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Jul 14, 2009
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hwyrngr said:
"Gerlach joins Federal inquiry! I remember when Levi was young and he used to buy EPO from Gaggiolli. Yeah i loved to get high, but when the **** hit the fan, only a real ***, digs deeper! I can't wait to tesstify in Congress. I'll give up every champion from 95 thru 2002. It gets worse. Cool, California, we remember T, you'll B there too!" [/I]

It was speculated that "T" is Trent Klasna.

NashbarShorts said:
Ahh, Mr. Klasna. Does anybody know what happened to that guy? There was one year when he won EVERYTHING.

Klasna lives in Cool, California now. He has a small organic farm and does welding jobs. The local Auburn Ca. newspaper did a story on him earlies this year cause the ToC was passing his place.

If you think he was bad you should have raced against his older brother.

I raced against Steve when I was a pup. I used to look to him and Trent and would stand in amazement as they could command really hot women. Slicked back hair and sun glasses. Steve switched to mtb racing at the end of his career. When I first met the brothers Klasna, Steve was a triguy..hangin w Lance,Souza,Molina and Tinley. When Trent first started he went to Mammoth and hurt people..I mean really hurt people..he was a good climber and had a killer instinct. he and Horner would do the Alpine ride and do the Wed ride that had a super good pace most days. After Jeff Pierce was winding down I remember riding with the sheriffs Klasna was always super talented. I hope that if he did a bunch of $hit with Gerlach and Roberto he doesn't get popped. I can still feel the bag of hurt he put on us at the district road race in lovely Blvd Ca. How come nobody ever talks about when Hegg got popped for jammin caffeine in his ****. Trent owned Redlands for a couple of years
Jul 6, 2010
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I think that since the 84 disclosure became public knowledge (blood doping before it was illegal), the 'coffee beans up my *ss' story has lost a bit of cache. BTW, I know he wasn't packing beans up his ****, but it has a certain lyrical quality that I just can't deny.

Since then the concentration limit on caf (as well as ephedrine, you Levi lovers) has been removed. Sort of a non-starter. Besides, why talk about coffee and decongestants when you can beat EPO and microdosing to death. Ad infinitum. Forever. Without end.
Oct 31, 2010
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fatandfast said:
I raced against Steve when I was a pup. I used to look to him and Trent and would stand in amazement as they could command really hot women. Slicked back hair and sun glasses. Steve switched to mtb racing at the end of his career. When I first met the brothers Klasna, Steve was a triguy..hangin w Lance,Souza,Molina and Tinley. When Trent first started he went to Mammoth and hurt people..I mean really hurt people..he was a good climber and had a killer instinct. he and Horner would do the Alpine ride and do the Wed ride that had a super good pace most days. After Jeff Pierce was winding down I remember riding with the sheriffs Klasna was always super talented. I hope that if he did a bunch of $hit with Gerlach and Roberto he doesn't get popped. I can still feel the bag of hurt he put on us at the district road race in lovely Blvd Ca. How come nobody ever talks about when Hegg got popped for jammin caffeine in his ****. Trent owned Redlands for a couple of years

Steve was good Trent was better, agreed. I'm speaking more about character. I won't go into detail but lets say Steve was less than honest when dealing with teams and teammates. As far as I know he raced clean other that an extra cup of coffee. I had no dealings with Trent other than I could feel that he seemed enough like his brother that I didn't care if I ever had one word with the guy.

A quick Horner story. When he was new to racing and maybe still a cat 3 he was riding the Dist Champ in SoCal. Very early in the race he's pulling the feild like a freight train but for like 5 miles at a time. I ride up along side of hiim and tell him take it easy its a long race, save it. He response. "**** off! don't tell me how to ride." Fine. End result, me third, him...dropped. Lets say I never cheer for him.
Jul 6, 2010
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fatandfast said:
coffee beans? he got pinched for suppositories

That was the 'lyrical quality' I was talking about. Yes, it was suppositories, but "Packing coffee beans up your pooper" has more of a ring to it. Sort of rolls right off the tongue.

Now that's starting to sound gross...
Aug 13, 2009
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fatandfast said:
I raced against Steve when I was a pup. I used to look to him and Trent and would stand in amazement as they could command really hot women. Slicked back hair and sun glasses.

My memory is a little foggy but I do remember this. Wow, Trent got hot chicks. I remember when he got that trailer and he started living in it and going to races with it. He was with this smoking hot chick, I think she was a nurse or dental chick,......I remember thinking, Man that guy has serious game if he can get a hot chick like that to live in a trailer.
I did this Nats in Albany when this came down. The whole talk there was exactly how much caffeine pills you could take without getting caught. Amazing how things have changed, doping with caffeine versus major pharmaceuticals.

I had the Klasna's stay with me when they were on Redlands for some races in AZ. I never had an issue with them racing elbow to elbow, or being friendly with me. I have had other run ins with Sheriffs in other SoCal races, like a fist fight at Hughes Park after they pinched a teammate into the grass.


Sep 24, 2009
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Race Radio said:
My memory is a little foggy but I do remember this. Wow, Trent got hot chicks. I remember when he got that trailer and he started living in it and going to races with it. He was with this smoking hot chick, I think she was a nurse or dental chick,......I remember thinking, Man that guy has serious game if he can get a hot chick like that to live in a trailer.

For better or for worse, the hot ones are just as dumb as the majority of the morons. Even the "smart" ones have their crazy blind spots.

There's two tragedies in life. One is that you don't get what you want. The other is, you get it....paraphrase of Oscar Wilde.

Getting or not getting includes getting women.
Aug 30, 2010
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Why does everyone have such a hard on to prosecute LA? Yes he was very successful but they all committed the same crime. Let sleeping dogs lie. Terrible waste of tax payers money.


Jul 16, 2010
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alpine_chav said:
Why does everyone have such a hard on to prosecute LA? Yes he was very successful but they all committed the same crime. Let sleeping dogs lie. Terrible waste of tax payers money.

Welp, it's all over. You heard it, guy - pack it up and move on.
Aug 13, 2009
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alpine_chav said:
Why does everyone have such a hard on to prosecute LA? Yes he was very successful but they all committed the same crime. Let sleeping dogs lie. Terrible waste of tax payers money.

How big does the crime have to be for you to be OK with investigating it?
Jul 14, 2009
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veganrob said:
It's not all about Lance. It is about having a clean sport. Lance is just all that is wrong about it.

Back when Coppi was racing in the 40"s the riders would police one another so that they knew who was totally gassed. Coppi sent his brother to hotels to look in the garbage of Coppi's rivals so that he would know what substance the other guys were taking. I hardly think Lance started anything..and as was posted before a couple of our Olympic riders were caught by our federation using legal substances..illegally. Jamming needles in your leg or a&& is hardly new. The fact that an investigation is in a mosh pit of fellow users and all the leader keeps chanting is"Let's get Lance" is probably why this is such a circus. Why would one doper be more important than another..career advancement and greed is the answer. There should be no deals..whoever broke the law it should make no difference.If you just look at reality..today..the records of Landis,Papp,Gerlach compared to Armstrong are a stark contrast. Landis went to many court rooms with the same outcome..guilty. Lance went also and walked out with a bonus check
alpine_chav said:
Why does everyone have such a hard on to prosecute LA? Yes he was very successful but they all committed the same crime. Let sleeping dogs lie. Terrible waste of tax payers money.

Easy - Hate. Of course, this doesn't necessarily include those conducting the investigation nor the professionals reporting on it.
Oct 25, 2010
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Scott SoCal said:
Maybe I missed this before but I've not see Bahati's name mentioned in connection to this investigation until now.

It does make me wonder... Team mates with Leogrande... the Joe Papp story...

I've always kind of liked Rashaan and I'm hoping there's nothing to this, but it's becoming tougher to trust pro cyclists these days.

Look, when thinking about Rock Racing and Bahati Foundation, and their interesting recruiting of 'certain individuals'.... You either recruit these guys because

A) you think they (themselves) are just awesome riders who need a second chance (and you need a strong rider)...or

B) You desperately want to know what they know about "how to do things".

Tyler and Floyd. They either went to these teams to race, to teach ("something") or to "race and teach".

They're consultants. You don't learn much about hemotology by wrenching in a bike shop. You've either got the budget to secure the services of Ferrari, Lim or Baker, or you've got to work with experienced users who can teach without either killing your guys, or creating positives.
Oct 25, 2010
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fatandfast said:
...a couple of our Olympic riders were caught by our federation using legal substances..illegally.

If you're talking 1984, it was the majority of the Olympic team, and they weren't "caught" by the federation. The federation put them up to it! But a few rational people that were disgusted with it blew the lid off of things by talking to a reporter at Rolling Stone Magazine.

At that time, blood doping was not banned. It was just unethical, and most sane people knew this. Several riders on the team actually balked at doing it and were penalized with their short-team slots being awarded to those who agreed. And sadly, very few of those team members are willing to go on-the-record about their choices during that sad episode.
Jul 14, 2009
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BotanyBay said:
If you're talking 1984, it was the majority of the Olympic team, and they weren't "caught" by the federation. The federation put them up to it! But a few rational people that were disgusted with it blew the lid off of things by talking to a reporter at Rolling Stone Magazine.

At that time, blood doping was not banned. It was just unethical, and most sane people knew this. Several riders on the team actually balked at doing it and were penalized with their short-team slots being awarded to those who agreed. And sadly, very few of those team members are willing to go on-the-record about their choices during that sad episode.

wrong method and substance
BotanyBay said:
Look, when thinking about Rock Racing and Bahati Foundation, and their interesting recruiting of 'certain individuals'.... You either recruit these guys because

A) you think they (themselves) are just awesome riders who need a second chance (and you need a strong rider)...or

B) You desperately want to know what they know about "how to do things".

You forgot about the most important and most likely one:

C) Money. Riders like Landis, Hamilton, Sevilla, Mancebo, etc. were dirt cheap compared to what the teams would have had to pay to get someone else in the same class. If a team does not mind the taint then it is just good business sense to hire those riders.
Jul 14, 2009
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washedup said:

The first guy mentioned DVH is a great guy. He had some really awesome years at the Morley Filed Velodrome( San Diego) he and Doreen smith had a fantastic program that developed a couple of Olympic racers. Danny is now the DS for Jelly Belly and has kept that a really quality US squad for years.

funny fact..Lenard Harvey Nitz besides being a wicked fast rider had a series of photos that were used by 7-11(Southland?) going to a race and I stopped for a big gulp, the guy at the register took down the picture of Nitz while I was standing there. I asked what he was doing and he said that there was new art on the way and he was going to toss the 2x3 ft photo in the garbage. He asked if I wanted it and I almost blew one on myself..yes! as happy as I could be..he went in the back and got me 2 more photos of 7-11 riders and off I went. I am really glad I got to see everybody mentioned in that article race. Eddie B is a super cool guy and I don't slam him for all the seemingly stupid stuff that was done. Not a free pass but all that eastbloc stuff was hard for the old man to get out of his system.


BotanyBay said:
If you're talking 1984, it was the majority of the Olympic team, and they weren't "caught" by the federation. The federation put them up to it! But a few rational people that were disgusted with it blew the lid off of things by talking to a reporter at Rolling Stone Magazine.

At that time, blood doping was not banned. It was just unethical, and most sane people knew this. Several riders on the team actually balked at doing it and were penalized with their short-team slots being awarded to those who agreed. And sadly, very few of those team members are willing to go on-the-record about their choices during that sad episode.

That would be the Connie Carpenter / Davis Phinney team. n'est pas?
fatandfast said:
The first guy mentioned DVH is a great guy. He had some really awesome years at the Morley Filed Velodrome( San Diego) he and Doreen smith had a fantastic program that developed a couple of Olympic racers. Danny is now the DS for Jelly Belly and has kept that a really quality US squad for years.

funny fact..Lenard Harvey Nitz besides being a wicked fast rider had a series of photos that were used by 7-11(Southland?) going to a race and I stopped for a big gulp, the guy at the register took down the picture of Nitz while I was standing there. I asked what he was doing and he said that there was new art on the way and he was going to toss the 2x3 ft photo in the garbage. He asked if I wanted it and I almost blew one on myself..yes! as happy as I could be..he went in the back and got me 2 more photos of 7-11 riders and off I went. I am really glad I got to see everybody mentioned in that article race. Eddie B is a super cool guy and I don't slam him for all the seemingly stupid stuff that was done. Not a free pass but all that eastbloc stuff was hard for the old man to get out of his system.

DVH was a teammate many years ago, and yeah he is s great guy.
Oct 25, 2010
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brewerjeff said:
That would be the Connie Carpenter / Davis Phinney team. n'est pas?

Now that you mention it, they've never confirmed or denied taking part. But then again, they did steer their son towards Och.

Meathead did. Twigg did. Hegg did. Grewal said his own dope was fine (thank you very much!).