Benotti69 said:
He has been around a long time, knows a lot of people in the sport. As a doper he was always going to be trying to keep himself knowledgable about the latest techniques. Also as a doper using dope and knowing his own ability he would be able to measure himself against others.
Di Luca is more right than wrong. The culture to dope has not changed. Look who runs the teams, the doctors they use, soigneurs making money dealing or as dope couriers etc etc. It takes something massive to change that culture. It has not happened.Anti doping is way behind the PEDs.
Blah, blah, blah, change the record occasionally sometime, you are the ultimate bot on this forum, repeating the same 3-4 sentences over and over and over, no analysis, no insight, just the same stuff again and again.
I have given you the very real life example of Northern Ireland where the same people are mostly running the show but the situation is very different from 20 years ago.
Of course the last time out you tried to claim NI has not changed. Fact. Things change, people change, circumstances change, to try and deny that is the denial of reality.
I have no clue of how good or bad things are currently but I know from actually talking with someone who has some insight, it is nowhere near as bad as Di Luca is making out.
Even Di Luca himself says things have changed in that doping has become much more secretive. That is a big change from the EPO days of Festina etc where everybody knew everything. Now riders don't know what is going on outside of their little clique.
I am sure Di Luca has inside info on some riders in the current peloton, it will be far from 90% of them though. He needs to talk to have any credibility.