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Teams & Riders He's coming home!!!! Alejandro Valverde comeback thread.

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What will Valverde's impact be the cycling world in 2012

  • Nuclear Holocoust

    Votes: 27 100.0%

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Re: Re:

Arredondo said:
Valv.Piti said:
Arredondo said:
Really strange people say he rode a good race. He rode more like a coward. It was his last chance to become WC. He should have tried an all or nothing attack.

In the past, he finished 2nd in Madrid behind Boonen, and 3rd in Salzburg behind Bettini and Zabel. On a flat finish. So finishing 5th on a finish (and a parcours like this) is nothing special. He showed his form isn't that good anymore, but he should have tried an all or nothing attack. But once again, he decided to only follow in a big race like this.

A shame.

Did we watch the same race? Valverde was struggling mightily on the last lap and had problems keeping up on the cobbled climbs. Its hard to attack when you have riders builds for such courses as Stybar, Sagan, GVA, Gilbert, Degenkolb etc. going 100% up those climbs. He seemed to be super tired after a long season and a parcour that didnt suit him - way to much flat. I think he did the only thing he was able to and despite, still was able to get 5th.

I also find it hilarious that you even got the audacity to state such a thing about Valverde when you have defended Rodriguez in situations x100 worse than yesterday... I mean, seriously man. Thought you were better and I enjoy having discussion with you, but this one is out of bounds and honestly just super disrespectful.

But it has nothing to do with disrespectful, just with a different opinion.

I saw Valverde was struggling on the last lap. But i'm not talking about an attack on the last lap. I'm talking about an attack like Kwiat did. He really rode with the intention to ride for the win, and if you see the outcome of the race, you perhaps could say he would have a chance to follow Sagan (maybe), if he didn't attacked. But he tried to win, which is classy.

Valverde could have attacked on the same point, and be in that group instead of Moreno (or with him). In that situation he had a really small chance to become WC. Perhaps not bigger then 5%, but bigger then the way he rode like he did sunday. I think it's a pity, because it was really his last chance to become WC. And such a big champion deserves to wear the rainbow stripes at least one year. With that in the back of your mind, i expected a more agressive race from him. You guys say that he didn't had the legs to do an attack, but i think he had, if you can still finish 5th in that sprint ahead of fast guys like Gerrans and Gallopin.

And i think the Spanish team in general could do more. I had the idea that guys like LL Sanchez, Plaza and Izagirre were holding back a bit because Valverde was the team leader. If Bala knows he's tired and he has no chance of winning (like you are saying), perhaps they could even rode more agressive like they did, with more riders.

And concerning Purito. Of course Purito has raced stupid and cowardly in the past. Giro 2012, Bola del Mundo stage in La Vuelta 2012..... However i don't think he could have done something different in this years Vuelta. But i respect other opinions about it, and maybe i'm wrong. I'm not objective, i know that, but i try to be as much as possible.

His selection for the Worlds was hilarious however. He didn't want too go, it wasn't his parcours, but Minguez forced him (otherwise no Rio). Rojas (or Ventoso) were the ideal candidates to go to Richmond. That's shows too me Minguez really has no clue and only looks at pleasing the public.

I think it's just a shame that, if you have a different opinion about something, you are 'hilarious' or 'super disrespectful'

And i apologize that i saw he rode 'cowardly'. That's a bit too harsh. But my disappoinment with his race attitude on sunday still stands however.

It was a bad circuit for Spain, and we did 5th, so very well. it was a perfect circuit for Belgium, and they werent on the podium.
Jun 22, 2015
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Re: Re:

Taxus4a said:
Velolover2 said:
Which riders do you think it suits?

It should be too much for the hardy sprinters. Puncheurs and perhaps even climbers?

The same than Mendrisio and Firenze, is similar (or Lieje, Lombardía) Valverde, Purito, Urán, Rui Costa, Dan Martin,.. that kind of people

4500 meters of climbing is pretty tough, but the climb ends 10 km from the finish and isn't steep. So maybe Kristoff, Degenkolb, Sagan could do well there.
Re: Re:

robin440 said:
Taxus4a said:
Velolover2 said:
Which riders do you think it suits?

It should be too much for the hardy sprinters. Puncheurs and perhaps even climbers?

The same than Mendrisio and Firenze, is similar (or Lieje, Lombardía) Valverde, Purito, Urán, Rui Costa, Dan Martin,.. that kind of people

4500 meters of climbing is pretty tough, but the climb ends 10 km from the finish and isn't steep. So maybe Kristoff, Degenkolb, Sagan could do well there.

Kristoff and Sagan Impossible, although Kristoff is at home.

Sagan has some little option if the race is slow, but I think some countries will try to eliminate him as happens in Firenze. After 250 Km an small climb is the Mortirolo. Tood hard for him, he must try to show something in Lieje, Lombardia and an sebatian before to count with him in rhis race.

it is not totally flat after the climb.
Feb 26, 2015
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Re: Re:

Arredondo said:
Valv.Piti said:
Arredondo said:
Really strange people say he rode a good race. He rode more like a coward. It was his last chance to become WC. He should have tried an all or nothing attack.

In the past, he finished 2nd in Madrid behind Boonen, and 3rd in Salzburg behind Bettini and Zabel. On a flat finish. So finishing 5th on a finish (and a parcours like this) is nothing special. He showed his form isn't that good anymore, but he should have tried an all or nothing attack. But once again, he decided to only follow in a big race like this.

A shame.

Did we watch the same race? Valverde was struggling mightily on the last lap and had problems keeping up on the cobbled climbs. Its hard to attack when you have riders builds for such courses as Stybar, Sagan, GVA, Gilbert, Degenkolb etc. going 100% up those climbs. He seemed to be super tired after a long season and a parcour that didnt suit him - way to much flat. I think he did the only thing he was able to and despite, still was able to get 5th.

I also find it hilarious that you even got the audacity to state such a thing about Valverde when you have defended Rodriguez in situations x100 worse than yesterday... I mean, seriously man. Thought you were better and I enjoy having discussion with you, but this one is out of bounds and honestly just super disrespectful.

But it has nothing to do with disrespectful, just with a different opinion.

I saw Valverde was struggling on the last lap. But i'm not talking about an attack on the last lap. I'm talking about an attack like Kwiat did. He really rode with the intention to ride for the win, and if you see the outcome of the race, you perhaps could say he would have a chance to follow Sagan (maybe), if he didn't attacked. But he tried to win, which is classy.

Valverde could have attacked on the same point, and be in that group instead of Moreno (or with him). In that situation he had a really small chance to become WC. Perhaps not bigger then 5%, but bigger then the way he rode like he did sunday. I think it's a pity, because it was really his last chance to become WC. And such a big champion deserves to wear the rainbow stripes at least one year. With that in the back of your mind, i expected a more agressive race from him. You guys say that he didn't had the legs to do an attack, but i think he had, if you can still finish 5th in that sprint ahead of fast guys like Gerrans and Gallopin.

And i think the Spanish team in general could do more. I had the idea that guys like LL Sanchez, Plaza and Izagirre were holding back a bit because Valverde was the team leader. If Bala knows he's tired and he has no chance of winning (like you are saying), perhaps they could even rode more agressive like they did, with more riders.

And concerning Purito. Of course Purito has raced stupid and cowardly in the past. Giro 2012, Bola del Mundo stage in La Vuelta 2012..... However i don't think he could have done something different in this years Vuelta. But i respect other opinions about it, and maybe i'm wrong. I'm not objective, i know that, but i try to be as much as possible.

His selection for the Worlds was hilarious however. He didn't want too go, it wasn't his parcours, but Minguez forced him (otherwise no Rio). Rojas (or Ventoso) were the ideal candidates to go to Richmond. That's shows too me Minguez really has no clue and only looks at pleasing the public.

I think it's just a shame that, if you have a different opinion about something, you are 'hilarious' or 'super disrespectful'

And i apologize that i saw he rode 'cowardly'. That's a bit too harsh. But my disappoinment with his race attitude on sunday still stands however.

Look you're a good poster, except when it comes to Purito, whom you like/love so much and you're not objective at all, and Valverde, reversed from Purito, whom you don't like/hate.

You're talking about attack of Kwiatkowski, which didn't happened by the way, like it was some kind of monster all-or-nothing attack. What I saw was that Kwiat was among the first 5-6 riders when Stannard attacked, Kwiat responded only after Boonen decided to go and found himself in a leading group with 7-8 riders who were at the front when attack happened, including Dani Moreno. In that group Kwiatkowski was last person who started to work, at the insistence of Boonen himself... So he didn't initiated attack, didn't responded first, didn't want to work in the group and you call that ride of him classy?!

Further, you said Valverde could have attacked at the same point, no he couldn't, he was back 30-40 places, his man Moreno was there to cover the moves, as he has done. Valverde "attacked" in similar way like Kwiatkowski lap or two before that, remember when Purito stretched the peloton on Governor's street, and after that Luisle, Izagirre and Valverde tried to go clear. That move didn't stick, but you can't say he didn't tried.

Spanish team couldn't do more, this course was not for them, everybody agrees on that, except you. Valverde's 5th place is a good result in fact, they were better than Belgium, Germany, Italy, etc.

Concerning Purito, he raced stupid in the Giro 2012 I agree, you mentioned Bola del Mundo, I think he was ok there, couldn't do much more. His biggest mistake however, was Fuente De stage, when he let Contador to escape on penultimate climb. That was his career's mistake! And you say he couldn't do things differently at this Vuelta, how do you know that? Had he tried on last stage? No, he didn't even wanted. He said himself that he let Quintana and Majka go, thinking that they can't make a big gap. But why he didn't went with them and put Aru on the pressure? He had the strength to chase later, I assume he had it when that happened also...The truth is he didn't want to risk his 2nd place, at least it looks to me like that.

To conclude, I think you're a good poster when you post about every other rider except for Purito and Valverde
Aug 16, 2013
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Re: Re:

Look you're a good poster, except when it comes to Purito, whom you like/love so much and you're not objective at all, and Valverde, reversed from Purito, whom you don't like/hate.

Sure, but you guys also really like Valverde, the same way i do with Purito. I mean, you also are trying to defend Valverde as much as you can. And that's a logical thing to do, if you're fan. So that is a little bit of a strange reproach ;)

You're talking about attack of Kwiatkowski, which didn't happened by the way, like it was some kind of monster all-or-nothing attack. What I saw was that Kwiat was among the first 5-6 riders when Stannard attacked, Kwiat responded only after Boonen decided to go and found himself in a leading group with 7-8 riders who were at the front when attack happened, including Dani Moreno. In that group Kwiatkowski was last person who started to work, at the insistence of Boonen himself... So he didn't initiated attack, didn't responded first, didn't want to work in the group and you call that ride of him classy?

I'm not saying he did an all of nothing attack. He just approached the race with a positive attitude. Just like Boonen did. The latter did know it would be almightly difficult to become WC on this route. But he tried to turn the situation into his favour to attack. So i think Boonen and Kwiat rode with class and a positive attitude. Valverde could do that too.

Further, you said Valverde could have attacked at the same point, no he couldn't, he was back 30-40 places, his man Moreno was there to cover the moves, as he has done. Valverde "attacked" in similar way like Kwiatkowski lap or two before that, remember when Purito stretched the peloton on Governor's street, and after that Luisle, Izagirre and Valverde tried to go clear. That move didn't stick, but you can't say he didn't tried

I mean he could have attacked at that point, if he wanted. He was 30-40 places back, because he didn't planned to attack there ofcourse. I think Spain could have done more. LL didn't do that much tbh. Not the agressive Luis Leon whe used too see. Plaza the same. Purito could have done more too. They raced like they knew they stand no chance. And that's not the best attitude to ride a WC.

Spanish team couldn't do more, this course was not for them, everybody agrees on that, except you. Valverde's 5th place is a good result in fact, they were better than Belgium, Germany, Italy, etc.

They could do more. So i don't agree with you on that point. They had a great attacking team on paper. But apart from Moreno, not a single rider really attacked with the belief it could stick/turn the race around. Belgium rode a better and more agressive race, with Boonen and Vanmarcke in some good attacks, and GvA who was almost able to respond on the attack of Sagan. Only Gilbert disappointed (but thats normal because he's past his prime). Italy rode a disappointing race too, especially Nibali and Ulissi, who we didn't see at all.

Concerning Purito, he raced stupid in the Giro 2012 I agree, you mentioned Bola del Mundo, I think he was ok there, couldn't do much more. His biggest mistake however, was Fuente De stage, when he let Contador to escape on penultimate climb. That was his career's mistake! And you say he couldn't do things differently at this Vuelta, how do you know that? Had he tried on last stage? No, he didn't even wanted. He said himself that he let Quintana and Majka go, thinking that they can't make a big gap. But why he didn't went with them and put Aru on the pressure? He had the strength to chase later, I assume he had it when that happened also...The truth is he didn't want to risk his 2nd place, at least it looks to me like that.

He said too he couldn't respond on the attacks of Majka and Quintana, and he thought they would not be able to put that much time into him. And he responded on the flat/descent. Not uphill. That shows too me he was on his limit. But maybe i saw that wrong. Perhaps he should do an all or nothing attack with the risk of losing your podium place.

To conclude, I think you're a good poster when you post about every other rider except for Purito and Valverde

Thx, but i see it as my task to defend Purito on accusations members are making in topics. Look, criticism is normal, and sometimes i agree. But most of the posts are really out of proportion/without knowledge of all the facts and context. In those cases, i feel the urge to respond. Look you feel it at this point :)

Let's make it clear: i don't hate Valverde at all. I think he's a great champion, with an incredible bike handling skills and stamina. The most allround rider of his generation. But sometimes i'm critical about his way of racing (like some members are on Purito's his racing style) and tactical racing. But i've also applauded him when he won great this season.

But i respect your opinion and posts, so i don't think there's any problem concerning this discussion about Valverde. Not everyone shares the same opinion ;) My mistake was to say he rode cowardly: that was offensive. And i apoligized for it.
Jun 22, 2015
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Re: Re:

Taxus4a said:
robin440 said:
Taxus4a said:
Velolover2 said:
Which riders do you think it suits?

It should be too much for the hardy sprinters. Puncheurs and perhaps even climbers?

The same than Mendrisio and Firenze, is similar (or Lieje, Lombardía) Valverde, Purito, Urán, Rui Costa, Dan Martin,.. that kind of people

4500 meters of climbing is pretty tough, but the climb ends 10 km from the finish and isn't steep. So maybe Kristoff, Degenkolb, Sagan could do well there.

Kristoff and Sagan Impossible, although Kristoff is at home.

Sagan has some little option if the race is slow, but I think some countries will try to eliminate him as happens in Firenze. After 250 Km an small climb is the Mortirolo. Tood hard for him, he must try to show something in Lieje, Lombardia and an sebatian before to count with him in rhis race.

it is not totally flat after the climb.

Nice!! At first i tought that this WC 2017 in Bergen will probably be pretty boring, but now i'm getting a little bit excited!

TMP402 said:
Who are Valverde's entourage? Cavendish has Renshaw and Eisel, Contador has Hernandez and Basso, Aru has Tiralongo, etc. Who does the same kind of friend and/or trusted helper thing for Valverde?

Actually never thought of that and also made me wonder, but I dont think he has any. On the other hand, it seems like Quintana is rather close to Erviti and obviously Anacona from what I have seen and heard.
Re: Re:

Valv.Piti said:
TMP402 said:
Who are Valverde's entourage? Cavendish has Renshaw and Eisel, Contador has Hernandez and Basso, Aru has Tiralongo, etc. Who does the same kind of friend and/or trusted helper thing for Valverde?

Actually never thought of that and also made me wonder, but I dont think he has any. On the other hand, it seems like Quintana is rather close to Erviti and obviously Anacona from what I have seen and heard.

I know Purito used to do a bit of the Moreno role for Bala years ago but now it does feel that unlike most big riders, Valverde doesn't have an obvious group of dedicated supporters. Which makes him perhaps all the more impressive.
Re: Re:

TMP402 said:
Valv.Piti said:
TMP402 said:
Who are Valverde's entourage? Cavendish has Renshaw and Eisel, Contador has Hernandez and Basso, Aru has Tiralongo, etc. Who does the same kind of friend and/or trusted helper thing for Valverde?

Actually never thought of that and also made me wonder, but I dont think he has any. On the other hand, it seems like Quintana is rather close to Erviti and obviously Anacona from what I have seen and heard.

I know Purito used to do a bit of the Moreno role for Bala years ago but now it does feel that unlike most big riders, Valverde doesn't have an obvious group of dedicated supporters. Which makes him perhaps all the more impressive.

He was indeed, but was obviously too big of a talent to be that kinda guy.. I cant even name one guy, maybe Gutierrez/Erviti. Maybe Libertine can.
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: Re:

Valv.Piti said:
TMP402 said:
Valv.Piti said:
TMP402 said:
Who are Valverde's entourage? Cavendish has Renshaw and Eisel, Contador has Hernandez and Basso, Aru has Tiralongo, etc. Who does the same kind of friend and/or trusted helper thing for Valverde?

Actually never thought of that and also made me wonder, but I dont think he has any. On the other hand, it seems like Quintana is rather close to Erviti and obviously Anacona from what I have seen and heard.

I know Purito used to do a bit of the Moreno role for Bala years ago but now it does feel that unlike most big riders, Valverde doesn't have an obvious group of dedicated supporters. Which makes him perhaps all the more impressive.

He was indeed, but was obviously too big of a talent to be that kinda guy.. I cant even name one guy, maybe Gutierrez/Erviti. Maybe Libertine can.

I don't think he has one dedicated one and depends mainly on the situation and the race. But I do think that Rojas is close enough to him, especially that they both hail from Murcia. Another Murcian, LL Sanchez was also close to him back in the Caisse d'Epargne days,
Re: Re:

Arredondo said:
I'm talking about Valverde's race, not about Purito's. And i think he should have done more on this Worlds. Just attack for that 5% to become WC, instead of riding anonymously to a 5th place with the knowledge of a zero chance of winning that bike race...

Well according to Valverde himself, he was gassed on the final climb when Sagan went and was maxed out just to hang on in the front.

"Almost all sprinters made it to the last sprint, and even with that, we could bring a good result home with that fifth place. When Sagan attacked with Van Avermaet, it wasn't a problem that I was too far behind, I was like eighth at the beginning of the 23rd Street slope, but it was really hard to keep pushing forward, impossible for me at that point," he added.

"I didn't lack that energy quite as much in the sprint as there; probably I could have been a bit closer to the medals with better positioning in that sprint, but we shouldn't make up any excuses."
idk...I think it's fair to criticize him if he had the strength to go w/ the move but waited out of fear, but if he simply didn't have the power to go w/ the winning move, to realize this, resist the temptation to go anyway to appease the fair-weather fans but then crack and get dropped, and then recover enough to get into some position for the sprint and claim top-5 is hardly worthy of scorn.

Better to get 5th than nothing if you realized the instant when the winning move went that you had not the strength to go w/ it.
Aug 16, 2013
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Re: Re:

joe_papp said:
Arredondo said:
I'm talking about Valverde's race, not about Purito's. And i think he should have done more on this Worlds. Just attack for that 5% to become WC, instead of riding anonymously to a 5th place with the knowledge of a zero chance of winning that bike race...

Well according to Valverde himself, he was gassed on the final climb when Sagan went and was maxed out just to hang on in the front.

"Almost all sprinters made it to the last sprint, and even with that, we could bring a good result home with that fifth place. When Sagan attacked with Van Avermaet, it wasn't a problem that I was too far behind, I was like eighth at the beginning of the 23rd Street slope, but it was really hard to keep pushing forward, impossible for me at that point," he added.

"I didn't lack that energy quite as much in the sprint as there; probably I could have been a bit closer to the medals with better positioning in that sprint, but we shouldn't make up any excuses."
idk...I think it's fair to criticize him if he had the strength to go w/ the move but waited out of fear, but if he simply didn't have the power to go w/ the winning move, to realize this, resist the temptation to go anyway to appease the fair-weather fans but then crack and get dropped, and then recover enough to get into some position for the sprint and claim top-5 is hardly worthy of scorn.

Better to get 5th than nothing if you realized the instant when the winning move went that you had not the strength to go w/ it.

And that's the thing i strongly disagree. For a podium? Ok. But a 5th place? Does it really matter for such a big champion like Valverde? A 5th place is nothing on a Worlds with all kinds of respect for such a big champion (Gilbert is always saying the same).

And i'm not talking about the attack of Sagan. It's really logical that he couldn't respond to that, even in super shape it would be difficult. I'm more talking about making a attack before the final lap. Like Kwiat and Boonen did.
Aug 16, 2013
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Re: Re:

nobilis said:
Valv.Piti said:
TMP402 said:
Valv.Piti said:
TMP402 said:
Who are Valverde's entourage? Cavendish has Renshaw and Eisel, Contador has Hernandez and Basso, Aru has Tiralongo, etc. Who does the same kind of friend and/or trusted helper thing for Valverde?

Actually never thought of that and also made me wonder, but I dont think he has any. On the other hand, it seems like Quintana is rather close to Erviti and obviously Anacona from what I have seen and heard.

I know Purito used to do a bit of the Moreno role for Bala years ago but now it does feel that unlike most big riders, Valverde doesn't have an obvious group of dedicated supporters. Which makes him perhaps all the more impressive.

He was indeed, but was obviously too big of a talent to be that kinda guy.. I cant even name one guy, maybe Gutierrez/Erviti. Maybe Libertine can.

I don't think he has one dedicated one and depends mainly on the situation and the race. But I do think that Rojas is close enough to him, especially that they both hail from Murcia. Another Murcian, LL Sanchez was also close to him back in the Caisse d'Epargne days,

Dani Moreno can fulfill that role again next year with Movistar ;)
Re: Re:

nobilis said:
Valv.Piti said:
TMP402 said:
Valv.Piti said:
TMP402 said:
Who are Valverde's entourage? Cavendish has Renshaw and Eisel, Contador has Hernandez and Basso, Aru has Tiralongo, etc. Who does the same kind of friend and/or trusted helper thing for Valverde?

Actually never thought of that and also made me wonder, but I dont think he has any. On the other hand, it seems like Quintana is rather close to Erviti and obviously Anacona from what I have seen and heard.

I know Purito used to do a bit of the Moreno role for Bala years ago but now it does feel that unlike most big riders, Valverde doesn't have an obvious group of dedicated supporters. Which makes him perhaps all the more impressive.

He was indeed, but was obviously too big of a talent to be that kinda guy.. I cant even name one guy, maybe Gutierrez/Erviti. Maybe Libertine can.

I don't think he has one dedicated one and depends mainly on the situation and the race. But I do think that Rojas is close enough to him, especially that they both hail from Murcia. Another Murcian, LL Sanchez was also close to him back in the Caisse d'Epargne days,

Yup, Rojas, LL and Plaza are all from Murcia and were guests on his second wedding. Erviti is indeed also very important. Just before the suspension of Valverde, Gutierrez had written a open letter where he implied the "injustice" done to Valverde. In the early days of Valverde with Caisse/Illes Balears Arrieta and Garcia-Acosta were also close to him.
Aug 16, 2013
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Red Rick said:
Anyone know what Abu Dhabi is will be like? Does it have any tough stages or is it just a bunch of sprints like the early season races in that region?

3rd stage

Re: Re:

Arredondo said:
joe_papp said:
Arredondo said:
I'm talking about Valverde's race, not about Purito's. And i think he should have done more on this Worlds. Just attack for that 5% to become WC, instead of riding anonymously to a 5th place with the knowledge of a zero chance of winning that bike race...

Well according to Valverde himself, he was gassed on the final climb when Sagan went and was maxed out just to hang on in the front.

"Almost all sprinters made it to the last sprint, and even with that, we could bring a good result home with that fifth place. When Sagan attacked with Van Avermaet, it wasn't a problem that I was too far behind, I was like eighth at the beginning of the 23rd Street slope, but it was really hard to keep pushing forward, impossible for me at that point," he added.

"I didn't lack that energy quite as much in the sprint as there; probably I could have been a bit closer to the medals with better positioning in that sprint, but we shouldn't make up any excuses."
idk...I think it's fair to criticize him if he had the strength to go w/ the move but waited out of fear, but if he simply didn't have the power to go w/ the winning move, to realize this, resist the temptation to go anyway to appease the fair-weather fans but then crack and get dropped, and then recover enough to get into some position for the sprint and claim top-5 is hardly worthy of scorn.

Better to get 5th than nothing if you realized the instant when the winning move went that you had not the strength to go w/ it.

And that's the thing i strongly disagree. For a podium? Ok. But a 5th place? Does it really matter for such a big champion like Valverde? A 5th place is nothing on a Worlds with all kinds of respect for such a big champion (Gilbert is always saying the same)...
I can understand your perspective on this and think we can easily agree to disagree. I see Valv's persevering to contest the sprint for the lesser podium positions as admirable - he fought for what he could fight for w/o being sulky or excuse-mongering after-the-fact.

I would've liked to have seen him make a gorgeous & valiant attack, of course. But en lieu of that, I'd rather see him be professional and carry on to the line rather than pull the pin and sit up b/c the gold was up the road. After all, a drunk fan could've jumped the barriers and hauled down Sagan, which would've magically opened-up the race again in the final 600m. That Valv himself admits that he could've been better positioned for the sprint is also not something objectionable to me, as he again is not making excuses but owning the fact that his ride wasn't perfect, even for a guy w/ tired legs who still nabbed a top-5.

BTW: I don't dislike Purito, for the record. I just don't find him to be the inspiring or captivating rider that Valverde is, though I certainly respect Rodriguez's achievements in the sport, which are pretty rad.

And unlike w/ Vino, I can't ever see Valverde being foolish enough to leave email evidence of any shady dealings - if there are any, currently. He's the consummate professional! ;) lol...

Aug 16, 2013
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Great season. Today another top-5 place.

The only thing i keep thinking is that sometimes he too easily resigns to the circumstances. Everybody knew Nibali would attack on the descent on Civiglio (because he wasn't the best rider uphill). Valverde is just as a good descender as Nibbles, so he at least should have tried to be on his wheel. If he did, you never know how the race unfolds.

But great season and rider. Before i get all the criticism again ;)

Fernandez said:
Today he wasnt strong enough. Anyway... Imagine valverde with winner mentality.

Nope, quite obvious he was gassed, but that doesnt mean he cant go on the downhill. He probably should have done that if he had the mentality of win or bust, but Movistar needed his result in order to win the WT which in itself is a huge victory. Especially since Movistar values team GC and such things very highly, sometimes, a bit too much.

But great season, probably his best ever and at this stage of his career, thats simply just hella impressive.