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G.I. JOEEEEEE! [Tsunami of USADA cases against cyclists]

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You cant win.

You are caught, deny it and refuse to name sources/contacts and you are damned

You are caught, admit it and name names, and you are damned.

Ive yet to see Joe gloat, i think you also must bear in mind that Joe is very restricted by what he can say, his investigation as far as i know is still going on.
Jun 19, 2009
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It's clear he has enough pressure on him to turn t*rds to diamonds but there doesn't seem to be an upside for Joe.
On the other hand the possible disclosure of 180+ atheletes and an international drug production network sourcing out of China-does anyone think that is worth knowing? Doesn't matter because we pay USADA to do that job and hopefully they'll do it well.
Mar 19, 2009
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I'm glad to see Joe working with authorities. I applaud him for doing so. Joe still aspires to be a big-timer though and does seem to be getting what he craves most no matter which side of the doping fence he's on...attention. Just the way he is, I'm not condemning him for it but it is obvious.


Jun 8, 2010
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Epicycle said:
I'm glad to see Joe working with authorities. I applaud him for doing so. Joe still aspires to be a big-timer though and does seem to be getting what he craves most no matter which side of the doping fence he's on...attention. Just the way he is, I'm not condemning him for it but it is obvious.

"I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. Novitsky"
Mar 18, 2009
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smaryka said:
Wow, a lot of Joe defenders here. lol. Only took two replies from TFF before he Godwined it by mentioning Armstrong, who has nothing to do with what I said.

I think it's good that dopers are being caught. I think it's good that Joe was caught and that the sh!t is now rolling downhill (that's where sh!t rolls, right?) I don't think it's good that he's merrily announcing every newly caught doper, every ban, every guy who was just like he was way back when, as if he's so much better than them now. I'm all for catching dopers, but I don't understand why someone who doped and dealt dope is suddenly given a golden crown to wear around here while people fall at his feet lapping up every crumb.

Landis has shown that you can be a lot more humble when dealing with this stuff, outwardly at least. I've never quite shaken the feeling that Joe Papp is still involved in this because he believes he has something to gain from it. Doesn't sit right with me. That's all.

I don't think anyone here is planning on giving Joe the keys to the city any time soon. I think what you perceive as admiration for him is really just appreciation for the fact that FINALLY something seems to be happening to maybe clean up the sport and his recent actions are at least partially responsible. It's been a long time coming.

As for his outspokenness and the perception that he's in it for gain, we'll have to see how it turns out. Right now I'm happy he's speaking out. If he can really turn his life around and be a positive force in cycling I wouldn't have a problem with that, but truthfully I kinda hope he just sees this through and then disappears from the scene.


Epicycle said:
Joe still aspires to be a big-timer though and does seem to be getting what he craves most no matter which side of the doping fence he's on...attention. Just the way he is, I'm not condemning him for it but it is obvious.

Yeh, those 1015 people that follow him on twitter, Joe's a mega star :rolleyes: compared with the two and a half million that follow the other doper..

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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smaryka said:
Wow, a lot of Joe defenders here. lol. Only took two replies from TFF before he Godwined it by mentioning Armstrong, who has nothing to do with what I said.

I think it's good that dopers are being caught. I think it's good that Joe was caught and that the sh!t is now rolling downhill (that's where sh!t rolls, right?) I don't think it's good that he's merrily announcing every newly caught doper, every ban, every guy who was just like he was way back when, as if he's so much better than them now. I'm all for catching dopers, but I don't understand why someone who doped and dealt dope is suddenly given a golden crown to wear around here while people fall at his feet lapping up every crumb.

Landis has shown that you can be a lot more humble when dealing with this stuff, outwardly at least. I've never quite shaken the feeling that Joe Papp is still involved in this because he believes he has something to gain from it. Doesn't sit right with me. That's all.

Both Duane Dickey & Chodroff have been snared through their dealings with Papp - where has Joe gloated about it?

I read a twitter from him about a week ago suggesting that those on the list should co-operate if notified. I don't see anything wrong with that - and actually believe it is good advice.
Mar 19, 2009
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TeamSkyFans said:
Yeh, those 1015 people that follow him on twitter, Joe's a mega star :rolleyes: compared with the two and a half million that follow the other doper..

That's why I added the "aspires" qualifier. And I see my applause has been muted by Joe's response.
Sep 25, 2009
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Morgazano said:
Papp you are a little rat and will be treated like one in Jail...

i never praised nor criticized joe per se, only occasionally commenting on his select post, but why oh why this type of vicious personal attack on a forum member is allowed to stand :confused::mad:

mods where are you ??

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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Waterloo Sunrise said:
I really can't be bothered to read this, but my main question is why everyone's favourite born again anti-doper hasn't outed every single one of his 'clients' already.

Then you should read it -
Anywhere from 15 to 25 masters, elite and pro cyclists have been notified of non-analytical violations as a result of having allegedly conspired with Papp, sources said. The names will not be announced publicly until and unless the individual cases are resolved against the riders.
python said:
i never praised nor criticized joe per se, only occasionally commenting on his select post, but why oh why this type of vicious personal attack on a forum member is allowed to stand :confused::mad:

mods where are you ??

By that token, if Lance was a member, we would have to remove have the posts in the forum.
Jun 19, 2009
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offbyone said:
I will be very curious on what evidence this is based on because this creates a serious precedent.

Is it Joe's word or a document of sale or what?

Read the Chardoff case on CN. His internet account at Yale.edu was used to buy the stuff from a Chinese company. That's not a precedent; lot's of crime is traced to internet transactions. How many similar transactions do USPS team members/management have in their background? Don't know but expect we'll find out.

Dr. Maserati

Jun 19, 2009
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offbyone said:
By that token, if Lance was a member, we would have to remove have the posts in the forum.

Hey - let Lance join and engage with the posters as JP has done - I would relish the opportunity and would never need to make my views of a personal nature.
Mar 19, 2009
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Dr. Maserati said:
Hey - let Lance join and engage with the posters as JP has done - I would relish the opportunity and would never need to make my views of a personal nature.

Joe is here but he's not fully engaged in the conversation because of the federal charges against him. He avoids any real discussion about Eposino, which is the biggest thing he could be taken to task for. He was relatively aggressively marketing a potentially lethal prescription drug. There was also all kinds of info on the Eposino forum about beating drug tests, exotic PEDs and other how-to's, much of it obviously written by Joe. There was no concern for the safety of those who bought prescription drugs.
Oldman said:
Read the Chardoff case on CN. His internet account at Yale.edu was used to buy the stuff from a Chinese company. That's not a precedent; lot's of crime is traced to internet transactions. How many similar transactions do USPS team members/management have in their background? Don't know but expect we'll find out.

Well if they have some kind of proof like that for everyone then fine. This statement keyed me in on that:
non-analytical violations as a result of having allegedly conspired with Papp

It made it sound like it was his word against theirs which made me think of a certain other case where a one's word is a big question mark.


Jun 8, 2010
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offbyone said:
Well if they have some kind of proof like that for everyone then fine. This statement keyed me in on that:

It made it sound like it was his word against theirs which made me think of a certain other case where a one's word is a big question mark.

there's always a need for corroborating evidence - usually it's not hard to find in these cases. It's not like the players were sophisticated white collar criminals with offshore accounts, a web of holding companies, and drop-offs in the Cayman Islands. There's likely a trails of emails, credit card transactions, phone calls etc.
May 9, 2009
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joe_papp said:
I'm required to cooperate by law.

Since when did you care about the law? That's what people here are trying to say Joe. You broke the rules, profited from helping others do so, trusted and benefited from the omerta...and now we're supposed to believe you're identifying others because it's the right thing to do or because the law requires it? Yeah, sure.

The law does not require one to testify against others. People do so in order to lessen their own punishment. It's another case of harming others for profit.
Jul 2, 2009
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There is no set precedent on how Joe should act (future), nor how he should of acted in the past.

It's his story, regardless

It is what it is.

back to reading

this story has the makings of 'A GRAND SETUP'
Aug 13, 2009
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stephens said:
Since when did you care about the law? That's what people here are trying to say Joe. You broke the rules, profited from helping others do so, trusted and benefited from the omerta...and now we're supposed to believe you're identifying others because it's the right thing to do or because the law requires it? Yeah, sure.

The law does not require one to testify against others. People do so in order to lessen their own punishment. It's another case of harming others for profit.

So you are saying that because Joe was a crook once then he should always be a crook?

Strange set of values.