Final preparations for the cycling holiday. There is an ongoing Strava challenge too. Who can undertake Kolovrat the fastest. After slightly above 1000 attempts Daniele Braidot (35:15) and Alessandro De Marchi (35:34) are ahead of Flying Potato (35:48).
Mohorič will be there tomorrow too. A hour before the race he will do a training ride on Kolovrat.
Kolovrat nad dolino Soče glavni oder novega kolesarskega praznika
Dolina Soče je pripravljena na petek, ko bo v okviru 19. etape v Slovenijo vnovič zavila Dirka po Italiji. Glavni romarski cilj kolesarskih navdušencev bo Kolovrat, kjer bo navijače ogreval tudi Matej Mohorič, v Kobaridu pa jih bo pozdravil Jan
D Marchi kom was on the week of the Giro departure.. i think it's safe to assume he'll be 1 of 20/25 on the break..