Been more off than on here, recently.
Cannot right read it throug the info, so is a part of the transition than users' histical posts are just gone?
When I click my profile -> Your Content, I end up in a blanc page with info-link to this thread above.
I was looking for own posting here during TdF2022 stage threads, where I uploaded personal pics from live stage attendance, pics of which I unfortunately seems to have lost. And now they seems lost here, too...maybe?
Edit: Now edit own post seems filled with flaws too. 2 mins ago I edited this post, but edited text was pure gone after update (and now again!
Just with an update that I realized historic threads in fact still are present, at least back to last big forum transformation in 2009 where I lost my previous profile. So I'll try the long beaten path now to find my own specific thread from some 10 months ago (6th edit, my first not coming right through - seems some database confusion right now - but remember that was the case too back in 2009, hope it will be fixed soon)
Now I do not dare to do more editing, evidently major issues in database in this relation right now, so instead more addressing by an answer.
Forum search tool seems buggy too.
I positively know I did more postings during below time slot.
Edit (do I dare this time?):
So pic was just for demonstration purposes, do no difference setting 'right' year as end-date (and in fact it should have included my now two postings hereafter the transformation, but still no result).
And using 'Search threads' and right forum, sub, forum and every possible params, still result is empty.
But anyhow I found the right thread as ofJuly 2022
How? By googling!
(and found my pics)
And then post finding, back here tried just a simple 'slim' search (using search box above) with exact thread name - still no search result.
Hope all these annoying issues will be fixed very soon.