What was the forcast models saying at the beginning of the pandemic? False panic and pure garbage.
I think in the United States it said something like, millions don't know who a doctor is,don't have one..that is still true, 2+ years on..
Hospitals are understaffed and under equipped, uneven distribution..that was true, before,during and after the pandemic
Lack of predictable community spread and virus presence in the community need worst case scenario nationwide..again 2 years in and that is still true w cases and hospitalization going down but death going up by 3% last month..
And vaccine distribution and development on hold waiting for the next variant..so.during coming years ,like influenza and antibiotic resistance bacteria, yes you can prepare for battle basics, but you need to know specifically what you are fighting to formulate a targeted vaccine..
And like flu, current Covid vaccines and associated booster regiments have kept hospitalization and death rates low enough for hospital capacity, currently workable in most places,
So some binary discussion about nothing vs something is silly..and then the sliding scale..let's do something,but this is too much..that subjectivity is based on death and suffering.
Yes let's take Covid measures but only enough so pizza and beer,football games continue work is not interrupted by child care and..X number of dead and sick are the cost of doing business.
Can you imagine if fire department response was based on a similar model..send a Toyota pickup w a 5 gallon bucket and if that doesn't put out the fire,they keep calling the next bigger unit until the fire is out..
Overwhelming response is always best,rather than show up under prepared..there was no crying wolf on this,we got dead bodies and long Covid suffers to back it up.
And for me all the Covid related child abuse should be a top government issue at every level. What has grown adults thinking it's ok to bring kids to tears,throwing blows over a Covid policy disagreement? Seeing video after video of adult men screaming at young girls over coffee,pizza,soap..some product or service interrupted during Covid is disgusting and unacceptable.
There should be should have been swift law enforcement about adults screaming at kids,adults screaming at adults..just general lunacy that has become publicly accepted as normal