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"21 race incidents" are quite a lot, so it could very well include stuff like littering, as it's part of Rule 8, "Failure to respect instructions, improper, dangerous or violent behaviour; damage to the environment or the image of the sport".

Carapaz got two strikes for littering in the 2022 Vuelta, for example.
The rules are partly being implemented for the image of the sport if we’re being honest, so I definitely think they’ll try to sandwich littering in as a “safety” issue. Now that they’ve created a system there will be pressure to use it as well, they will probably have a quota of yellow cards to give out at each race and for each team, rider etc., there will be make up calls, it will get political.

The 3km rule changing to 5km and the potential radio reduction to 2 riders per team could have positive changes, but radio can technically be used to warn riders about safety so that’s kind of moot.
yeah, but try to find 21 of those in the UCI rules.

well its difficult to know which 21 of the rules they mean as 2.12.007 has at least 60+ rule infringements listed they sanction for, and yes 1 of those is disposing of waste outside of designated litter zones, but they also have a rule against pee stops, and sticky bottles, if they start handing out race bans for that its going to get a bit daft.

I noted also this yellow card system applies to DS's, drivers of vehicles within the race, press/media, & motorbike riders.
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I like the introduction of yellow cards. IMHO an infraction in the finale should also result in a penalty kick for team on the receiving end of the infraction. Score and you get to choose between a 1 minute time bonus or 50 points in the points competition for any one rider on the team. Then you'd have real race consequences for dangerous behavior.
I like the introduction of yellow cards. IMHO an infraction in the finale should also result in a penalty kick for team on the receiving end of the infraction. Score and you get to choose between a 1 minute time bonus or 50 points in the points competition for any one rider on the team. Then you'd have real race consequences for dangerous behavior.
So if Philipsen blocks WVA on a sprint, Vingegaard should get a 1 minute time bonus?
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Either it’s going to be largely irrelevant due to never being used, or they’ll be tightening up enforcement a great deal. I really don’t think either of those 2 options is a good thing.
One thing is for sure : at first, they will be over-zealous to show that they "are doing something" and that "it works".
Be ready to see some ridiculous judgments beginning of next year...
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Not sure how this will play out -
GCN has been sold by Warner Bros. Discovery to its founder, Simon Wear, and CEO Mia Walter.

A majority stake in Play Sports Network, the company behind the YouTube channel and website, was sold back to Wear and Walter this week, it was confirmed on Wednesday.
I watch a few things often.. Itchy Boots, a woman from Holland that rides a smaller cc motorcycle all over and another annoying guy named Nick Johnson who goes around the US showing how screwed up everything, everyone is..Itchy has 2.3 million subs, Johnson has 977k . I saw a few videos about what they are getting paid from YouTube. I also watch some other cycling stuff, way less subscriber base. When it was on I watched GCN race highlights, often good to excellent and normally less than @10 minutes. Don't know what Chris Horner is making.He has 80k..GCN has 3.25 million. Jumping around Johnson is estimated to make @$165,000usd.
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=95ix1S9cTWE&pp=ygUqaG93IG11Y2ggZG9lcyBpdGNoeSBib290cyBtYWtlIG9uIHlvdXR1YmUg
Speaking of retirements, Sir Bradley Wiggins isnt having a happy one.

He does make an interesting point here:
He thinks there should be more of a welfare system in place for those leaving or retiring from the sport: “but how that’s set up and funded, I don’t know.” Is there nothing in place at all when you retire, I ask? “You stop and no-one ever contacts you again,” he says plainly.