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Giro d'Italia 2021 Giro d'Italia, Stage 12: Siena – Bagno di Romagna 212 km

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This stage will be more exciting than the previous one

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 15.8%
  • No

    Votes: 30 52.6%
  • Another stupid poll

    Votes: 18 31.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Moscon really needs to think about the long term game here. Risking an injury chasing Nibali who with the greatest respect is not relevant to the GC anymore is just foolish.

Hmmm..... 'Moscon really needs to think'...
Probably not the first or last time we'll hear that comment.

I'm glad he's ok. I don't like to see any rider crash. So with that in mind, knowing he's fine, seeing that particular rider schooled by a master was quite satisfying.
Lol, Brambilla actually got relegated from 3rd to 4th.
Love his "maybe Bennet should watch cycling on TV so he could learn to win races line." Yeah I think that's the problem Gianluca, he watched how you win races and realized letting others take the wind in the finale is exactly how it's done.

No offense to Brambilla who's style I generally like but being that upset about a guy with no kick not wanting to close a gap is a bit over the top.
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He just annoys me so incredibly much. He always seems to know best and Bay never dares challenge him because he (Holm) is a diva who can't tolerate when people don't agree with all the nonsens he spews 24-7. For example, the other day, Sagan could not be considered a favourite for the stage because he doesn't climb well anymore and it was inconceivable that better sprinters like Gaviria and Nizzolo would be dropped before Sagan so they would be there to beat him in the sprint. Then when he was still at the very front of the peloton at the top of the last climb he was clearly gassed and Gaviria could be considered even more of a favourite than Sagan than before because he had had the wits to fall a little back in the peloton instead of maintaining his position (I wonder how he would have interpreted Sagan losing positions, but I think I know the answer as he has to fit his narrative). Then Sagan easily trounced the others in the sprint but there was no admission of having made a wrong assessment of him.

Also, his dialect sucks (I know that is not really a valid complaint), he often forgets to turn on his mic as if it's such a difficult thing to remember and not important when you're a commentator, and then I can't stand his HVA'?? which apparently has to end every other sentence. Shoe Cardy, Caleb McEwen, Patrick Bevin (with French pronounciation).

But yeah, it's quite a new thing, I haven't always been that much against him but he has really begun grinding my gear. Him being on my least favourite team does not help, either.

In this case though, I agree with RhD that dishonourable was probably not the right choice of words.

I disagree with pretty much all of that.

I enjoy Holm a great deal, especially because he never thinks before speaking, and often drops inside knowledge that you don't get anywhere else. I also like that he is a proper cycling hard man, who doesn't put up with BS or poor excuses.

As for not liking his dialect, I'll just let that go without a comment.
He just annoys me so incredibly much. He always seems to know best and Bay never dares challenge him because he (Holm) is a diva who can't tolerate when people don't agree with all the nonsens he spews 24-7. For example, the other day, Sagan could not be considered a favourite for the stage because he doesn't climb well anymore and it was inconceivable that better sprinters like Gaviria and Nizzolo would be dropped before Sagan so they would be there to beat him in the sprint. Then when he was still at the very front of the peloton at the top of the last climb he was clearly gassed and Gaviria could be considered even more of a favourite than Sagan than before because he had had the wits to fall a little back in the peloton instead of maintaining his position (I wonder how he would have interpreted Sagan losing positions, but I think I know the answer as he has to fit his narrative). Then Sagan easily trounced the others in the sprint but there was no admission of having made a wrong assessment of him.

Also, his dialect sucks (I know that is not really a valid complaint), he often forgets to turn on his mic as if it's such a difficult thing to remember and not important when you're a commentator, and then I can't stand his HVA'?? which apparently has to end every other sentence. Shoe Cardy, Caleb McEwen, Patrick Bevin (with French pronounciation).

But yeah, it's quite a new thing, I haven't always been that much against him but he has really begun grinding my gear. Him being on my least favourite team does not help, either.

In this case though, I agree with RhD that dishonourable was probably not the right choice of words.
Undignified, I'd say. And I too can't stand lavkøbenhavnsk (I have the same problem with Erik Holstein).
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