I know who is Sven Nys obviously but I don't watch junior and u23s racing , especially not in CX, so don't know a lot of very young talents that are getting hyped. I guess that's why I don't know him, I also didn't realise he was sven nys son, Nys has to be common name in Belgium right?Indeed the son of Sven Nys, who is a cyclocross legend.
Thibau himself just became U23 world champion CX, and took the rainbows as a junior as well. Two years ago, with zero international experience whatsoever, he became European champion U23 on the road, beating Baroncini and Ayuso. In Italy, no less. The fact that you didn't hear of him before honestly surprises me.
But yeah obvious also I'm not Belgian so don't read the Belgian press, and people were in the last 2 months talking about this Nys on trek like he was a celebrity that I should know, but I was clueless Thanks for answer . Shame I can't be born into such talent