durianrider said:
Watch this Elapid and tell me what you think after 56mins...
OK, I've watched it. What's the point? Are you trying to justify your vegan diet or trying to settle the disagreement we are having over the effects of a high protein diet on weight loss (or diets high in processed, highly refined carbohydrates)?
This video talks about vegan v vegeterian v meat diets, but the meat diets are not high in protein because most of what is quoted is fast foods which contain a high proprotion of highly processed and refined carbohydrates. When Dr. Greger quotes higher levels of IGF-1 and inflammation with meat diets, he ignores the facts that the higher levels of IGF-1 and inflammation are because of the highly processed and refined carbohydrates eaten with these meats. When Dr. Greger talks about weight gain per calories consumed (which is the opposite to your "calories in-calories out" theory), he again is talking about a meat diet consumed with highly processed and refined carbohydrates because a high protein diet avoiding the consumption of highly processed and refined carbohydrates has very low weight gain per calories consumed. Some of the information presented was wrong (meat and colon cancer consumption), some was deliberately alarmist (bacteria in meat) and others preyed on the audience's ignorance (cholestreol and heart disease; in vitro effects of blood on cancer cells), and all did Dr. Greger no services. He also did not mention negative studies, such as that vegan diets increase the risk of tuberculosis.
I have no problem with you or anyone else being vegan. I have a problem with people misrepresenting what is known and not known about diets (or anything else) to suit their own purposes or agenda. Unfortunately, I think you have an agenda and the evidence you use to support your agenda is myopic, not well researched and misleading for those that bother to listen to you.
Again, veganism obviously works for you and your girlfriend. Go for it. But a high protein diet (or alternatively a diet low in highly refined carbohydrates) also works for many people (and for many of the same reasons as a vegan diet). So you can get off your soapbox and learn to be a little less ignorant and little more tolerant.