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Contador reappreciation thread

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i always liked him. he's a great rider, fun to watch, and seems like genuinely nice guy. he has no problem saying he didn't have it when he loses the race. true champion. i cannot say that he is my favorite rider [i have more than one favorite], but he is awesome. yeah, if he doped he should be suspended, but i like to not think about that [not just in his case, but generally]. i know it is probably naive and stupid, but makes it much easier to enjoy the sport
LaFlorecita said:
Pff... Please hold your judgement until after CAS.

+1 I completely agree with this.

Contador has been cleared once - until CAS judge on UCI and WADA's appeals, he is considered innocent. That is the "Presumption of innocence", as should be known by everyone - at least everyone privileged enough to live in a democracy.
Jul 3, 2011
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Grayguard said:
+1 I completely agree with this.

Contador has been cleared once - until CAS judge on UCI and WADA's appeals, he is considered innocent. That is the "Presumption of innocence", as should be known by everyone - at least everyone privileged enough to live in a democracy.

Positive test is indicative of guilt. The rest is just political wrangling.
Apollonius said:
Positive test is indicative of guilt. The rest is just political wrangling.

Please read this:

Quote from the article:
A recent study by a WADA-accredited lab in Cologne, Germany, found that 22 of 28 travellers returning from China tested positive for low levels of clenbuterol, probably from food contamination. The lab warned athletes travelling to China about the risks of inadvertent clenbuterol ingestion.

If thats not enough for you, try taking it to the Clinic.
Blakeslee said:
Enjoy it while it lasts, Contador will probably soon be going away for at least a year, hopefully two.

I was encouraged by how Contador looked more human yesterday. He still made an aggressive attack, but without the kind of superhuman acceleration we've seen in the past where he leaves everyone minutes behind. Gives us a glimpse of how exciting clean racing could potentially be.

Apollonius said:
Indeed - he had one small kick yesterday, which was by in large unsuccessful (his main rival still added seconds on him) and you'd think it was the second coming of Christ!

It's a disgrace he's even riding in this tour.
you two may not be aware of this, so i will give you the benefit of the doubt.

people are not ignoring facts, merely keeping them within the proper forum.

if you'd like to discuss doping, etc., there is a long thread in the Clinic where i am sure you can enjoy yourself and vent your spleen.

this thread is for those that have an appreciation for Contador as a cyclist.
Jul 3, 2011
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thirteen said:
this thread is for those that have an appreciation for Contador as a cyclist.

I know where The Clinic is thanks.

We wont discuss Contador being poisoned by another team (LMAO, worst excuse ever) here again but this is an open forum so I can certainly criticise his riding like his silly risk taking today for zero gain.
Apollonius said:
I know where The Clinic is thanks.

We wont discuss Contador being poisoned by another team (LMAO, worst excuse ever) here again but this is an open forum so I can certainly criticise his riding like his silly risk taking today for zero gain.

No, you can absolutely not criticise him in the reappreciation thread. Is it so hard to understand?
May 19, 2010
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Apollonius said:
I know where The Clinic is thanks.

We wont discuss Contador being poisoned by another team (LMAO, worst excuse ever) here again but this is an open forum so I can certainly criticise his riding like his silly risk taking today for zero gain.

You're criticising a rider for taking risks in order to win? Would you prefer it if they all held hands riding down slowly? This is a race, and he's trying to win. That descent took serious balls and ability - today it didn't work - but next time it might.
Apollonius said:
I know where The Clinic is thanks.

We wont discuss Contador being poisoned by another team (LMAO, worst excuse ever) here again but this is an open forum so I can certainly criticise his riding like his silly risk taking today for zero gain.

yeah, what a ***** he is, attacking and trying to take time in a bike race. stupid, stupid contador :mad:
Oct 4, 2010
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Grayguard said:
the "Presumption of innocence", as should be known by everyone - at least everyone privileged enough to live in a democracy.

Inapplicable. I get annoyed by people citing this concept. Even worse, you drag it even more in the mud together with the wonderful achievement that is democracy. Here is why:

"Presumption of Innocence" applies ONLY for cases between state and citizen. There is NO such thing on the level between citizens.

I personally think it is a threat for modern societies when people are so blatantly unaware of the achievements!

Unless people spin words for their agenda. One has got to have a good detector for that...

And by the way, neither fans nor UCI nor the media qualify as "above citizen". None of them has to presume any in-no-sense at all.

(Can I transfer some of these characters to other, short posts?)
actually not so amazing. he only had 5 seconds at the bottom on the evans group who had been slowed by voeckler.

and voeckler loses only 20+ seconds after first skidding out, then literally going into a parking lot and having to turn around and get going again and then he was on his own for quite a bit on the flat...and still only 20+ seconds...

voeckler must have done the best time on the descent if you take away the problems.
Jun 19, 2009
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Apollonius said:
What an amazing descent by Contador! Shame it wasn't good enough to keep him from getting caught at the line. Ha!

He was smart to get to the front for the descent, although he probably didn't go any faster than most of the other pursuers caught up in near crashes, etc. Again, Evans was the bigger winner of the day.
Jul 3, 2011
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slim charles said:
yeah, what a ***** he is, attacking and trying to take time in a bike race. stupid, stupid contador :mad:

He's desperate - he's not good enough at descending to attack there, as evinced by the fact that even "poor" descenders like the Schlecks caught him.
So he took massive risks (and they were risks, Sanchez nearly went off at one point) for nothing.

Top tip for Contador - Attack on the climbs, chum.
Jun 28, 2011
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Apollonius said:
He's desperate - he's not good enough at descending to attack there, as evinced by the fact that even "poor" descenders like the Schlecks caught him.
So he took massive risks (and they were risks, Sanchez nearly went off at one point) for nothing.

Top tip for Contador - Attack on the climbs, chum.

Thats a great tip, I wonder how we can pass it over to him, because it seems he never knew. :rolleyes:
Sep 7, 2010
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Is this a joke?

We have heard nothing but moaning about the lack of attacks, race being boring and so on for the last two weeks. Now we have a rider who attacks two days in a row to ligthen up this race - first of all for himself, but we - as spectators- - gets the benefit of it as well. He gained 1 minute yesterday to Andy so why the hell shouldn't he try it again if he has the legs?! It's not the point that he didn't gain any time today - if you don't try, you don't win. And that has exactly been the problem for the previous 2 weeks. Now you finally have it and now you complain about it.

****ing hell..
Oh and, Apollonius, you know nothing about the sport. As mentioned above - go to the correct forum if you want to talk the boring talk. Keep the rubbish talk out of here. If that's too hard for you, you can go suck my nipple and **** off - bye.