Just finished watching the first two series of Underbelly, an Australian series detailing gang warfare in Melbourne and Sydney. The first series was based in Melbourne. The show could not be aired in Victoria at the time because of ongoing court cases being aired on the series. Still very topical with the release of Animal Kingdom, the recent sentencing of Judy Moran, and the just finished trial for the murder of Carl Williams. Excellent series, well acted, and good character development.
The second series detailed Mr. Asia and Aussie Bob with the importation of heroin into Sydney in the 70s and 80s. It was also fascinating, but a bit more raw and ugly, and I am not sure how or why but I did not feel as much empathy for the characters as in the first series. Still a good watch. The third series, which is a sequel to the second series, is next on my list.
Other series I have intentions of watching or have started watching:
- The Wire (just starting the second series): very enjoyable
- Modern Family (mid-way through the first series): clever, but some cringe-worthy moments/acting
- The Good Wife (just started the second series): intriguing, good acting
- Weeds (just finishing season 5): running out of steam, series needed to end, but the first three seasons were good
- Game of Thrones (no more spoiler alerts please!)
- Justified
- Breaking Bad
- Bored to Death
- Rome
- Spartacus
And I continue to watch:
- How I Met Your Mother: I enjoy this series, but it should start wrapping up soon
- Two and a Half Men: I'm hanging in to see how things develop with Ashton Kutsher and the team. He is establishing his role, which is very different to Charlie Sheen, and the show may still have the legs to continue.
- Big Bang Theory: still fresh and enjoyable
- CSI: This season has started off very interestingly with Ted Danson and promises of a shakeup in the lab. Will be interesting to see how the season develops.
- CSI: NY: I am not sure how long both CSIs will last, and thankfully CSI Miami died a natural death (just too many seasons too late), but NY had to last until the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. They did that episode very nicely I thought. Mac is back in the lab again, which actually surprised me, and they continue to develop their characters well and have good and original story lines.
Now I need to get some bike time