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Does Ricco get it?

Mar 11, 2009
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"If I start winning again, people won’t even remember what happened to me – the same thing that happened to lots of other riders". -- Ricardo Ricco

Something happened TO him? I thought it was something he did to himself, but apparently he bears no responsibility for what he's been subjected to.

Clean in the future or not, and winning in the future or not, until he can admit that what HE DID was under HIS CONTROL and is HIS RESPONSIBILITY, I will not be rooting for the Cobra.

Gene S.


i think this will get cliniqued fairly quickly

my opinion
there are those who have cheated and denied it
there are those who have cheated, admitted it and apologised
and there are those who have cheated and are completely smug about it

ricco is in the last catagory..
Mar 26, 2009
In an italian forum a guy reported a comment said by Riccò to another pro rider (if I remember correctly, Bertagnolli); he was heard saying something like "if they didn't caught me, it would have been a trouble for everyone" like saying he was gonna get many victories.

So, no.
Ricco testing positive two years ago was hardly shocking. Neither was it that he did everything he could to get as short a suspension as possible. The dude is a complete egomaniac and cares only about himself. He must be a cancer on any team that has him on the roster. The answer is obviously no, he doesn't understand a thing.

The sad thing is is that he probably will still do really well without the dope (assuming he doesn't go back to doping, which wouldn't surprise me). The dude has a ferocious kick when he jumps, and that will always get you close to a couple of wins.
Dec 14, 2009
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Riiiiicoo...not so suave

Did he go to any sort of rehab?
It has always interested me how single dimensioned a lot of these guys are - to the point where they are almost socially inept. Ricco is a prime example, the guy needs therapy.
It just doesn't seem like he's sorry for anything, except being caught...."next time you silly UCI, you will not catch me haha!" (insert Monty Python Holy Grail Frenchman accent)
He's a **** and druggy --sorry dude no more racing for you why not try fishing, bring Mikey Rasmussen with you he's go lots of tackle.
He clearly doesn't get it. The UCI line is that dopers should appologize and be contrite if caught. Ricco is an unappologetic doper and he doesn't fit in in today's "anti-dope in public" peloton. Let's just say I won't be surprised at all if/when he turns up positive again. Maybe next him his protestations that he was clean and the test result was false will be real, but we know what happened to the boy who cried wolf.
BikeCentric said:
He clearly doesn't get it. The UCI line is that dopers should appologize and be contrite if caught. Ricco is an unappologetic doper and he doesn't fit in in today's "anti-dope in public" peloton. Let's just say I won't be surprised at all if/when he turns up positive again. Maybe next him his protestations that he was clean and the test result was false will be real, but we know what happened to the boy who cried wolf.

Agree that it wouldnt be surprising if Ricco was caught again, he just has that "win at all costs, screw you guys" mentality.
pmcg76 said:
Agree that it wouldnt be surprising if Ricco was caught again, he just has that "win at all costs, screw you guys" mentality.

Well I agree with that too. My own silly "corrupt UCI conspiracy" ramblings aside I also wouldn't be at all surprised if he uses again because he seems far too arrogant to let himself be clean pack fodder.
GatorGene said:
"If I start winning again, people won’t even remember what happened to me – the same thing that happened to lots of other riders". -- Ricardo Ricco

Something happened TO him? I thought it was something he did to himself, but apparently he bears no responsibility for what he's been subjected to.

Clean in the future or not, and winning in the future or not, until he can admit that what HE DID was under HIS CONTROL and is HIS RESPONSIBILITY, I will not be rooting for the Cobra.

Gene S.

But was it under his control? If all the top riders are doping then the only thing he did different was be unlucky enough to get caught.
I think he is just outspoken enough to thumb his nose at the traditional low profile re-entry plan. He in effect is tacitly acknowledging that everyone does it, and it is probably only a matter of time until LA chases him down in a breakaway (if he can catch him).
Dec 14, 2009
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Its like Iron Chef...whose cuisine will reign supreme. I think Armstrong has better chemists.

Lets just lift the ban on doping and separate them all into categories, it can be like PE class in high school.
The team can line up and count off by threes:
1's over here 2's over here and 3's you stand over here.

"if you are a one you will be administered HGH and Testosterone"
"if you are a two you can will be blood doping (sorry 1's, I can almost here the cries: "awwwwwww")
"and finally you guys only get to use and oxygen tent and speed"

hmmm, what about the clean guys? they don't go very fast but we can have special events for them...
Dec 4, 2009
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Can't wait for the Cobra to strike again. I missed him. It is that type of personality which give sports flare.

Lastly, he does get it. In no way should he apologize for making cycling interesting regardless of the method he employed. In fact, I loose so much respect for those that confess ie Millar, Zabel etc.
Libera said:
Can't wait for the Cobra to strike again. I missed him. It is that type of personality which give sports flare.

Lastly, he does get it. In no way should he apologize for making cycling interesting regardless of the method he employed. In fact, I loose so much respect for those that confess ie Millar, Zabel etc.

Hooray another troll!
Apr 1, 2009
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Hugh Januss said:
But was it under his control? If all the top riders are doping then the only thing he did different was be unlucky enough to get caught.
I think he is just outspoken enough to thumb his nose at the traditional low profile re-entry plan. He in effect is tacitly acknowledging that everyone does it, and it is probably only a matter of time until LA chases him down in a breakaway (if he can catch him).


If he believes that others are doping I can sort of see why he feels unapologetic.

He sure does make things interesting.


Mar 11, 2009
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Hugh Januss said:
But was it under his control? If all the top riders are doping then the only thing he did different was be unlucky enough to get caught.
I think he is just outspoken enough to thumb his nose at the traditional low profile re-entry plan. He in effect is tacitly acknowledging that everyone does it, and it is probably only a matter of time until LA chases him down in a breakaway (if he can catch him).

Can't blame the guy if he continues to dope. Its not his fault at all.
Don't blame the riders, blame the system. Yes, Lance is the system.

Ricco's "Cobra Stare" is dangerous by the way - I watch his reflection in a mirror when he is on the Telly. Can't look at him directly. Boo.
Aug 1, 2009
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What Ricco doesn't understand is that to be a truly great rider it is not enough to use doping. You also have to lie about it.

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