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Leadville is a Scam

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Jul 14, 2009
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euphrades said:
That is exactly the reason I started this thread. I am not going to learn anything new in two days that I haven't learned in 18 years of cycling that would make me finish Leadville. I know what needs to be done. Not to mention the camp is roughly 1 month before Leadville. If you aren't ready by then, then there isn't much you will gain those two days in terms of fitness or form.

I agree 100%. I also think that nobody should be able to sign up for a 100 mile race (vs fun ride) without some type of qualification. Minimum finish time at a few lesser races. Racing is racing and finishing is something else. 100 miles off road will bury anybody,even guys who are prepared are toast after finishing. There is no 1 month training time line that will put you on form for 100 mile race. It sounds like lots of people want this type of race to be an off road MS150, a dirty feel good kind of funride race. There are only a few hundred people on the planet that should be "racing" 100 miles off or on roads. Finishing in 150%+ plus of the winners time means the race promoter took money from *turds. At the start of MT bike racing they told you"you can get a expert license,but you can never downgrade,do a couple of races as a Sport class and see how you do,if you are an expert you will be there in 3 weeks". I see the camp thing as like a fantasy baseball thing where fat rich guys get to rub elbows with lance and company without any serious thought going in to their race result.Given your 18 years on the bike Carmicheal's" Time Crunch, you can be good with 6 hours a weeks" as total BS. The guy paying 1000's for "coaching" and entry in a race that's way over his head owns multiple copies that he is viewing on his Kindle.
Feb 4, 2010
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If you don't want to race LEadville, don't enter. If you don't want to spend big bucks on CC training camp, don't enter. Some people will have the ways and means to enter via CC. It's their money to do what they please with.
If you think Leadville is too wimpy, there are other races like the Breck 100 that are poorly attended, mostly because they are so damn hard. Mostly though, this thread seems to have turned into the typical high horse "I'm purer than you, I hate LA more than you/LA is on a crusade to destroy cycling" thread.

The bottom line is demand exceeds supply for Leadville entries. As much disdain as some of you guys posting seem to have for the race there are a couple thousand or so people who enjoy the experience enough to pay money into a lottery with no refunds on the lottery fee if they don't get in. That's how a market system works.

Probably most of those people who get in are undertaking something on a bicycle that is incredibly challenging for them, probably the hardest thing they've ever done in their life and they have a ball doing it. And here some of you guys are so above the "Yuppie outdoor experience". Although I'll tend to agree that the Leadville course isn't the greatest MTB course out there, but that's one of the things that makes it so accessible to so many people and personally, I think that's a great thing.
Feb 12, 2010
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9000ft said:
If you don't want to race LEadville, don't enter. If you don't want to spend big bucks on CC training camp, don't enter. Some people will have the ways and means to enter via CC. It's their money to do what they please with.
If you think Leadville is too wimpy, there are other races like the Breck 100 that are poorly attended, mostly because they are so damn hard. Mostly though, this thread seems to have turned into the typical high horse "I'm purer than you, I hate LA more than you/LA is on a crusade to destroy cycling" thread.

The bottom line is demand exceeds supply for Leadville entries. As much disdain as some of you guys posting seem to have for the race there are a couple thousand or so people who enjoy the experience enough to pay money into a lottery with no refunds on the lottery fee if they don't get in. That's how a market system works.

Probably most of those people who get in are undertaking something on a bicycle that is incredibly challenging for them, probably the hardest thing they've ever done in their life and they have a ball doing it. And here some of you guys are so above the "Yuppie outdoor experience". Although I'll tend to agree that the Leadville course isn't the greatest MTB course out there, but that's one of the things that makes it so accessible to so many people and personally, I think that's a great thing.

So your saying 1 Ball gets you in the race right??
9000ft said:
If you don't want to race LEadville, don't enter. If you don't want to spend big bucks on CC training camp, don't enter. Some people will have the ways and means to enter via CC. It's their money to do what they please with.
If you think Leadville is too wimpy, there are other races like the Breck 100 that are poorly attended, mostly because they are so damn hard. Mostly though, this thread seems to have turned into the typical high horse "I'm purer than you, I hate LA more than you/LA is on a crusade to destroy cycling" thread.

The bottom line is demand exceeds supply for Leadville entries. As much disdain as some of you guys posting seem to have for the race there are a couple thousand or so people who enjoy the experience enough to pay money into a lottery with no refunds on the lottery fee if they don't get in. That's how a market system works.

Probably most of those people who get in are undertaking something on a bicycle that is incredibly challenging for them, probably the hardest thing they've ever done in their life and they have a ball doing it. And here some of you guys are so above the "Yuppie outdoor experience". Although I'll tend to agree that the Leadville course isn't the greatest MTB course out there, but that's one of the things that makes it so accessible to so many people and personally, I think that's a great thing.

Yes all promotors should strive to make their races more accessible to people who don't ride very good but have boatloads of cash to get into the race.
Much better business plan, really.
Aug 13, 2009
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Hugh Januss said:
Yes all promotors should strive to make their races more accessible to people who don't ride very good but have boatloads of cash to get into the race.
Much better business plan, really.

Isn't that what Triathlons were invented for?
Feb 4, 2010
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Hugh Januss said:
Yes all promotors should strive to make their races more accessible to people who don't ride very good but have boatloads of cash to get into the race.
Much better business plan, really.

So for one: How do you know how someone who you nothing about, whether they have boatloads of money or not, rides? What do you know about whoever might take advantage of the CC camp deal and who are you to judge them?

Two, Lots of races have field limits and lottery's. The race reaches it's limit and beyond so obviously, lots of folks, the vast majority of the entrants, don't feel the the race is financially exclusive. I suppose one way to deal with the issue is price according to the market rather than mess around with a lottery. How would you feel about that?
9000ft said:
So for one: How do you know how someone who you nothing about, whether they have boatloads of money or not, rides? What do you know about whoever might take advantage of the CC camp deal and who are you to judge them?

Two, Lots of races have field limits and lottery's. The race reaches it's limit and beyond so obviously, lots of folks, the vast majority of the entrants, don't feel the the race is financially exclusive. I suppose one way to deal with the issue is price according to the market rather than mess around with a lottery. How would you feel about that?

I know because you told me when you explained about the easy course, remember?
I have no problem if they have a field limit and use a lottery system to fill it. If they decided to just open the whole entry to the highest bidders I'd be OK with that too. What I have a problem with is the extra entries that magically become available if someone chooses to line the pockets of CC.
euphrades said:
I wanted to do this race/ride to just say i did it. I like challenging rides and this looks like one of them and after my friend suggested it three years ago i figured i would try to get back in shape and motivated.

What was the price of entry before 2008? Just curious. Would anyone know?


Aug 17, 2009
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Hey guys: ride your phucking bikes. Sponsor some races. Quit whining you phucking dickless cry babies.

PS: Get a job

PSS: Get a phucking life you wimps!

Anyone who wants to sponsor a new PRO clean team is excepted from the above commentary.
flicker said:
Hey guys: ride your phucking bikes. Sponsor some races. Quit whining you phucking dickless cry babies.

PS: Get a job

PSS: Get a phucking life you wimps!

Anyone who wants to sponsor a new PRO clean team is excepted from the above commentary.

Thank you for that insightful post.

P.S. You are a loser.
P.P.S. Do you even know what the letters PS stand for? Apparently not because you wrote PSS which would be 'post script script' rather than PPS which would mean 'post post script'.
A third addition after the main body of the message would then be a 'post post post script' as in:
P.P.P.S. You're a moron as well.


Aug 17, 2009
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Hugh Januss said:
Thank you for that insightful post.

P.S. You are a loser.
P.P.S. Do you even know what the letters PS stand for? Apparently not because you wrote PSS which would be 'post script script' rather than PPS which would mean 'post post script'.
A third addition after the main body of the message would then be a 'post post post script' as in:
P.P.P.S. You're a moron as well.

Sorry stinkfinger. If you do not like the way they run Leadville. create your own "epic" ciento miler. Otherwise do not clutter valuable cyberspace.

Ride your bike. If you don't have one I will let you ride one of mine. Bless you my son.
flicker said:
Sorry stinkfinger. If you do not like the way they run Leadville. create your own "epic" ciento miler. Otherwise do not clutter valuable cyberspace.

Ride your bike. If you don't have one I will let you ride one of mine. Bless you my son.

I have plenty of bikes, I own a bike store. As far as cluttering the internet, I bow to the master.
You always seem to think that you should be encouraging everyone else to ride their bike, do you ride yours? I'm guessing that you are relatively new to this bike riding thing, certainly post 1999. That is great that you have a new hobby, but don't try to come off like you have some sort of deep experience that anyone should acknowledge. It is obvious that you don't.

P.S. If you have been involved for longer than that, I appologise for underestimating your experience, but in that case it is really time you got a clue.


Aug 17, 2009
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Hey Fausto,

I rode Nevada City in the 70s. My friend Fred Fiske won it. I carpooled up with Gary
Fischer. He took 2nd. I dropped out. We were riding clunkers up Tam. Some had deralliuers on their clunkers'.

I was riding a Bianchi Speciallissama with a chrome plated bronze derrallieur.

53by 46 gearing. Heavy Columbus tubing. in the 70s. Stiff.

You know stink and ilk of stinkfinger, if you want to ride leadville you make the sacrifice to do it. Its like if I really wanted to see a concert or a sporting event I would pay a scalper. Why not?
If you want to ride meet me up on Kings Ridge the day before the Santa Rosa.stage TOC.e mail me.Hope your bike shop flourishes. I would patronise you but I am up in NOR Cal. Leadville means mierda to me.


Aug 17, 2009
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yeah it was Karsapov or Gary Fisher. Designer of the mountain bike eh? Choke.

Dude I can tell you some Gary Fisher stories. But what happens in Marin stays in Marin.

Seriously, sorry I was so rude.

Here is a tip. Cross Teton pass. (Wyoming/Utah. The first town you hit i Utah has a used backpacking store. They can hook you up on the MTB races. I was in Jackson Hole Wyoming and they were having epic 3 day MTB near races there.
I hiked there and I would see women trail running 12 miles.
The Grand Tetons. August. Also epic high altitude group training rides. Friendly cycling folk. Not newbies.
Jul 17, 2009
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Hugh Januss said:
Thank you for that insightful post.

P.S. You are a loser.
P.P.S. Do you even know what the letters PS stand for? Apparently not because you wrote PSS which would be 'post script script' rather than PPS which would mean 'post post script'.
A third addition after the main body of the message would then be a 'post post post script' as in:
P.P.P.S. You're a moron as well.

P.P.P.P.S. He paid for a week at CTS and rides in the Jersey...


Aug 17, 2009
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BroDeal said:
Let's hear it for Carmichael's latest scam. Ten people pay $10K each to train for La Ruta with him. For that price the package had better include unlimited extract of cortisone injections.

Where does he find these suckers?

You don't get it bro-D. There is a sucker born every minute. Even in this topsy turvey economy their are dollars and pesos to be made.
Mar 13, 2009
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flicker said:
Hey Fausto,

I rode Nevada City in the 70s. My friend Fred Fiske won it. I carpooled up with Gary
Fischer. He took 2nd. I dropped out. We were riding clunkers up Tam. Some had deralliuers on their clunkers'.

I was riding a Bianchi Speciallissama with a chrome plated bronze derrallieur.

53by 46 gearing. Heavy Columbus tubing. in the 70s. Stiff.

You know stink and ilk of stinkfinger, if you want to ride leadville you make the sacrifice to do it. Its like if I really wanted to see a concert or a sporting event I would pay a scalper. Why not?
If you want to ride meet me up on Kings Ridge the day before the Santa Rosa.stage TOC.e mail me.Hope your bike shop flourishes. I would patronise you but I am up in NOR Cal. Leadville means mierda to me.

exactly what we are looking at.
flicker said:
You don't get it bro-D. There is a sucker born every minute. Even in this topsy turvey economy their are dollars and pesos to be made.

No, I get it. I am just wondering where I can get my hands on Carmichael's list of suckers. I will turn around and sell the list to a Ponzi scammer for a fat fee.

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