scribe said:
Now Trek hired the PR firm?
Euro distributors ignored might be a good place to start. Interested to see this.
Reduction in marketing budget, etc? Once Trek were committed to leaving the LeMond brand in 2004, it stands to reason they would just drop the budgeting down to the minimums so long as LeMond Cycling insisted on the terms of the original agreement.
You might want to read some of the court documents as some of the more aggressive initial disputes were over Lemond's Legal team asking for the internal communication between Trek and Public Strategies.
Trek used PS to develop the Powerpoint presentation that Trek presented to Trek Employee's and the Media. There are many Trek employee's who like Greg personally, and dislike Lance personally. Gathering all of your employees and assorted media into a presentation hall is a good way of insuring all of them toe the company line.
Armstrong threaten Greg saying "I will find 10 people who say you used EPO" Not long there after many of Greg's former teammates were contacted looking for dirt. Some were offered significant sums of money to invent a story. None took the offer.
There was a reason Armstrong's press people sat Greg in the front of the room at the Catlin press conference. It was no surprise that shortly after the Press Conference Public Strategies had talking points out the clueless US media. It was also no surprise that most internet cycling forums suddenly had new members who talked the same Anti-Lemond talking points. One of these forums suddenly banned 15-20 of the more intelligent Pro Lemond should be no surprise that one of the mods on the forum was also a mod for The Paceline forums. It also should be no surprise that one of the more active and vocal of of the Anti-Lemond was outed to be this guy Armstrong's Chiropractor who tells everyone he is a surgeon. His office is only a few blocks away from PS
Of course it should be no surprise to anyone that Public Strategies shares office space with CSE, Armstrong's brand (Myth) building company.