- You've injected clostebol, it's now end of August, and you receive a tip-off of a test to happen in 2 weeks.
- A doctor towards the end of a fantastic successful career, having served in the military for 10 years, been a doctor at the Norwegian Antarctic expedition, has executive leader-courses from Harvard, been a leader of several national and international organizations and leader of Pfizer Norway, is an expert on sport injuries, is President of the IOC world conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sport, finds it not that satisfying to be of the most respected doctors in the country, and decides to be the one to sacrifice his pride, reputation and career, by taking the full blame..
- You manage to induce a lip-hsv-outbreak, or it's a lucky coincidence.
- The doctor decides to buy a clostebol cream with a doping-warning on the package as a cover story.
- You're interviewed by the press, and explicitly elaborates on how you are extremely careful and check all products three times, including tea and specifically lip creams.
- It's a while since the injection, so levels should be very low, and if lucky, you could be outside detection.
- Yet you go ahead with the plan, and eliminate all possibilities of a lucky slip-away by filing the Trofodermin cream on the test-form, so the most sensitive analysis for clostebol is guaranteed to be selected.
- You script out the stories of the athlete and doctor to be matched, and practice it vigorously, making sure to remark that Therese received the full packaging with the doping warning sign, instead of just the tube which didn't have it, and that she didn't use the words "doping list" when asking the doctor if the cream was legal, but instead asked if it "is ok?".
This is all a calculated gain/loss, and well worth it all, because.. may change a max 2-year(realistically) suspension into a 1-year suspension.
makes perfect sense!