There are those that are ****ed off at Joe because he doped and because, while service a suspension, dealt drugs. And there are those that are ****ed off at him because he's now naming names.
I understand the first group, but I don't the second.
And I think the jury is out on what his motivations are now. Maybe he's cooperating out of necessity. Maybe it's convencience. Or it could be opportunistic. Maybe he's truly seen the light and has changed. And it could be a combination of some of those things. Regardless, his cooperation is good for the sport and should be applauded. So while I think it's fair to criticize him for the cheating and the dealing, it's not to fair to attack his cooperation. (And I understand that some of the attacks on his cooperation are disguised as criticism of the former.)
As I've also stated, I think his conduct merits a lifetime ban from the sport, or at least a lifetime ban with an opportunity to apply for reconsideration after a number of years. I simply don't see how any amount of cooperation can make up for dealing PEDs while serving a 2-year ban. He may have some future around the edges of the sport, as a blogger, quasi-journalist, internet forum rock star, anti-doping advocate and counselor. But I have a hard time seeing a future directly involved in cycling.