No probs, burning - only the one more round anyhow. I made sure to PM you straight away knowing you've mentioned being busy before. Just a few of us like me and Tonton have got perhaps a bit too into this draft 
I figured Sagan might go at some point soon. His stagehunting capabilities and durability compared to many of the sprinters picked so far (except Abdou obviously) makes him a very useful card to have. Him fighting with Bettini in hilly stages and sprinting at the end of tougher rolling stages while Vandenbroucke tries to break away from them 800 times could be very entertaining indeed. As long as Sagan loses, because the other three are just far more classy than Sagan will ever be. I'd root for Cavendish over him. And Hitch does have the 2009 Tour Cav that can get to the end in Aubenas, too.
Oh, and Cipo will party harder than Peter the Obnoxious Fratboy anyway. Even if he's been picked for a Giro so will likely actually try to make it to the end.
Zama time.
I figured Sagan might go at some point soon. His stagehunting capabilities and durability compared to many of the sprinters picked so far (except Abdou obviously) makes him a very useful card to have. Him fighting with Bettini in hilly stages and sprinting at the end of tougher rolling stages while Vandenbroucke tries to break away from them 800 times could be very entertaining indeed. As long as Sagan loses, because the other three are just far more classy than Sagan will ever be. I'd root for Cavendish over him. And Hitch does have the 2009 Tour Cav that can get to the end in Aubenas, too.
Oh, and Cipo will party harder than Peter the Obnoxious Fratboy anyway. Even if he's been picked for a Giro so will likely actually try to make it to the end.
Zama time.