the “downhillers” and “cross-country riders” who may argue back & forth about who is causing trail access to be threatened by their associated group’s behavior. The hikers lump us all in as “mountain-bikers” and the fact that we are divided does us a lot of harm.
I guess there is the PERCEPTION outside the cycling world of both the “pro Lance (fanboy)” and “anti Lance (hater)” groups. But if the rest of the world was really really paying attention, I think they would more likely see them as the “pro hero-figure/marketability” and “anti-doping/corruption/bullying” groups instead.