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Android support?

Jul 10, 2009
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Hey there,

I am an avid reader of your website. Are you going to have Andriod support for your magazine? How about an Android app?

Not everybody is an Apple fan.



I would ditto, but erm.. most major publishers have yet to realise that android has a bigger market share than apple..

And apple users are used to having to pay for stuff, android users (of which i am one) have a different mentality :D
Aug 2, 2010
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TeamSkyFans said:
I would ditto, but erm.. most major publishers have yet to realise that android has a bigger market share than apple..

And apple users are used to having to pay for stuff, android users (of which i am one) have a different mentality :D

stop generalizing and saying bullsh*t. market share means nothing when 80% of said devices are low end and sold to people that only make calls and apple has more than 75 % (95% in the tablet market) of all mobile traffic.

basically the iPhone outsells all android high end devices 4 to 1. people that are interested in spending in content usually buy high end devices. see? let's not even start talking about tablets.

Also it is very easy to do anything in an iOS device. android?talk about fragmentation. it's a madness.

having said that, android should have support, even if there's not enough profit or target audience in it. it's more of a matter of principles.


Neilsen at the end of march had apple at 43%, android at 48% in the smartphone market share (in the US) but thats based on new adopters.

The true us market share is

android 48%
ios 32%
blackberry 12%
other 8%

Tablets are a different matter.. In the latest stats from february (for fourth quarter 2011) for tablets (global)
IOS 57.6%
Android 39.1%
MS 1.5%
Others 1.9%

not sure where the 95% of all tablet traffic comes from as far as ios goes. Maybe because thats about all ipads are good for :D

Oh, Maybe IOS high end devices outsell android high end devices because a) there are much fewer high end android devices, and b) because you dont need a high end android device to use android. I have a mid range android phone and it easily outperforms all but the latest apple devices (although granted its heavily modded, doesnt use stock kernel, or anything else - the joys of android).

But yes, when all said and done, if sites are going to support handheld devices they really need to support both.
Aug 2, 2010
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TeamSkyFans said:
Neilsen at the end of march had apple at 43%, android at 48% in the smartphone market share (in the US) but thats based on new adopters.

The true us market share is

android 48%
ios 32%
blackberry 12%
other 8%

Tablets are a different matter.. In the latest stats from february (for fourth quarter 2011) for tablets (global)
IOS 57.6%
Android 39.1%
MS 1.5%
Others 1.9%

not sure where the 95% of all tablet traffic comes from as far as ios goes. Maybe because thats about all ipads are good for :D

Oh, Maybe IOS high end devices outsell android high end devices because a) there are much fewer high end android devices, and b) because you dont need a high end android device to use android. I have a mid range android phone and it easily outperforms all but the latest apple devices (although granted its heavily modded, doesnt use stock kernel, or anything else - the joys of android).

But yes, when all said and done, if sites are going to support handheld devices they really need to support both.

son, i have a rooted xperia. i won't buy an iOS device because we do not have apple stores here, so if i have a problem with an iPhone or an iPad it can be a pain in the *ss. you do not want to know the portuguese retail business.

the market share that you are talking about is related to devices sold to carriers, not end-users. for example, samsung said (a few months ago) that they sold 5 million galaxy tabs. after they were sent back by those stores that bought them, it was a public mess for them and they had to tell the truth. RIM has more than a billion dollars in channel inventory. the kindle fire (that sold so well during christmas) is now "dead", it simply does not sell anymore. the HP tablet was a flop. same with all windows mobile devices.

google said (1 month ago) that they activated 10million android tablets. do the math. take those google numbers with salt (ROM activations.. cancelled buys) and do your own math (apple still cannot meet demand).

much fewer android high end devices? what a lunatic ( :) ). galaxy note, S, razzr, one, evo, xperia.. you name it. all vs iPhone.

if you say that there is a phone that outperforms the latest iPhone (even the galaxy s3) you do not have enough knowledge in this matter in order to have a decent discussion. android is laggy (compared to iOS). you can put iOS5 in a device with 256mb of ram (with top notch silicon, obviously) but ICS requires at least 1gb for it to be usable (well known fact). The iPhone 4s is so much faster (UI) that it isn't even funny. i'm talking about real life usage here, for real work. it's instant, polished and very good.

But let's agree in one thing, anyone that says something bad about android is simply wrong and even lunatic. it is very good, just not "iOS" good.

also another reason for the speed difference is that you have much better and polished apps. even the more hardware demanding apps and games only work in iOS (infinity blade, anything new..) or it will take months for android users to use it (even instagram), so anything related to "pure" specs in the android world is pretty much useless. 8 months ago, larry page said that android would be the default choice in less than half a year for developers. he was so wrong.

lots of cases of well known apps that will load in less than 5 seconds on a single core iPhone 4, but would take 25s to load properly on a S2. that's the joy of iOS for you.

App store sells 10times more than google play (former market). how's that? to put simply, only high end devices are truly used has smartphones, be it iOS or android, and high end is apple territory.

they now have 80% of all mobile profits (only samsung had profit in the last few quarters.) 6 months ago, they had 70%. apple is (dangerously) putting everyone in check. that's so bad.. you have no idea. android OEMs simply cannot fight with apple this way, something has to change. that's why developers only trust in apple (first) and then.. who knows.

android market share will grow until the smartphone market = handset market. after that, they better pray. why? android backbone is made of lots of different low end devices and people tend to upgrade. 99% of iOS users invest on the apple ecosystem and say that they won't change to another platform.

in a few words..

apple has the content consumers. apple has the high end market. apple has the profits and better tools for content and app consumption and creation. they also have the large majority of mobile traffic. google it.

so i understand why there is no android support, but CN is only entering the mobile game. once it gets rolling, we will have android support. :)

i understand you have a bad opinion about apple and you like tweaking, so you like android. but irrationally denying what's fact does not make your opinions legitimate.

android is healthy and good, but apple is a different universe and they have all the merit behind it. (it's also thanks to them that you use your android devices and not a nokia 3310).

p.s: you can love android, tweaking etc but generalizing people based on their gadgets (when referring to apple) is simply stupid and wrong. people want luxury and the best. if they can afford a 1000$+ PC, 90% buys a mac. not a series 7 ou 9, or a vaio, or envy.. but a mac. same with tablets phones and media devices. apple isn't overpriced (besides the lowed mac pro) anymore.. au contrarie. buying a non-ipad tablet is not a smart buy. buying a galaxy s is not a smart buy. same with ultra books and high end PCs.


depends how far you go with the tweaking. S3 with the right kernel, right mod of android, bit of overclocking, adrenaline, can perform very nicely.

my ace hits 2500 on antutu v stock of about 1300. But yes, its only a very small percentage of android users that have their machines performing to the max.
Aug 2, 2010
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TeamSkyFans said:
depends how far you go with the tweaking. S3 with the right kernel, right mod of android, bit of overclocking, adrenaline, can perform very nicely.

my ace hits 2500 on antutu v stock of about 1300. But yes, its only a very small percentage of android users that have their machines performing to the max.

the S3 isn't "nice", it is "amazing"! but:

-User interface? the iPhone is much faster. it's instant. (optimization)
-apps work faster on the iPhone because they were optimized for it and there's no fragmentation.
-android is much more resource hungry.
-there's not a single well known app optimized for quad-cores.

based on all this, the iPhone is the fastest phone in the market and your logic is flawed. benchmarks can be (and usually are) useless when you focus on things that matter like real world usage/work.



you are going to make an awesome app based not only in cycling related news, but also bets, discussions, simulations, etc.
if you wanted to make money and be very profitable, you wouldn't even think about android. why?

screen resolutions, hardware specifications and incompatibilities (a game/app optimized for (for example) the galaxy s2 won't work in the Evo), outdated android versions and support (+85% on 2.3,2.2 and 2.1? really? that's disgusting), far from excellent dev tools, smaller target consumer audience, 25% of mobile traffic, etc VS iOS.

can't you understand CN? android support will come, it has to come, but it the actual situation is understandable. I love cycling but it is a shame that besides bikes, everything is so outdated (technologically speaking). it's frustrating.