I guess we have to wait and see, but false positives are pretty rare.carolina said:From his facebook page:
Today, I received notification from the UCI that my A Sample, from a urine test done at my home on June 18th, tested positive for Erythropoietin. I have requested to the UCI that my B sample be tested as soon as possible.
Getting the chance to ride at the pinnacle of professional cycling is the greatest honor I could ever hope for, and I was looking forward to doing my best for my team and myself at the Tour. I believe in clean sport and have always conducted myself as a clean athlete, but I realize that this news puts a dark cloud on not just myself but also on our sport and my team, teammates and staff. Before anything else, those people are my friends and colleagues for whom I have unlimited respect, and under no circumstances would I ever do something that could put them, their families or their reputations in jeopardy.
I am fully aware that I will be presumed to be guilty, but it's important to me to say that I am devastated by this news and I wanted to state that I have never taken any illegal substances. I've seen firsthand through my career the awful effects that performance enhancing drugs have had on our sport, and I would never want to be a part of that. I've always tried to be a constructive influence in the peloton and on young, aspiring cyclists. It is my great hope that the B sample will come back as negative and clear me of any wrongdoing.
Until then, I hope that those who know me, trust me when I say that I'm innocent, and that my colleagues and cycling fans everywhere don't judge me too quickly during this difficult time.
TL;DR: I'm clean bla bla bla I'm clean