Basically, Gregoire did a smart attack and was super strong while Uijtdebroeks and Martinez looked at each other. Gregoire had a teammate in front who pulled a bit for him when he came across but other than that he was really, really good today. Behind the two looked at each other and Martinez didn't want to do all the work alone only to be jumped by Uijtdebroeks, while Uijtdebroeks attack but couldn't shake Martinez. Thats until the last climb when everything was too late for them and Martinez was freezing (rain and a bit cold weather) and finally dropped by Uitjdebroeks. Martinez also said afterwards that Uitjdebroeks didn't believe him that he was dead and thought that Martinez wanted him to do all the work.Does anyone know how it unfolded today?
It looks like it was a dominant performance by Grégoire, but that might be the whole story.
So yeah, basically a combination of Gregoire being really good and those two playing around. How much each of those contributed is anyones guess.