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Is Walsh on the Sky bandwagon?

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Jul 21, 2012
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martinvickers said:
What utter balderdash. You don't have a ******* clue, do you?

First of all, look up generic you. It's quite clearly not a personal attack, and no man was played. You ought to understand the rule before you quote it. And tha you is not a generic you. That's a comment on you personally.

2nd - what is the especially the brits nonsense about. Why this incessent need to bring your own bigotries in all the time? Did they steel your ice cream as a child or something? Did a nasty london boy beat you up and steel your hairbands? What is your problem?

In the real world, as you so quaintly put it, you don't stop wanting clean sport because it's hard to get. Your response clearly completely fails to understand that. You clearly don't give a **** about sport - the only joy you get is sneering at the dopers and would-be dopers. It's a morally vacuous and frankly disgusting position. And entirely to be expected given the source.

Dopers don't dope because of me, or anyone ese on this board; that kind of *** nonsense is the posionous cant that makes contributions worthless. More to the point, it's just a point blank stupid argument to try and make.

ball not man Martin
May 26, 2010
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Walsh thinks Froome is an incredible athlete but wonders can he keep it up?

He thinks physically he cant do it for much longer????

Surely talent and ability is there for ever ( barring accidents).....
martinvickers said:
Ok, Netserk, you explain to lil' ol' me how some one could "apply septic".

I wait to be enthralled.
............So and Irishman ( i think,could be english) and a dane walks into the clinic....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... and they involve thehog when he wasn't even involved in the discussion.


Oct 15, 2012
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Netserk said:
What other word was in that post I quoted?

Ah. Given incisive is an adjective, not a noun, I couldn't see how it could be 'that'.

But fair dues to you for explaining.

Still not sure I see the Hedgehog reference. Nor to be honest, where the 'incisiveness' is missing.

I think you and I have a philosophical disagreement on amorality, as a distinct moral position. In this context I believe an amoral position on doping isn't coherent. But we can disagree cordially. If I have treated you discordially, I apologise.

Sceptic was being a (insert banned word here), and bringing YET AGAIN his own nationality fixations into conversations. No apologies are necessary to him.