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Teams & Riders Cian Uijtdebroeks - From the wetlands to the top of cycling

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Gonna be some hilarious Unzué vs. Carapaz antics if he does go. Might be the most entertaining thing about the Jumbo show next season, actually.

If he stays I'd love to see Denk just sit him the whole season, self-sabotage or not. Staple him to the bench. Or, seeing as that might actually constitute a genuine reason to break the contract, try to tank his value by sending him to races he isn't suited to. If he's not motivated to ride for you he'll probably not put in the effort anyway, so may as well have him not put in the effort in situations where that won't harm the team, right?

Tough coach. But something like that did cross my mind.
I wonder if Cian will try to argue that Bora wasn't committed (enough) to e.g. do windtunnel tests, and will try to use his mechanicals (like in Chrono des nations) to argue the team weren't doing their part of the contract.

I know this may sound silly, but I just can't imagine what else he could throw in legal fight.
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So the Winter of discontent carries on with the verbal argy-bargy. I don't think for one moment that Visma would sign Cian without checking on the contract first. Even us chumps on the forum knew Cian had 1 more year left.

Lefereve will apparently be retiring after 2024 to his well stocked wine cellar, so he does not give a f@ck anymore, I think. The Cian to Visma story is a case of what goes around comes around, and who really knows what the AIGCP does or even is?!

The old adage of the golden rule, he who has the gold makes the rules, seems to be true here, as if Visma can afford to pay off Bora for Cian, they probably will. Money talks!
If the termination is actually valid, then what?

This is surely jumping the gun a bit.
Yes, you're right, and I did state that I do not profess to know everything about the situation. But from Bora's statement, it seems like there's not unanimous agreement that the termination is valid, to put it that way. And I'll be intrigued to eventually learn what sets Cian's contract apart from other contracts that are not broken left, right and centre.
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Obviously the best move is for bora to allow another team to buy his contract out and let him go for a reasonable fee. If they sit him while on the team it’s a bad look for the team itself. Cain sabotaging the team he’s on only sabotages himself

If another team isn’t willing to buy out the contract it says more about cian’s true value as an unproven talent.
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Obviously the best move is for bora to allow another team to buy his contract out and let him go for a reasonable fee. If they sit him while on the team it’s a bad look for the team itself. Cain sabotaging the team he’s on only sabotages himself

If another team isn’t willing to buy out the contract it says more about cian’s true value as an unproven talent.
I wouldnt go as far as saying his talent is "unproven".

He has won the Tour de l'Avenir.

In his first pro-season he finished 9th in Catalunya, 6th in Romandie and 7th in Suisse. His first GT he finished 8th, where he climbed against the best on the toughest stages.

The question is... can he become a winner? Thats still something he will need to prove as a pro.
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Cian can also be a winner of a GT just by thinking it
I‘m worried most now for bike brand Specialized.

Uijtdebroeks lets Specialized and Bora now look like idiots. He signs in for Chrono des Nations, which of course is great for us fans. Then he rides weakly there, and lets it look as if bike manufacturer and team mechanics are to blame for him losing 1:26mins on Frederik Muff. At least Cian beat Mathias Ribeiro da Cruz by twelve seconds.

Instead of being ashamed for this ITT, and hiding next four months in an altitude mountain hut somewhere high up on Teide, Uijtdebroeks attacks Ralph and his men, who treated Cian like their own son. Ralph probably would have cleaned Cian‘s toilet with his own hands - that‘s how Cian was adored by Ralph et al..

And Specialized now suffered this disappointment with Remco, now loses Cian… Sagan retires. Difficult times for the bike brand.
i don’t pay a lot of attention to this. So let me know if I’m wrong. I thought specialized was the preferred manufacturer of the pros these days
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The context is that Cian complained about his (lack of) windtunnel testing before the Vuelta, and the offer to go to California to test in the windtunnel came after Cian already 'decided' to leave Bora. Maybe the lack of wind tunnel testing before the Vuelta, in combination with Vlasov competing for GC positions, was what made Cian wanting to move teams.

Cian said in the Vuelta he was pushing the better numbers, but probably Vlasov has a better TT position and thus got approx. 1:30 in the TT on Cian, time Cian needed to defend his GC spot (which he lost with 7s to Vlasov). I'm pretty sure Cian thought he could have easily got those 7s if only Bora committed a bit more on his aero testing before the Vuelta / beginning of the season. If that's diva behaviour I don't know, but Cian clearly 'felt' he was entitled to have more support (read: investment by the team). I do think that he would have been better off to just swallow his pride / ambitions one more year but that's too late now.

It would be pretty inconsistent to go to California knowing you want to leave the team, no?
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"In his mind".

I mean that's the issue, isn't it? He can imagine whatever he wants but when there's a contractual & legal dispute in cycling like this, you usually don't ride around wearing colors from both teams.
Yeah that’s true, but it’s not only his mind. Jumbo also thinks he’s their rider.

Say: "There's no story here."
Your obsession with me is getting creepy
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