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Giro d'Italia Giro d‘Italia 2024 Stage 15, Manerba del Garda-Livigno (Mottolino), 222 km

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Hahahhhahahahhaa the puncheur classics rider is gonna be exposed on a real gt stage for actually good climbers

View: https://twitter.com/StatsOnCycling/status/1791940464926458027?t=UthZyQIB-LVQj6IS3mdclA&s=19

Going to be quite the sight seeing Majka putting his arm round a dropped, inconsolable Pogacar as Bastien Tronchon and Larry Warbasse set a hard pace at the front, Carlton Kirby inadvertently rubbing it in as he barely acknowledges it to instead talk about Simon Clarke's chances in the breakaway.
I'm going with breakaway with some guys like Bardet, Hirt, Fortunato in it. Then Ineos and Bora panic and tempo ride all day long keeping the break close. Pog attacks on that last steep section and wins by 30 seconds. We're all bored.
I’m thinking (with nothing to back it up) that Stage 16 will be the one mountain breakaway candidates (Bardet if allowed, Rubio, Chavez, Nairo, etc) go all in because there is the huge climb early in the stage. I think tomorrow UAE or Ineos will control the racing more. But given that there’s a rest day in between some will try both days.
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Teddy & UAE to treat the days in the Alps as altitude training for the Tour. The man has no reason to do anything but follow others. Then again,
Our plan will be to go as far as possible into the stage with as many teammates," the Maglia Rosa previews. "It's the queen stage. We want to go for the stage but let's see. It depends on the breakaway, it depends on what other teams want to do but yeah, we should focus on ourselves, do our own race and it will all be okay."
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This is the queen stage on a very tough course, so something is bound to happen.

If Pogacar wants to save energy and spare his team it could be good news for the breakaway. Guys like Caruso, Pozzovivo, JP Lopez, Chaves, Quintana and les frères PP should grab the opportunity. A big stage win is up for grabs and a lot of KoM points. Bardet is probably too close to get a lot of freedom.

It's the gentler side of the Mortirolo, but its average is brought down by the first kilometers. There should at least be a battle for the top 10 spots. As soon as one top 10 rider gets dropped his rivals have every reason to go full. It can be important to keep one teammate with you for the valley.

In the final 30 km they'll climb to a very high altitude in steps. Endurance will be crucial. For Martinez today might be the best chance to regain his second place. Even if there's no suspense for pink there can still be a big battle on two fronts. Things will be morbid on the Mortirolo and livid in Livigno.
If Pogacar wants to save energy and spare his team it could be good news for the breakaway. Guys like Caruso, Pozzovivo, JP Lopez, Chaves, Quintana and les frères PP should grab the opportunity. A big stage win is up for grabs and a lot of KoM points. Bardet is probably too close to get a lot of freedom.

Nah, this time Pogi won't share the pie with anyone (according to his own words stage victory is the plan). UAE will make sure the breakaway is on leash. Pog's victory is on the cards on this queen stage, he also knows those roads better than any non-Italian (pre Tour altitude camps). I think we should expect a small solo by him (last kms). He might be temped to put the hammer down on Foscagno but the Tour in definitely on his mind (and UAE directors will remind him if he forgets).
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Hahahhhahahahhaa the puncheur classics rider is gonna be exposed on a real gt stage for actually good climbers

View: https://twitter.com/StatsOnCycling/status/1791940464926458027?t=UthZyQIB-LVQj6IS3mdclA&s=19

It's time to call out that farcical, clickbait, BS stats.

2023 TdF: Pogi gets legitly dropped. Nothing to say there.

2022 TdF: Same time as other GC contenders, gets to the finish with Vingo and G.Thomas.

2021 TdF: Same Time as other GC contenders in both stages, gets to the finish with Vingo, Carapaz and few others.

2020 TdF: Same time as other GC contenders (Roglic).

2020 Dauphine: Same time as other GC contenders (group of 20).

So, from all those stages:
- He won one with an exhibition
- Blew hard on another one
- Had the same time as the best GC rider (besides him) in all other stages.

So much for Pogi inability with multi-mountain GC stages.
The profile could have been much better but I still expect such a hard stage to create some gaps. The Mortirolo climb from the steep side is quite narrow so I really hope everyone stays on their bikes.

I think this stage will go to the breakaway, there are lots of riders that will want to enter it and I don't see any team with enough power to bring it back so the only way I think someone from the favourites group can win (that likely means Pogačar) is if more than one team works in the front from the Mortirolo onwards.

I expect lots of good climbers to enter into the breakaway incluiding riders that are close or even in the lower part of the top10 like Fortunato and Hirt. My pick is Quintana though, this is his terrain and he will solely focus on the goal of winning the stage.
Hahahhhahahahhaa the puncheur classics rider is gonna be exposed on a real gt stage for actually good climbers

View: https://twitter.com/StatsOnCycling/status/1791940464926458027?t=UthZyQIB-LVQj6IS3mdclA&s=19
Thanks for reminding us, neither the 2020 Col de la Loze stage nor the 2022 Granon stage had over 4500m of climbing. Seriously, using the finishing position is about the worst statistic you could possible use in cycling.
Ok, thats good to hear.

From the outside it seems like you more enjoy being patronizing towards other posters, than caring what happens in the actual race. Maybe thats not your intention, I hope not, but it sounds/reads like that most times.
I usually stick to the topic and discuss what opinions others express here or my own. If someone thinks that's patronising, that's their prerogative.

Is there anything on the topic of the thread that you disagree with me about specifically? Or is it just bad vibes?