Watch "Vingegaard" on Streamable.
Vingegaard's answer to the last question (regarding the sporting aspect of his victory), verbatim:
"Ja, men øh, jeg tror i dag var - jeg vil nærmest sige jeg var tilbage på mit Tour de France-niveau, og øh hvis ikke bedre, øh ja. Jeg var flyvende til sidst, og selvfølgelig er jeg virkelig glad for min sejr i dag, men øh der er noget jeg er endnu mere glad for lige nu."
I think today I was at my Tour de France level, if not even better. I was flying in the end, and of course I'm really happy about the victory, but there's something that makes me even happier right now." [He's happier that Van Hooydonck is well]
He's only getting stronger! Just imaging how frightening he will be when he rides all three GTs in the same season to build moar base.