I'm not a racer and never have been. I live in the US and the TDF is the only cycling available to me. All I want is to watch great athletes dueling it out in the mountains of France every July. It would be nice to have more televised here but sadly that hasn't happened. No offense but I could care less about anything in cycling below Pro-Conti level. I'm a fan, not a cyclist.
If I thought doping could be stopped I would be fine with that. I'm not fine with a small number(people like Sentjens) getting caught and having their lives ruined while the rest continue to dope and get rich(or just make a living) off it. Ricco, Kohl and every other dip**** that got caught with CERA are an exception to that, were idiots and deserved it. That was amateur hour if I ever saw it. "Gee, there is a new version of EPO that stays in the bloodstream longer than normal EPO, no way they will ever be able to test for that."
I bet I enjoy watching the little cycling I get to watch every July more than you do. I've made a concerted effort to not get angry about things that don't affect me and this is a prime example. There can't be a more depressed and angry group on the internet than the posters in this forum.
Obviously as an American who was 15 when Lance won his first Tour I was brought into watching by him. I didn't stop watching when he retired the first time and I won't stop this time. I'm under no illusions on whether he was clean, he wasn't. I just don't see how it helps the sport to drag him or anyone else down.
I'm my own group I guess, I know they dope and I still enjoy watching it. I have better things in my life to worry about. When I sit in front of my TV to watch any sport I am not going to devote my time to whether an athlete is taking PEDs.
I just enjoy the competition. I don't give a rat's *** if the sport is clean enough for you or clean at all for that matter. I just wanna see Andy and Alberto dueling it out on a mountain-top finish next July. Your ilk apparently wants to see them suspended and have newer, slightly less skilled dopers take their place.
Forget women, the only thing needed for a Clinic poster to shoot his load is a wattage chart that appears to show that riders are getting slower. (