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Excellent Walsh interview

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Jul 8, 2010
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flicker said:
Walsh is just another armchair quarterback like the rest of us here. I just bet some of us have much more relevant information than Walsh and LeMond.
Reporting and revelations are those 2s bread and butter though so more power to them. Somebody has to pay the mortgage!

Your armchair quarterback was the first to uncover the Ferrari/Armstrong relationship in 2001.

Read his book "LA Confidential" written in 2004, then compare it to what is known today about the big Lance lie. All he said is actually coming closer to reality every day. He didn't wait for clever posts like mine and yours to reveal his stories. He went after them...

If there is one expert in this world one can listen to with respect, it's him...


Feb 21, 2010
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Benotti69 said:

You're having a laugh aren't you? You think he did that all on his own! :rolleyes:
His entire book was based on circumstantial evidence, even he states that. So don't think he's some virtuous individual, he is after all, a journo... In society rated on par with Pollies.


Aug 17, 2009
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Adamastor said:
Your armchair quarterback was the first to uncover the Ferrari/Armstrong relationship in 2001.

Read his book "LA Confidential" written in 2004, then compare it to what is known today about the big Lance lie. All he said is actually coming closer to reality every day. He didn't wait for clever posts like mine and yours to reveal his stories. He went after them...

If there is one expert in this world one can listen to with respect, it's him...

I was not a Lance fan in 2001. Nothing Walsh says can change my opinion. I know what cycling is about, I have been riding a long time. I actually agree with Walsh. He does not sway me. I think Walsh puts a lot of fans off thats all. I wonder how he effects the sponsors and UCI? Also does he hold sway on the jrs. and U23 riders? If he does I will support him. If Walsh can educate the young boys and girls I will support him.
Jul 8, 2010
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flicker said:
I went to the tower of London and saw a skiff mounted shotgun that could take out 200 geese at one time pre-manifest destiny. Quite an awsome ordinence.

Tell me if I used such an apparatus would I be considered a hunter?

Dave Walsh same thing. Shooting ducks in a barrel. Not to much sport in it. I could hunt that way eyes closed.

Thing is once you hunt out the geese there are no geese. No more food(fans, sponsors, athletes sport) I know Walsh reads this. Something to think about eh David? Check out that shotgun, I think it is still there. Tower of London armory museum. People who read his books are not fans anymore. They are only disciples of Walsh and LeMond. Is cycling a fun sport to watch for the disciples?

I read all the Walsh books. I've followed all of Lemond's interviews and comments.

What have I learned?
1) I still love cycling (I watch all races, and stood up at 5am to watch worlds)
2) I'm from Luxembourg, but I will never believe Andy's clean, unless he clearly states that he never doped, and that he would hate an opponent who does it (wow, that would be news)
3) I might be a loser, because I come third, or fifth, or 20th, but I'll be more proud to be a clean loser, than a doped "winner"
4) I'll do anything to avoid my kids enter pro sports (particularly cycling) ...well, no risk there, as Luxembourgers chances are pretty small my kids ever become big in sports :D
May 21, 2010
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Has there been any interviews/investigations to corroborate any of the details of the meat story? The guy who bought the meat (Jose Luis Lopes Cerron organizer of the Vuelta Castilla Leon), where did he buy it, and was he there on the day they say he was there etc? Otherwise I really don't have a problem with the meat story in and of itself. Whether the meat was actually contaminated is a different matter.


Aug 17, 2009
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Adamastor said:
I read all the Walsh books. I've followed all of Lemond's interviews and comments.

What have I learned?
1) I still love cycling (I watch all races, and stood up at 5am to watch worlds)
2) I'm from Luxembourg, but I will never believe Andy's clean, unless he clearly states that he never doped, and that he would hate an opponent who does it (wow, that would be news)
3) I might be a loser, because I come third, or fifth, or 20th, but I'll be more proud to be a clean loser, than a doped "winner"
4) I'll do anything to avoid my kids enter pro sports (particularly cycling) ...well, no risk there, as Luxembourgers chances are pretty small my kids ever become big in sports :D
I love Frank and Andy too. Looking forward to seeing t
hem in the tour of california TdF and other races. I do not see them as dopers.
Jun 12, 2010
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MadonePro said:
As for CN, it has descended to the level of Cycling Weekly in the UK, in other words, little better than a comic. Truth is expendient...

Cycling Weekly`s nick name "The Comic" has nothing to do with its content.

It came about cus untill the early 80`s it was printed on the same type of paper as childrens comics such as The Dandy and Beano and was in black and white print with an ocasional colour cover.
As the print became more polished the contents quality descended...that classic "style over content " dilema of any business catering to the lowest denominater.
Todays description of it as the comic is now a slur....in the past it was an effectionate referance to the mag that kept us informed .:)
Aug 9, 2010
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Benotti69 said:
let me guess, you got to spend 3 weeks on a bus with a whole range of people whats one extra guy who is very discreet or maybe you have never read his stuff.

Kimmage has interviewed mot of the world's top sports people. i bet he has some great stories to tell and different from the usual stuff that you would hear at dinner....

He is defo not a chippy little ****!
I have read his stuff (including his spell with Garmin a few years ago) and I've read books by people who've come across him (Bad Blood - Jeremy Whittle) and I'm sure he packs down real small. But he comes across as a ferocious little Puritan hedgehog and I can understand someone like Wiggy not fancying having him wedged up his bum for three weeks. That would chafe after a while.
Aug 13, 2009
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MadonePro said:
Funny how you can make a comment, and it be called trolling. Not looking for a fight, just sick and tired of armchair critics, who offer no real solutions, just lots of wild unproven accusations.


Do you have an example of this?
Jul 30, 2009
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Chuffy said:
I have read his stuff (including his spell with Garmin a few years ago) and I've read books by people who've come across him (Bad Blood - Jeremy Whittle) and I'm sure he packs down real small. But he comes across as a ferocious little Puritan hedgehog and I can understand someone like Wiggy not fancying having him wedged up his bum for three weeks. That would chafe after a while.

When Kimmage was asked to follow Sky then chucked out it immediately set my preparation alarm bells ringing.

BUT reading Kimmage's article and seeing what happened on the Tour it now seems pretty obvious that Brad was not in form and the presence of an inquiring persistent and insightful writer of which Kimmage is the best example in UK journalism was not helpful...

Have you read the Samson & Delilah interview with Cav? Brilliant writing and utterly true - as soon as Delilah was given the boot the form and wins came back. Well, that's how it appears :)

Not bad for a chippy little hedgehog.
Chuffy said:
Would you like to spend three weeks on a bus with Kimmage? Don't get me wrong, I respect what he's done/does and I support him, but jeez he's a chippy little ****! :D

At the very least, Kimmage is likely to be able to hold up his end of a conversation about something other than cycling. Which is more than can be said for quite a few cyclists.
Jul 30, 2009
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Berzin makes some excellent points. Given what the average 16 year old in the uk knows of recreational drugs only an utter moron could get involved in the sport with serious ambitions and not be aware of what MIGHT be involved if they want to go up Ventoux with the elite group.

The best bit is where he understands that doping will not kill the sport even for vehemently anti-doping fans. It is too beautiful and heroic a sport for that especially on Monuments and the Worlds where 'clean' riders can win


Feb 21, 2010
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Zinoviev Letter said:
At the very least, Kimmage is likely to be able to hold up his end of a conversation about something other than cycling. Which is more than can be said for quite a few cyclists.

I don't think anyone disagrees with Kimmage being a great communicator, after all that is his job, and with the added advantage of being blessed from the blarney stone.

Cyclists are cyclists, not long ago it was a working class sport, most of the pro's had trade jobs, today they are millionaires. But however they got there, having an education etc, isn't up there as one of the skill sets.
Without demeaning the working class (and I believe that's me) but you'll find lot's of examples of people who cannot sustain an intellectual conversation, as you will in the more affluent in our society.

My issue is with Journalists (and to a degree, quite a few of the regular posters in the clinic), who profound to know all the secrets, and yet cannot actually prove it. They claim to know the solution to the problem, but don't tell us how. The theme in the clinic, is negativity, and slander, i'm sure if people were threatened with legal action for unsubstantiated commentary, they might think twice about it. Unfortunately people hide behind the relative anonymity of forums.

I ask this question of myself often, and suggest others do the same. "Would I be happy, in front of the media, to say what I write online".
Mar 17, 2009
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MadonePro said:
My issue is with Journalists (and to a degree, quite a few of the regular posters in the clinic), who profound to know all the secrets, and yet cannot actually prove it. They claim to know the solution to the problem, but don't tell us how. The theme in the clinic, is negativity, and slander, i'm sure if people were threatened with legal action for unsubstantiated commentary, they might think twice about it. Unfortunately people hide behind the relative anonymity of forums.

I ask this question of myself often, and suggest others do the same. "Would I be happy, in front of the media, to say what I write online".
Kimmage & Walsh as journalists are not required to fix the problem at all. Their role is to highlight the problem. To expect them to do otherwise is the same as requiring every political or investigative journalist to fix the corruption they uncover.

As for Lemond, you accuse him of not offering any suggestions to combat the problem. He has repeatedly made suggestions to tackle the issue, yet due to the UCI's protectionist attitude he has been ignored.

Applying your question, "Would I be happy, in front of the media, to say what I write online" - Yes no problem at all.
Aug 9, 2010
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Winterfold said:
Have you read the Samson & Delilah interview with Cav? Brilliant writing and utterly true - as soon as Delilah was given the boot the form and wins came back. Well, that's how it appears :)

Not bad for a chippy little hedgehog.
No I haven't, but I'll check it out later, thanks.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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MadonePro said:
I don't think anyone disagrees with Kimmage being a great communicator, after all that is his job, and with the added advantage of being blessed from the blarney stone.

Cyclists are cyclists, not long ago it was a working class sport, most of the pro's had trade jobs, today they are millionaires. But however they got there, having an education etc, isn't up there as one of the skill sets.
Without demeaning the working class (and I believe that's me) but you'll find lot's of examples of people who cannot sustain an intellectual conversation, as you will in the more affluent in our society.

My issue is with Journalists (and to a degree, quite a few of the regular posters in the clinic), who profound to know all the secrets, and yet cannot actually prove it. They claim to know the solution to the problem, but don't tell us how. The theme in the clinic, is negativity, and slander, i'm sure if people were threatened with legal action for unsubstantiated commentary, they might think twice about it. Unfortunately people hide behind the relative anonymity of forums.

I ask this question of myself often, and suggest others do the same. "Would I be happy, in front of the media, to say what I write online"
To your final point - yes, I have no problem repeating what I write in front of anyone. Also anonymity means little as google were forced last year to hand over the details of an anonymous blogger who had defamed a model. If someone wants to sue me for what I write they can go right ahead.

Kimmage didn't make any money from his Pro cycling career and also came from one of the hardest working class areas in Dublin.

The theme of the forum? It is to allow people discuss issues as they wish.
The negativity in cycling comes from the constant stream of doping positives and outside investigations that show a sport that is based on deceit and corruption.


Aug 17, 2009
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MadonePro said:
I don't think anyone disagrees with Kimmage being a great communicator, after all that is his job, and with the added advantage of being blessed from the blarney stone.

Cyclists are cyclists, not long ago it was a working class sport, most of the pro's had trade jobs, today they are millionaires. But however they got there, having an education etc, isn't up there as one of the skill sets.
Without demeaning the working class (and I believe that's me) but you'll find lot's of examples of people who cannot sustain an intellectual conversation, as you will in the more affluent in our society.

My issue is with Journalists (and to a degree, quite a few of the regular posters in the clinic), who profound to know all the secrets, and yet cannot actually prove it. They claim to know the solution to the problem, but don't tell us how. The theme in the clinic, is negativity, and slander, i'm sure if people were threatened with legal action for unsubstantiated commentary, they might think twice about it. Unfortunately people hide behind the relative anonymity of forums.

I ask this question of myself often, and suggest others do the same. "Would I be happy, in front of the media, to say what I write online".
You mean would I say what I say here to the faces of LeMond and Papp.? Why not?
May 26, 2010
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Chuffy said:
I have read his stuff (including his spell with Garmin a few years ago) and I've read books by people who've come across him (Bad Blood - Jeremy Whittle) and I'm sure he packs down real small. But he comes across as a ferocious little Puritan hedgehog and I can understand someone like Wiggy not fancying having him wedged up his bum for three weeks. That would chafe after a while.

i saw Wiggin's response as a negative instead of taking the chance to reinforce his message about being clean?

But maybe Wiggins knew before the TdF that he was not gonna be top 20 and having kimmage around was not an option in that scenario..
Jul 30, 2009
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Benotti69 said:
But maybe Wiggins knew before the TdF that he was not gonna be top 20 and having kimmage around was not an option in that scenario..

This how I read it from the article Kimmage wrote subsequently.
Am posting the link but I am a subscriber so I don't know of others can access the page.


Last month, at the end of a six-day reconnaissance mission to the Alps and Pyrenees, Wiggins arrived in Luz-Saint-Sauveur at the foot of the Col du Tourmalet with two teammates — Michael Barry and Steve Cummings — and an eight-man support crew.

It was a wet and thoroughly foul Friday afternoon in the Pyrenees and the long (18.6km) climb to the summit would be their final work of the day.

Barry and Cummings dropped back as the gradient started to bite. “There is every chance that Brad is going to be on his own when we get here in the Tour so the lads are just giving him some space,” the coach Rod Ellingworth explained. Wiggins was blowing hard and clearly not going well as we followed him on the climb. He changed at the summit, jumped into a team car and was in foul humour when he reached the team hotel.

A photographer had travelled from London to take Wiggins’ portrait and had set up his lights and cameras in an adjoining room. “It would have taken five minutes,” the photographer Richard Stanton explained. “All he had to do was to take off his shirt and stand against a wall.”

But Wiggins, who had agreed to the shoot two days previously, refused to pose. And refused again the following morning because he “hadn’t shaved”.